TFSA Publications - by category


  1. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, M. Brajović, B. Scalzo-Dees, S. Li, and A.G. Constantinides, Data Analytics on Graphs. NOW publishers, February 2021, ISBN-13 : 978-1680839821
  2. LJ. Stanković, and E. Sejdić, Vertex-Frequency Analysis of Graph Signals. Springer Nature, January 2019, ISBN 978-030-03573-0.
  3. B. Boashash (editor), K. Abed-Meraim, J. Ahmad, A. Aïssa-El-Bey, A. Akan, O. Akay, S. Ali, T. Alieva, M. Amin, S. Assous, F. Auger, S. Aviyente, M.A. Awal, G. Azemi, M. J. Bastiaans, R.G. Baraniuk, S. Barbarossa, B. Barkat, V. Barroso, A. Beghdadi, J. F. Böhme, A.-O. Boudraa, G.F. Boudreaux-Bartels, S. Carstens- Behrens, V. Chandran, E. Chassande -Mottin, P. Colditz, A. Djebbari, S. Djukanović, I. Djurović, S. Dong, A. El-Jaroudi, M.K. Emresoy, B.G. Ferguson, P. Flandrin, G.J. Frazer, D. Frunzaverde, L. Galleani, A. Gholami, H. Hassanpour, F. Hlawatsch, Z. M. Hussain, B.-G. Iem, R. Iordache, B.K. Jawad, G. Jones, D. L. Jones, V. Katkovnik, N. A. Khan, J. Lerga, A.R. Leyman, N. Linh-Trung, A.R. Lindsey, K.W. Lo, W. Mack Grady, S.L. Marple Jr., G. Matz, A. Mert, A. Napolitano, P.M. Oliveira, A. Omidvarnia, D.M. Onchis, P.J. O’Shea, S. Ouelha, J.M. O’Toole, A. Papandreou-Suppappola, E.J. Powers, G.R. Putland, L.J. Rankine, B. Ristic, F. Salzenstein, N. Saulig, A.M. Sayeed, E. Sejdić, A.Z. Sha’ameri, I. Shafi, S. I. Shah, Y.-J. Shin, M. Simeunović, S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, N.J. Stevenson, V. Sučić, S.B. Suppappola, G. Tauböck, S. Touati, M. Tsitsvero, A.J. van Leest, S. Ventosa, W.J. Williams, X.-G. Xia, P. Zarjam, Y. Zhang, and (contributors), Time-frequency signal analysis and processing: a comprehensive reference. Academic Press, Elsevier, B. Boashash (editor), 2016
  4. LJ. Stanković, Digital Signal Processing with Selected Topics. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, An Company, November 4, 2015
  5. S. Stanković, I. Orović, and E. Sejdić, Multimedia Signals and Systems: Basic and Advance Algorithms for Signal Processing,. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2015 ,
  6. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and T. Thayaparan, Time-Frequency Signal Analysis. Kindle edition, Amazon, May 7, 2014
  7. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and T. Thayaparan, Time-Frequency Signal Analysis with Applications. Artech House, Boston, March 2013
  8. S. Stanković, I. Orović, and E. Sejdić, Multimedia signals and systems. Springer - Verlag, 2012
  9. R. Stojanović, and V. N. Ivanović, Advances and Challenges in Embedded Computing. University of Montenegro, Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Montenegrin Association for New Technologies, ISBN: 978-9940-9436-0-8, IEEE Catalog Number 978-9940-9436-0-8, Podgorica, June 2012.
  10. E. Sejdić, I. Djurović, J. Jiang, and LJ. Stanković, Time-Frequency Based Feature Extraction and Classification. DM Verlag Dr. Muller, Dec. 2009.
[Top of the page]

Leading International Journals and Book Chapters

  1. Xuran Hu, M. Zhu, Z. Feng, and LJ. Stanković, “Manifold-based Shapley explanations for high dimensional correlated features,” Neural Networks, vol. 180, 2024, Available online 14 Aug. 2024,
  2. Dj. Stanković, A. Draganić, N. Lekić, C. Ioana, and I. Orović, “An Analog-Digital Hardware for Parzen-Based Nonparametric Probability Density Estimation,” IEEE Access (to be published), doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3446370
  3. Xuran Hu, M. Zhu, Z. Feng, and LJ. Stanković, “Re-perceive Global Vision of Transformer for Remote Sensing Images Weakly Supervised Object Localization,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, published online on 11 Sept. 2024, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2024.3459792
  4. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, C. Ioana, M. Daković, D. Mandic, and LJ. Stanković, “Matched Filtering on Directed Graphs,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 54, no. 9, pp. 5857-5861, Sept. 2024, doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2024.3407948
  5. F. Zarei, T. Yazdanpanah, A. Bagheri-Bardi, M. Daković, M. Brajović, and LJ. Stanković, “A Robust Eigenbasis Generation System for the Discrete Fourier Transform,” Digital Signal Processing, vol 155, 2024. Available online 20 August 2024,
  6. M. Zhu, Xuran Hu, Z. Feng, and LJ. Stanković, “Unveiling SAR target recognition networks: Adaptive Perturbation Interpretation for enhanced understanding,” Neurocomputing, Available online 6 July 2024,
  7. Z. Feng, H. Ji, M. Daković, X. Cui, M. Zhu, and LJ. Stanković, “Cluster-CAM: Cluster-Weighted Visual Interpretation of CNNs’ Decision in Image Classification,” Neural Networks, Available online 20 June 2024, Vol. 178, October 2024.
  8. A. Bagheri-Bardi, M. Daković, T. Yazdanpanah, and LJ. Stanković, “Eigenvalues of Symmetric Non-normalized Discrete Trigonometric Transforms,” Signal Processing, Volume 218, May 2024,
  9. H. J. Davies, G. Hammour, M. Zylinski, A. Nassibi, LJ. Stanković, and D. Mandic, “The Deep-Match Framework: R-Peak Detection in Ear-ECG,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, online 29 Jan,, 2024.
  10. A. Bagheri-Bardi, M. Daković, T. Yazdanpanah, F. Zarei, and LJ. Stanković, “The Schur Decomposition of Discrete Sine and Cosine Transformations of Type IV,” Digital Signal Processing, Volume 144, January 2024,
  11. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Beko, and S. Stanković, “Reconstruction of Signals with Sparse Representation in Optimally Dilated Hermite Basis,” Signal, Image and Video Processing, Vol. 17, pp. 2789-2797, 2023.
  12. Z. Feng, M. Daković, H. Ji, X. Zhou, M. Zhu, X. Cui, and LJ. Stanković, “Interpretation of Latent Codes in InfoGAN with SAR Images,” Remote Sensing, 15(5), 1254;, 2023.
  13. Z. Feng, H. Ji, M. Daković, M. Zhu, and LJ. Stanković, “Analytical interpretation of the gap of CNN’s cognition between SAR and optical target recognition,” Neural Networks, Volume 165, August 2023, Pages 982-986,
  14. A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, N. Lekić, and M. Beko, “Hardware architectures for some sparse signal recovery approaches,” Chapter in the Book "Cognitive Sensing Technologies and Applications" , Edited by G.R. Sinha, Bidyadhar Subudhi, Chih-Peng Fan, Humaira Nisar, IET, September 2023; Book DOI: 10.1049/PBCE135E, Chapter DOI: 10.1049/PBCE135E_ch2, ISBN: 9781839536892
  15. LJ. Stanković, and D. Mandic, “Convolutional Neural Networks Demystified: A Matched Filtering Perspective Based Tutorial,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 3614-3628, June 2023,
  16. Y. Wang, S. Djukanović, N. Sarma, and S. Djurović, “Implementation and performance evaluation of controller signal embedded sensorless speed estimation for wind turbine doubly fed induction generators,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 148, June 2023, 108968.
  17. L. Batisić, J. Lerga, and I. Stanković, “Detection of motor imagery based on short-term entropy of time–frequency representations,” BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 22, 41 (2023),
  18. Z. Feng, X. Cui, H. Ji, M. Zhu, and LJ. Stanković, “VS-CAM: Vertex Semantic Class Activation Mapping to Interpret Vision Graph Neural Network,” Neurocomputing, Volume 533, 7 May 2023, Pages 104-115.
  19. LJ. Stanković, and D. Mandic, “Understanding the Basis of Graph Convolutional Neural Networks via an Intuitive Matched Filtering Approach,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 155-165, March 2023,
  20. I. Djurović, and V. N. Ivanović, “The second­ order local polynomial Fourier transform as instantaneous frequency and chirp rate estimator,” Signal Processing, vol. 203, Feb. 2023, 108794,
  21. B. Scalzo-Dees, LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, A.G. Constantinides, and D. Mandic, “A class of doubly stochastic shift operators for random graph signals and their boundedness,” Neural Networks, online 13 November 2022,
  22. LJ. Stanković, “On the Sparsity Bound for the Existence of a Unique Solution in Compressive Sensing by the Gershgorin Theorem,” Signal Processing, Volume 190, 2022,
  23. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, J. Lerga, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Image denoising using RANSAC and compressive sensing,” Multimedia Tools and Applications,, 2022
  24. H. Bai, LJ. Stanković, and X. Li, “Construction of Unit Norm Tight Frames Inspired by The Paulsen Problem,” Digital Signal Processing, Volume 127, 2022, 103590, ISSN 1051-2004,
  25. M. Zhu, Z. Feng, LJ. Stanković, L. Ding, J. Fan, and X. Zhou, “A Probe-Feature for Specific Emitter Identification Using Axiom-based Grad-CAM,” Signal Processing, Volume 201, 2022, 108685, ISSN 0165-1684,
  26. I. Orović, S. Stanković, and M. Beko, “On the Use of Gini Coefficient for Measuring Time-Frequency Distribution Concentration and Parameters Selection,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022(4), DOI:10.1155/2022/7731309,
  27. N. Radović, V. N. Ivanović, I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, and E. Sejdić, “A Step Toward Real-Time Time–Frequency Analyses with Varying Time–Frequency Resolutions: Hardware Implementation of an Adaptive S-transform,” Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, October 2022, Print ISSN 0278-081X, Electronic ISSN: 1531-5878,
  28. M. Lakičević Žarić, A. Draganić, I. Orović, M. Beko, and S. Stanković, “Combining Gradient-Based and Thresholding Methods for Improved Signal Reconstruction Performance,” Journal of Signal Processing Systems, June 2022,
  29. Z. Feng, H. Ji, LJ. Stanković, J. Fan, and M. Zhu, “SC-SM CAM: An Efficient Visual Interpretation of CNN for SAR Images Target Recognition,” Remote Sensing, Vol. 13, 4139. 2021,
  30. Z. Zhu, R. Ma, A. Draganić, I. Orović, X.Zhang, X. Wang, and J.Wang, “Postharvest quality monitoring and cold chain management of fresh garlic scapes based on a wireless multi-sensors system,” Journal of Food Process Engineering, Volume 45, Issue 1, January 2022, e13918e13918.
  31. N. Radović, V. Prelević, M. Erceg, and T. Antunović, “Machine learning approach in mortality rate prediction for hemodialysis patients,” Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 25, no. 1, January 2022, pp. 111–122, Print ISSN 1025-5842, Online ISSN 1476-8259, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2021.1937611.
  32. LJ. Stanković, J. Lerga, D. Mandic, M. Brajović, C. Richard, and M. Daković, “From Time-Frequency to Vertex-Frequency and Back,” Mathematics, 9, 1407., 2021.
  33. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, I. Stanković, J. Lerga, and M. Daković, “RANSAC-Based Signal Denoising Using Compressive Sensing,” Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, Vol. 40, pp. 3907–3928, 2021.
  34. I. Orović, S. Stanković, and M. Beko, “Multi-base compressive sensing procedure with application to ECG signal reconstruction,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, volume 2021, Article number: 18 (2021)
  35. A. Salkanovic, S. Ljubic, LJ. Stanković, and J. Lerga, “Analysis of Cryptography Algorithms Implemented in Android Mobile Application,” Information Technology and Control, Vol. 50, No. 4, 2021, pp. 786-807
  36. N. Radović, and M. Erceg, “Hardware implementation of the upper confidence-bound algorithm for reinforcement learning,” Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol. 96, Part B, December 2021, ID:107537, ISSN: 0045-7906, DOI: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2021.107537.
  37. J. Lerga, N. Saulig, LJ. Stanković, and D. Sersic, “Rule-Based EEG Classifier Utilizing Local Entropy of Time-Frequency Distributions,” Mathematics, Vol. 9, No. 4: 451. 2021,
  38. Z. Feng, M. Zhu, LJ. Stanković, and H. Ji, “Self-Matching CAM: A Novel Accurate Visual Explanation of CNNs for SAR Images Interpretation,” Remote Sensing, Vol. 13(9), 1772;, 2021.
  39. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, D. Mandic, I. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Improved Coherence Index-Based Bound in Compressive Sensing,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol 28, 2021,
  40. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, J. Lerga, C. Ioana, E. Zdravevski, and M. Daković, “Multivariate Decomposition of Acoustic Signals in Dispersive Channels,” Mathematics, 2021, Vol. 9, No. 21, 2796;
  41. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Beko, and S. Stanković, “Parameter Optimization of Orthogonal Discrete Hermite Transform Formed Using Eigenvectors of a Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrix,” Digital Signal Processing, Volume 117, October 2021, 103140, doi:
  42. S. Djukanović, J. Matas, and T. Virtanen, “Acoustic vehicle speed estimation from single sensor measurements,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 21, Issue 20, October 2021, pp. 23317-23324.
  43. LJ. Stanković, “The Support Uncertainty Principle and the Graph Rihaczek Distribution: Revisited and Improved,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, DOI: 10.1109/LSP.2020.3000686, Vol: 27, pp. 1030-1034, 2020.
  44. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, M. Brajović, B. Scalzo-Dees, and A.G. Constantinides, “Data Analytics on Graphs – Part I: Graphs and Spectra on Graphs,” Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, Vol. 13: No. 1, 2020, pp 1-157. (Artificial Intelligence Q1, ‎ SCImago Journal Rank SJR 5.12)
  45. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, M. Brajović, B. Scalzo-Dees, and A.G. Constantinides, “Data Analytics on Graphs Part II: Signals on Graphs,” Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, Vol. 13: No. 2-3, 2020, pp. 158-331. (Artificial Intelligence Q1, ‎ SCImago Journal Rank SJR 5.12)
  46. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, M. Brajović, B. Scalzo-Dees, S. Li, and A.G. Constantinides, “Data Analytics on Graphs - Part III: Machine Learning on Graphs, from Graph Topology to Applications,” Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, Vol. 13: No. 4, 2020, pp. 332-530. (Artificial Intelligence Q1, ‎ SCImago Journal Rank SJR 5.12)
  47. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, C. Ioana, and LJ. Stanković, “Bit-depth quantization and reconstruction error in images,” Signal, Image and Video Processing, Volume 14, Number 8, pp.1545-1553, 2020,
  48. B. Barkat, M. Ali, M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “A configuration with several linear subarrays for the joint estimation of the apparent velocity & direction of propagation of a seismic wave,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 184, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1-11.
  49. I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, and V. V. Lukin, “Estimating DOA and PPS parameters of signal received by ULA in heavy noise environment,” Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 71, no. 3, 2020, pp. 171–180.
  50. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “The DCT Domain Sparsity-Assisted Detection and Recovery of Impulsively Disturbed Samples,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, October, 2020, pp.1-14.
  51. N. Radović, V. N. Ivanović, I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Multi-core hardware realization of the QML PPS estimator,” IET Computers & Digital Techniques, vol. 14, no. 5, Sept. 2020, pp. 187–192, DOI: 10.1049/iet-cdt.2019.0114
  52. V. Popović-Bugarin, and S. Djukanović, “A Low Complexity Model Order and Frequency Estimation of Multiple 2-D Complex Sinusoids,” Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 104, September 2020,
  53. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, B. Scalzo-Dees, M. Brajović, E. Sejdić, and A.G. Constantinides, “Vertex-Frequency Graph Signal Processing: A Comprehensive Review,” Digital Signal Processing, Volume 102, August, 2020. 102802,
  54. M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Decomposition of Multichannel Multicomponent Nonstationary Signals by Combining the Eigenvectors of Autocorrelation Matrix Using Genetic Algorithm,” Digital Signal Processing, Volume 102, July 2020,
  55. M. Ignatoski, J. Lerga, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Comparison of Entropy and Dictionary Based Text Compression in English, German, French, Italian, Czech, Hungarian, Finnish, and Croatian,” Mathematics, Mathematics 2020, vol. 8, No. 7, 1059; DOI:
  56. S. Vujović, A. Draganić, M. Lakičević, I. Orović, M. Daković, M. Beko, and S. Stanković, “Sparse Analyzer Tool for Biomedical Signals,” Sensors, 20(9), 2602, doi: 10.3390/s20092602
  57. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Advanced superior execution time optimal time-frequency filter suitable for non-linear FM signals estimation,” Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 74, April 2020, pp. 1-11. published online 21. 02. 2020.,
  58. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, C. Ioana, and LJ. Stanković, “Quantization in Compressive Sensing: A Signal Processing Approach,” IEEE Access, Vol. 8, March 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2979935
  59. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and D. Mandic, “On the Decomposition of Multichannel Nonstationary Multicomponent Signals,” Signal Processing, Vol. 167, Feb. 2020, 107261, DOI:
  60. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, and I. Kisil, “Demystifying the Coherence Index in Compressive Sensing,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 37, issue 1, Jan. 2020.
  61. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “Reconstruction Error in Nonuniformly Sampled Approximately Sparse Signals,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol: 18, January 2020, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2020.2968137
  62. N. A. Khan, M. Mohammadi, and I. Stanković, “Sparse Reconstruction based on iterative TF domain filtering and Viterbi based IF estimation Algorithm,” Signal Processing, vol. 166, January 2020, DOI:
  63. N. Radović, I. Djurović, V. N. Ivanović, and M. Simeunović, “Hardware implementation of the quasi maximum likelihood estimator core for polynomial phase signals,” IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, vol. 13, no. 2, 2019, pp. 131-138.
  64. M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “A method for efficient maximization of PPS estimation functions,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 84, 2019, pp. 38-45.
  65. I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, and P. Raković, “Quasi maximum-likelihood estimator of PPS on the uniform linear array,” Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, vol. 38, no. 10, 2019, pp. 4874–4889.
  66. M. Ćalasan, D. Jovanović, V. Rubežić, S. Mujović, and S. Djukanović, “Estimation of Single-Diode and Two-Diode Solar Cell Parameters by Using a Chaotic Optimization Approach,” MDPI Energies, 2019, 12, 4209.
  67. I. Orović, N. Lekić, M. Beko, and S. Stanković, “An analog hardware solution for compressive sensing reconstruction using gradient-based method,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2019, Article number: 61 (2019)
  68. M. Simeunović, I. Djurović, and A. Pelinković, “Parametric estimation of 2D cubic phase signals using high-order Wigner distribution with genetic algorithm,” Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 30, no. 1, 2019, pp. 451-464.
  69. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, I. Kisil, E. Sejdić, and A.G. Constantinides, “Understanding the Basis of Graph Signal Processing via an Intuitive Example-Driven Approach,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol.36, issue 6, DOI 10.1109/MSP.2019.2929832, Nov. 2019, pp.133-145.
  70. LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Compressive Sensing Inspired Multivariate Median,” Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, DOI: 10.1007/s00034-018-0955-9, vol. 38, no. 5, 2019, pp. 2369-2379
  71. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and E. Sejdić, “Local Smoothness of Graph Signals,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2019, Article ID 3208569, 14 pages
  72. V. Popović-Bugarin, and S. Djukanović, “Efficient instantaneous frequency estimation in high noise based on the Wigner distribution,” Signal Processing, vol. 157, pp. 25-29, April 2019.
  73. LJ. Stanković, E. Sejdić, S. Stanković, M. Daković, and I. Orović, “A Tutorial on Sparse Signal Reconstruction and its Applications in Signal Processing,” Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, (2019) vol. 38, pp.1206–1263, DOI 10.1007/s00034-018-0909-2.
  74. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and E. Sejdić, “Introduction to Graph Signal Processing,” in Vertex-Frequency Analysis of Graph Signals, Springer Nature, January 2019, ISBN 978-030-03573-0.
  75. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and E. Sejdić, “Vertex-Frequency Energy Distributions,” in Vertex-Frequency Analysis of Graph Signals, Springer Nature, January 2019, ISBN 978-030-03573-0.
  76. I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Parameter estimation of 2D polynomial phase signals using non-uniform sampling and 2D CPF,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 12, no. 9, 2018, pp. 1140-1145.
  77. I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Review of the quasi maximum likelihood estimator for polynomial phase signals,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 72, 2018, pp. 59-74.
  78. I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Estimation of higher-order polynomial phase signals in impulsive noise,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 54, no. 4, 2018, pp. 1790-1798.
  79. I. Djurović, P Wang, M. Simeunović, and P. V. Orlik, “Parameter Estimation of Coupled Polynomial Phase and Sinusoidal FM Signals,” Signal Processing, vol. 149, 2018, pp. 1-13.
  80. S. Djukanović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Efficient and accurate detection and frequency estimation of multiple sinusoids,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 1118-1125, December 2018.
  81. I. Stanković, M. Daković, and C. Ioana, “Decomposition and Analysis of Signals Sparse in the Dual Polynomial Fourier Transform,” Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 63, pp. 209-215, November 2018.
  82. V. N. Ivanović, and N. Radović, “Superior Execution Time Design of a Space/Spatial-Frequency Optimal Filter for Highly Nonstationary Two-Dimensional FM Signal Estimation,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 65, issue 10, Oct. 2018, pp. 3376–3389. Print ISSN: 1549-8328, Online ISSN: 1558-0806, DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2018.2815723.
  83. N. Lekić, M. Lakičević, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Adaptive gradient-based analog hardware architecture for 2D under-sampled signals reconstruction,” Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 62, October 2018, Pages 72-78
  84. LJ. Stanković, E. Sejdić, and M. Daković, “Reduced Interference Vertex-Frequency Distributions,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol 25, no.9, Sept., 2018, pp. 1393-1397. DOI 10.1109/LSP.2018.2860250
  85. M. Brajović, S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Analysis of noisy coefficients in the discrete Hermite transform domain with application in signal denoising and sparse signal reconstruction,” Signal Processing, Vol. 150, pp. 145-156, September 2018, doi:
  86. LJ. Stanković, and M. Brajović, “Analysis of the Reconstruction of Sparse Signals in the DCT Domain Applied to Audio Signals,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 26, no.7, July 2018, pp.1216-1231, DOI: 10.1109/TASLP.2018.2819819
  87. B. Djurović, I. Djurović, A. Joksimović, V. Crnojević, S. Djukanović, and B. Pestorić, “Monitoring the eutrophication using Landsat 8 in the Boka Kotorska Bay,” Acta Adriatica, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 17-34, June 2018
  88. N. Lekić, Z. Mijanović, R. Dragović-Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Binary Weighted DAC with 2-ξ Resistor Ratio,” Radioengineering, vol.27, no.2, June, 2018.
  89. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Compressive Sensing of Sparse Signals in the Hermite Transform Basis,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 54, No. 2, April 2018, pp. 950 - 967, DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2017.2768938
  90. LJ. Stanković, E. Sejdić, and M. Daković, “Vertex-Frequency Energy Distributions,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol: 25, Issue: 3, March 2018, pp. 358 - 362 , DOI: 10.1109/LSP.2017.2764884
  91. I. Stanković, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Denoising of Sparse Images in Impulsive Disturbance Environment,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 77, no. 5, pp. 5885–5905, March 2018, DOI:
  92. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, C. Ioana, and LJ. Stanković, “Error in the Reconstruction of Nonsparse Images,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 4314527, 10 pages
  93. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, and M. Brajović, “Time-frequency decomposition of multivariate multicomponent signals,” Signal Processing, Volume 142, January 2018, pp. 468-479,
  94. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “On the reconstruction of nonsparse time-frequency signals with sparsity constraint from a reduced set of samples,” Signal Processing, vol. 142, January 2018, pp. 480-484, DOI:
  95. E. Sejdić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “A software companion for compressively sensed time–frequency processing of sparse nonstationary signals,” SoftwareX, in press, Available online 15 September 2017.
  96. I. Volaric, V. Sučić, and S. Stanković, “A Data Driven Compressive Sensing Approach for Time-Frequency Signal Enhancement,” Signal Processing, accepted for publication, 2017
  97. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, I. Stanković, and S. Vujović, “On the Errors in Randomly Sampled Nonsparse Signals Reconstructed with a Sparsity Assumption ,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol: 14, Issue: 12, Dec. 2017, pp. 2453 - 2456 , DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2017.2768664
  98. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “On some common compressive sensing recovery algorithms and applications - Review paper,” Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol 30, No 4 (2017), pp. 477-510, DOI Number 10.2298/FUEE1704477D, December 2017
  99. P. Raković, M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “On improvement of joint estimation of DOA and PPS coefficients impinging on ULA,” Signal Processing, vol. 134, 2017, pp. 209-213.
  100. E. Sejdić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Compressive sensing meets time-frequency: An overview of recent advances in time-frequency processing of sparse signals,” Digital Signal Processing, in press, 2017
  101. I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, and P Wang, “Cubic phase function: a simple solution to polynomial phase signal analysis,” Signal Processing, vol. 135, 2017, pp. 48-66.
  102. I. Djurović, V. Popović-Bugarin, and M. Simeunović, “The STFT-based estimator of micro-Doppler parameters,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 53, no. 3, 2017, pp. 1273-1283.
  103. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and S. Vujović, “Reconstruction of Sparse Signals in Impulsive Disturbance Environments,” Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 767-94. 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s00034-016-0334-3
  104. N. Radović, “Trends in the Evolution of Voice Services: A Comprehensive Survey,” Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 97, no. 2, Nov. 2017, pp 3141–3148, DOI 10.1007/s11277-017-4666-5
  105. R. Vojinović, and M. Daković, “Optimization of adaptive three-mode GBN scheme control parameters,” Radioengineering, Vol. 26, No. 2, September 2017.
  106. M. Brajović, V. Popović-Bugarin, I. Djurović, and S. Djukanović, “Post-processing of time-frequency representations in instantaneous frequency estimation based on ant colony optimization,” Signal Processing, Vol. 138, September 2017, pp. 195–210, doi:
  107. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and I. Stanković, “Compressive Sensing Methods for Reconstruction of Big Sparse Signals,” in “Biomedical Signal Processing in Big Data”, E. Sejdic ed., CRC Press, 2017.
  108. T. Popović, N. Latinović, A. Pešić, Ž. Zečević, B. Krstajić, and S. Djukanović, “Architecting an IoT-enabled platform for precision agriculture and ecological monitoring: A case study,” Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 140, August 2017, pp. 255–265.
  109. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and E. Sejdić, “Vertex-Frequency Analysis: A Way to Localize Graph Spectral Components,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol.34, No. 4, July 2017, pp. 176-182
  110. A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, X. Li, and Z. Wang, “An approach to classification and under-sampling of the interfering wireless signals,” Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 51, June 2017, Pages 106–113,
  111. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Sparse Signal Reconstruction - Introduction ,” Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, May 2017, DOI: 10.1002/047134608X.W8350
  112. B. Lutovac, M. Daković, S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Watermark Detection in Impulsive Noise Environment Based on the Compressive Sensing Reconstruction,” Radioengineering, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 309-315, DOI: 10.13164/re.2017.0309, ISSN: 1805-9600
  113. S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “An Approach to 2D Signals Recovering in Compressive Sensing Context,” Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, April 2017, Volume 36, Issue 4, pp. 1700–1713
  114. S. Mujović, S. Djukanović, and V. Katić, “Simultaneous Operation of Personal Computers and Mathematical Assessment of Their Harmonic Impact on the Grid,” Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications, Springer International Publishing, Vol. 3, pp. 57-79, 2017.
  115. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “On the Parameterization of Hermite Transform with Application to the Compression of QRS Complexes,” Signal Processing, Vol. 131, pp. 113-119, February 2017, doi:
  116. N. Bulatović, N. Žarić, S. Djukanović, I. Radusinović, and M. Pejanović-Djurišić, “An example of human-centric sensor network: Be responsible platform,” Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 92, Issue 1, pp 237–250, January 2017
  117. S. Stanković, I. Orović, and LJ. Stanković, “Polynomial Fourier Domain as a Domain of Signal Sparsity,” Signal Processing, Vol. 130, Jan. 2017, pp. 243–253.
  118. I. Orović, V. Papić, C. Ioana, X. Li, and S. Stanković, “Compressive Sensing in Signal Processing: Algorithms and Transform Domain Formulations,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Review paper, 2016
  119. N. Saulig, I. Orović, and V. Sučić, “Optimization of Quadratic Time-Frequency Distributions Using the Local Renyi Entropy Information,” Signal Processing, Volume 129, December 2016, Pages 17–24
  120. LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “On a Gradient-Based Algorithm for Sparse Signal Reconstruction in the Signal/Measurements Domain,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2016, Article ID 6212674, 11 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/6212674.
  121. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Gradient-based signal reconstruction algorithm in the Hermite transform domain,” Electronics Letters, Volume 52, Issue 1, pp.41-43, 2016, DOI:
  122. LJ. Stanković, I. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Nonsparsity Influence on the ISAR Recovery from Reduced Data,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 52, Issue: 6, Dec. 2016, pp. 3065 - 3070, DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2016.160312
  123. B. Lutovac, M. Daković, S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “An Algorithm for Robust Image Watermarking based on the DCT and Zernike Moments,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, doi: 10.1007/s11042-016-4127-2
  124. S. Stanković, V. Papić, X. Li, and C. Ioana, “Algorithms for Compressive Sensing Signal Reconstruction with Applications,” Mathematical problems in engineering, Editorial on Special issue
  125. J. Musić, I. Orović, T. Marasović, V. Papić, and S. Stanković, “Gradient Compressive Sensing for Image Data Reduction in UAV based Search and Rescue in the Wild,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 6827414, 14 pages, November 2016,
  126. R. A. Kozhemiakin, V. V. Lukin, S. K. Abramov, M. Simeunović, B. Djurović, and I. Djurović, “An approach to prediction and providing of compression ratio for DCT-based coder applied to multichannel remote sensing data,” Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, vol. 75, no. 14, November 2016, pp. pages 1255-1269.
  127. J. Musić, T. Marasović, V. Papić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Performance of compressive sensing image reconstruction for search and rescue,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Volume: 13, Issue: 11, pp. 1739 - 1743, Nov. 2016, DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2016.2606767
  128. K. Tshiloz, D.S. Vilchis-Rodriguez, S. Djukanović, N. Sarma, and S. Djurović, “Sensorless speed estimation in wound rotor induction machines by spectral search of the stator phase power signal,” IET Electric Power Applications, Volume 10, Issue 6, July 2016, pp. 581–592.
  129. S. Djukanović, “An accurate method for frequency estimation of a real sinusoid,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 23, No 7, pp. 915–918, July 2016.
  130. I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Resolving aliasing effect in the QML estimation of PPSs,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 53, no. 3, July 2016.
  131. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, and N. Radović, “Superior execution time design of optimal (Wiener) time-frequency filter,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 52, no.17, June 2016
  132. S. Mujović, S. Djukanović, V. Radulović, and V. Katić, “Multi-parameter mathematical model for determination of PC cluster total harmonic distortion input current,” COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 35, Issue: 1, pp. 305-325, 2016.
  133. LJ. Stanković, “On the STFT Inversion Redundancy,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 10.1109/TCSII.2015.2482438, Vo.63, No.3, March 2016, pp.284-288.
  134. M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “Parameter estimation of multi-component 2D polynomial-phase signals using the 2D PHAF-based approach,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, no. 3, February 2016, pp. 771-782.
  135. I. Orović, N. Lekić, and S. Stanković, “An Analogue-Digital Hardware for L-estimate Space-Varying Image Filtering,” Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 35, Issue 2, pp. 409–420, February 2016
  136. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, M. Daković, and I. Orović, “Separation and Reconstruction of the Rigid Body and Micro-Doppler Signal in ISAR Part I – Theory,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol.9, no.9, pp.1147-1154, 2015 doi: 10.1049/iet-rsn.2015.0096
  137. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, M. Daković, and I. Orović, “Separation and Reconstruction of the Rigid Body and Micro-Doppler Signal in ISAR Part II – Statistical Analaysis,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol.9, no.9, pp.1155-1161, 2015 doi: 10.1049/iet-rsn.2015.0137
  138. LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “On the Uniqueness of the Sparse Signals Reconstruction Based on the Missing Samples Variation Analysis,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2015, Article ID 629759, 14 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/629759
  139. V. N. Ivanović, and N. Radović, “Signal Adaptive Hardware Implementation of a System for Highly Nonstationary Two-Dimensional FM Signal Estimation,” AEUE – International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 69 (2015), pp.1854-1867.
  140. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Compressive sensing approach in the Hermite transform domain,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 286590, 9 pages
  141. N. Bešić, G. Vasile, J. P. Dedieu, J. Chanussot, and S. Stanković, “Stochastic Approach in Wet Snow Detection using Multitemporal SAR Data,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 244-248, 2015.
  142. N. Bešić, G. Vasile, J. Chanussot, and S. Stanković, “Polarimetric incoherent target decomposition by means of Independent Component Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 1236-1247, 2015.
  143. S. Stanković, “Time-Frequency Filtering of Speech Signals in Hands-Free Telephone Systems,” in 2nd Edition of the Monograph: Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing, ed. B. Boashash, Elsevier, 2015
  144. I. Orović, A. Draganić, and S. Stanković, “Sparse Time-Frequency Representation for Signals with Fast Varying Instantaneous Frequency,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation , Volume: 9, Issue: 9, pp. 1260 - 1267, Online ISSN 1751-8792, December 2015, DOI: 10.1049/iet-rsn.2015.0116
  145. LJ. Stanković, “Adaptive Instantaneous Frequency Estimation Using TFDs,” in Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing, ed. B. Boashash, Academic Press, Dec. 2015.
  146. LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of Noise in Time-Frequency Distributions,” in Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing, ed. B. Boashash, Academic Press, Dec. 2015.
  147. V. Katkovnik, I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Robust Time-Frequency Distributions,” in Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing,, ed. B. Boashash, Academic Press, Dec. 2015.
  148. LJ. Stanković, “Quadratic and Higher Order Time-Frequency Analysis Based on the STFT,” in Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing, ed. B. Boashash, Academic Press, Dec. 2015.
  149. LJ. Stanković, “Measuring Time-Frequency Distributions Concentration,” in Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing, ed. B. Boashash, Academic Press, Dec. 2015.
  150. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Sparse Signal Processing,” in the Book: Digital Signal Processing, L. Stankovic, CreateSpace, Amazon, 2015, pp 665-810
  151. LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Adaptive Systems,” Chapter in the Book: Digital Signal Processing, L. Stankovic, CreateSpace, Amazon, 2015, pp. 423-520
  152. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and T. Thayaparan, “Time-Frequency Analysis,” Chapter in the Book: Digital Signal Processing, L. Stankovic, CreateSpace, Amazon, 2015, pp. 521-664
  153. I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Combined HO-CPF and HO-WD PPS Estimator,” Signal, Image and Video Processing, vol. 9, no. 6, September 2015, pp. 1395-1400.
  154. S.Vujošević, S. Mujović, and M. Daković, “Analysis of Real Overvoltage Disturbances by Using Nonstationary Signal Processing Techniques,” Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol.15, no.3, pp.23-32, 2015, doi:10.4316/AECE.2015.03004
  155. LJ. Stanković, “On the ISAR Image Analysis and Recovery with Unavailable or Heavily Corrupted Data,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol.51, no.3, pp.2093-2106, July 2015 doi: 10.1109/TAES.2015.140413.
  156. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Inverse Radon Transform Based Micro-Doppler Analysis from a Reduced Set of Observations,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp.1155-1169, April 2015
  157. I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, and S. Djukanović, “Instantaneous frequency and polynomial phase parameter estimation using linear time-frequency representations,” in Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing: A Comprehensive Review, editor, B. Boashash, Elsevier, March 2015, pp. 615-622.
  158. A. Ahrabian, D. Looney, LJ. Stanković, and D. Mandic, “Synchrosqueezing-Based Time-Frequency Analysis of Multivariate Data,” Signal Processing, Volume 106, January 2015, Pages 331–341.
  159. I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Parameter estimation of non-uniform sampled polynomial-phase signals using the HOCPF-WD,” Signal Processing, vol. 106, January 2015, pp. 253-258.
  160. I. Orović, S. Stanković, and A. Draganić, “Time-Frequency Analysis and Singular Value Decomposition Applied to the Highly Multicomponent Musical Signals,” Acta Acustica United With Acustica, Vol. 100 (2014) 1
  161. I. Djurović, A. A. Zelensky, V. V. Lukin, A. A. Roenko, and M. Simeunović, “Robust discrete Fourier transform advantages and applications,” Physical Bases of Instrumentation, vol. 2014, no. 1.
  162. I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Improved Higher Order Robust Distributions based on Compressive Sensing Reconstruction,” IET Signal Processing, 2014
  163. LJ. Stanković, I. Djurović, S. Stanković, M. Simeunović, S. Djukanović, and M. Daković, “Instantaneous frequency in time–frequency analysis: Enhanced concepts and performance of estimation algorithms,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 35, December 2014, pp. 1-13.
  164. I. Orović, S. Stanković, and T. Thayaparan, “Time-Frequency Based Instantaneous Frequency Estimation of Sparse Signals from an Incomplete Set of Samples,” IET Signal Processing, Special issue on Compressive Sensing and Robust Transforms, 2014
  165. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Signal Decomposition of Micro-Doppler Signatures,” Radar Micro-Doppler Signatures: Processing and Applications, Ed. V. C. Chen, D. Tahmoush, and W. J. Miceli, IET, pp.273-327, 2014.
  166. N. Bešić, G. Vasile, A. Anghel, T. Petrut, C. Ioana, S. Stanković, A. Girard, and G. d'Urso, “Zernike Ultrasonic Tomography for Fluid Velocity Imaging based on Pipeline Intrusive Time-of-Flight Measurements,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol. 61, no. 11, 2014.
  167. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Simeunović, “Robust time-frequency representation based on the signal normalization and concentration measures,” Signal Processing, Volume 104, 2014, Pages 424-431
  168. S. Stanković, I. Orović, and LJ. Stanković, “An Automated Signal Reconstruction Method based on Analysis of Compressive Sensed Signals in Noisy Environment,” Signal Processing, vol. 104, Nov 2014, pp. 43 - 50, 2014
  169. LJ. Stanković, “Noises in Randomly Sampled Sparse Signals,” Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol 27, No 3, September 2014.
  170. M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “Non-uniform sampled cubic phase function,” Signal Processing, vol. 101, August 2014, pp. 99-103.
  171. I. Djurović, V. V. Lukin, M. Simeunović, and B. Barkat, “Quasi maximum likelihood estimator of polynomial phase signals for compressed sensed data,” AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 68, no. 7, July 2014, pp. 631-636.
  172. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and M. Daković, “From the STFT to the Wigner distribution,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 31, No. 3, May 2014, pp. 163-174 (supplementary material, 2020 IEEE SPS Signal Processing Magazine Best Column Award. ⭐️
  173. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and S. Vujović, “Adaptive Variable Step Algorithm for Missing Samples Recovery in Sparse Signals,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 246 -256, 2014. (arXiv:1309.5749v1).
  174. S. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, and V. Sučić, “Compressive Sensing and Robust Transforms, Editorial,” IET Signal Processing, Special issue on Compressive Sensing and Robust Transforms, May 2014,
  175. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and I. Orović, “A Relationship between the Robust Statistics Theory and Sparse Compressive Sensed Signals Reconstruction,” IET Signal Processing, 2014
  176. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Quasi-ML Estimator of Polynomial Phase Signals,” IET Signal Processing, doi: 10.1049/iet-spr. 2013.0104
  177. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “XWD-algorithm for the instantaneous frequency estimation revisited: Statistical analysis,” Signal Processing, vol. 94, 2014, pp. 642-649.
  178. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, I. Orović, and Y. Zhang, “Time-frequency Analysis of Micro-Doppler Signals Based on Compressive Sensing,” Compressive Sensing for Urban Radar, Ed. M. Amin,, CRC-Press, 2014.
  179. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and T. Thayaparan, “Non-stationary Signal Analysis: Time-Frequency Approach,” in Academic Press Library in Signal Processing, Elsevier-Oxford Press, Vol.3, 2014, pp. 27-142
  180. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and M. Amin, “Missing Samples Analysis in Signals for Applications to L-estimation and Compressive Sensing,” Signal Processing, vol. 94, Jan 2014, pp. 401-408, European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) Best Paper Award for 2017.⭐️
  181. I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “L-statistics based Space/Spatial-Frequency Filtering of 2D signals in heavy tailed noise,” Signal Processing, Volume 96, Part B, March 2014, Pages 190-202
  182. S. Mujović, S. Djukanović, V. Radulović, V. Katić, and M. Rašović, “Least squares modeling of voltage harmonic distortion due to PC cluster operation,” Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 133–138, 2013
  183. A. Bagheri-Bardi, M. Daković, T. Yazdanpanah, F. Zarei, F. Zarei, and LJ. Stanković, “The Schur Decomposition of Discrete Sine and Cosine Transformations of Type IV,” Digital Signal Processing, accepted, 2013.
  184. M. Simeunović, I. Djurović, and S. Djukanović, “A novel refinement technique for 2-D PPS parameter estimation,” Signal Processing, Volume 94, January 2014, Pages 251-254
  185. I. Orović, S. Stanković, and B. Jokanović, “A Suitable Hardware Realization for the Cohen Class Distributions,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, vol. PP, no.99, pp.1-5, avg. 2013
  186. LJ. Stanković, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and M. Amin, “Compressive Sensing Based Separation of Non-Stationary and Stationary Signals Overlapping in Time-Frequency,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 61, no. 18, pp. 4562 – 4572, Sept. 2013
  187. S. Stanković, I. Orović, and M. Amin, “L-statistics based Modification of Reconstruction Algorithms for Compressive Sensing in the Presence of Impulse Noise,” Signal Processing, vol.93, no.11, November 2013, pp. 2927-2931
  188. R. Stojanović, N. Lekić, and Z. Mijanović, “The simplest capacitive pad for microcontroller or FPGA,” Elektor Electronics, May 2013
  189. N. Žarić, S. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Hardware realization of the robust time-frequency distributions,” Annales des Telecommunications, May 2013
  190. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and T. Thayaparan, “A Real-Time Time-Frequency Based Instantaneous Frequency Estimator,” Signal Processing, Volume 93, Issue 5, May 2013, pp.1392-1397
  191. LJ. Stanković, V. Popović-Bugarin, and F. Radenović, “Genetic algorithm for rigid body reconstruction after micro-doppler removal in the radar imaging analysis,” Signal Processing, Volume 93, Issue 2013, Jan 2013.
  192. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Micro-Doppler Removal in the Radar Imaging Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 49, No. 2, April 2013, pp.1234-1250
  193. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, I. Orović, and M. Amin, “Robust Time-Frequency Analysis based on the L-estimation and Compressive Sensing,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 499-502
  194. N. Lekić, and Z. Mijanović, “One I/O line drives shift register with strobe,” EDN, March, 2013
  195. M. Ajab, I. A. Taj, I. Shafi, and S. Stanković, “A New Form of Gabor Wigner Transform by Adaptive Thresholding in Gabor Transform and Wigner distribution and the Power of Signal Synthesis Techniques to Enhance the Strength of GWT,” Metrology and Measurement Systems, Vol. XX(2013), No. 1, pp: 99-106
  196. S. Stanković, I. Orović, M. Chabert, and B. Mobasseri, “Image Watermarking based on the Space/Spatial-Frequency Analysis and Hermite Functions Expansion,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, 22(1), Jan-Mar 2013
  197. V. Rubežić, I. Djurović, and E. Sejdić, “A scaling exponent-based detector of chaos in oscillatory circuits,” Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, vol. 242, Jan. 2013, pp. 67-72
  198. I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, and B. Lutovac, “Are genetic algorithms useful for the parameter estimation of FM signals?,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 22, no. 6, December 2012, pp. 1137-1144
  199. S. Stanković, I. Orović, and V. Sučić, “Averaged Multiple L-Spectrogram for Analysis of Noisy Nonstationary Signals,” Signal Processing, 92(12): 3068-3074 (2012)
  200. S. Stanković, I. Orović, B. Mobasseri, and M. Chabert, “A Robust Procedure for Image Watermarking based on the Hermite Projection Method,” Automatika - Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, Nov. 2012
  201. Z. Miljanić, I. Djurović, and I. Vujošević, “Optimal placement of PMUs with limited number of channels,” Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 90, No. 9, September 2012, pp. 93-98
  202. I. Orović, M. Orlandić, and S. Stanković, “An Image Watermarking Based on the pdf Modeling and Quantization Effects in the Wavelet Domain,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, July 2012, pp. 1-17, doi:10.1007/s11042-012-1182-1
  203. I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, S. Djukanović, and P Wang, “A hybrid CPF-HAF estimation of polynomial-phase signals: Detailed statistical analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 60, no. 10, Oct. 2012, pp. 5010-5023
  204. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “STFT-based estimator of polynomial phase signals,” Signal Processing, Vol. 92, No. 2012, May 2012, pp. 2769-2774
  205. I. Djurović, S. Djukanović, and V. V. Lukin, “An algorithm for the fine estimation of polynomial-phase signals,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 48, no.4, Oct. 2012, pp. 3687-3693
  206. V. V. Lukin, S. K. Abramov, N. N. Ponomarenko, D. A. Kurkin, O. B. Pogrebnyak, K. O. Egiazarian, J. T. Astola, and I. Djurović, “Noise suppression at digital image processing by the method of local-adaptive discrete cosine filtration,” Methods of digital signal processing for solving applied problems, editor V. I. Marčuka, pp. 34-70, Moskva, Radiotehnika, 2012
  207. S. Djukanović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “A parametric method for multicomponent interference suppression in noise radars,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 2730–2738, July 2012
  208. I. Djurović, S. Djukanović, M. Simeunović, P. Raković, and B. Barkat, “An efficient joint estimation of wideband polynomial-phase signal parameters and direction-of-arrival in sensor array,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2012, no. 1, February 2012, pp. 43.
  209. S. Djukanović, and I. Djurović, “Aliasing detection and resolving in the estimation of polynomial-phase signal parameters,” Signal Processing, Vol. 92, No. 1, January 2012, pp. 235-239
  210. S. Jovanovski, and V. N. Ivanović, “Signal adaptive pipelined hardware design of time-varying optimal filter for highly nonstationary FM signal estimation,” Springer Verlag Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Volume 62, Issue 3 (2011), pp.287–300
  211. A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, A. V. Totsky, I. Djurović, and J. T. Astola, “Robust DFT-based signal processing for vegetation clutter suppression in ground surveilane Doppler radars,” Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Vol. 70, No. 18, 2011, pp. 1659-1672
  212. S. Djukanović, and I. Djurović, “Robust M-periodogram with dichotomous search,” Signal Processing, Vol. 91, No. 10, pp. 2410-2414, October 2011.
  213. M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “CPF-HAF estimator of polynomial phase signals,” Electronics Letters, vol. 47, no. 17, Aug. 2011, pp. 965-966.
  214. N. Žarić, N. Lekić, and S. Stanković, “An Implementation of the L-estimate Distributions for Analysis of Signals in Heavy-Tailed Noise,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Vol 58. No.7, pp. 427-432, July, 2011.
  215. E. Sejdić, I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Fractional Fourier transform as a signal processing tool: An overview of recent developments,” Signal Processing, Special issue on Fourier Related Transforms for Non-Stationary Signals, Vol. 91, No. 6, June 2011, pp. 1351-1369.
  216. G. Bi, A. M. Zoubir, and S. Stanković, “Fourier Related Transforms for Non-Stationary Signals,” Signal Processing, Editorial in special issue on Fourier Related Transforms for Non-Stationary Signals, Vol. 91, No. 6, Pages 3, June, 2011
  217. Z. Mijanović, and N. Lekić, “Drive 16 LEDs with one I/O line,” EDN, Issue: 11/2011, pp. 42-44, 9. June 2011
  218. I. Djurović, “Viterbi algorithm for chirp-rate and instantaneous frequency estimation,” Signal Processing, Vol. 91, No. 5, May 2011, pp.1308-1314.
  219. S. Djukanović, “Influence of interference on range estimation in noise radar systems,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 8, No. 3, May 2011, pp. 469 – 473.
  220. A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, and I. Djurović, “An overview of the adaptive robust DFT,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Special issue "Robust Processing of Nonstationary Signals", Vol. 2010, Article ID 595071, 17 pages, 2010. doi:10.1155/2010/595071.
  221. S. Stanković, “ Time-Frequency Analysis and its Application in Digital Watermarking,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Review paper in special issue on Time-Frequency Analysis and its Application to Multimedia signals, Vol. 2010, Article ID 579295, 20 pages, 2010
  222. S. Stanković, I. Orović, and A. Krylov, “Video Frames Reconstruction based on Time-Frequency Analysis and Hermite projection method,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Special Issue on Time-Frequency Analysis and its Application to Multimedia signals, Vol. 2010, Article ID 970105, 11 pages, 2010
  223. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, M. Rupp, and L. Shao, “Robust Processing of Nonstationary Signals,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Editorial in special issue "Robust Processing of Nonstationary Signals", Vol. 2010, Article IF 724746, 3 pages, doi: 10.1155/2010/724746.
  224. I. Orović, S. Stanković, and M. Amin, “ A New Approach for Classification of Human Gait Based on Time-Frequency Feature Representations,” Signal Processing, Vol. 91, No. 6, pp. 1448-1456, June 2011.
  225. X. Li, G. Bi, S. Stanković, and A. M. Zoubir, “Local polynomial Fourier transform: A review on recent developments and applications,” Signal Processing, Vol. 91, No. 6, pp. 1370-1393, June, 2011
  226. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and S. Jovanovski, “Real–time design of space/spatial–frequency optimal filter,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol.46, no.25, Dec.2010, pp.1696–1697.
  227. S. Djukanović, V. Popović-Bugarin, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “A parametric method for non-stationary interference suppression in direct sequence spread-spectrum systems,” Signal Processing, Vol. 91, No. 6, pp. 1425-1431, June 2011
  228. S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Time-Frequency based Speech Regions Characterization and Eigenvalue Decomposition Applied to Speech Watermarking,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Special Issue on Time-Frequency Analysis and its Application to Multimedia signals, Volume 2010, Issue Article ID 572748, Sept. 2010, Page(s) 10 pages
  229. I. Orović, M. Orlandić, S. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “A Virtual Instrument for Time-Frequency Analysis of Signals with Highly Non-Stationary Instantaneous Frequency,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements, Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 791 - 803, March 2011
  230. I. Djurović, P Wang, and C. Ioana, “Parameter Estimation of 2-D Polynomial Cubic Signals Using Cubic Phase Function with Genetic Algorithms,” Signal Processing, Vol. 90, No. 9, Sep. 2010, pp. 2698-2707.
  231. I. Djurović, C. Ioana, T. Thayaparan, LJ. Stanković, P Wang, V. Popović-Bugarin, and M. Simeunović, “Cubic-phase function evaluation for multicomponent signals with application to SAR imaging,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 4, no. 4, August 2010, pp. 371-381
  232. D. A. Kurkin, A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, and I. Djurović, “Analysis of meridian estimator performance for non-Gaussian PDF data samples,” Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Vol. 69, No. 8, 2010, pp. 669-679.
  233. I. Orović, S. Stanković, T. Chau, C. M. Steele, and E. Sejdić, “Time-frequency analysis and Hermite projection method applied to swallowing accelerometry signals,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2010, Article ID 323125, 7 pages, 2010.
  234. P Wang, H. Li, I. Djurović, and B. Himed, “Integrated cubic phase function for linear FM signal analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 46, No. 3, July 2010, pp. 963-977
  235. A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, and I. Djurović, “Two approaches to adaptation of sample myriad to characteristics of SaS distribution data,” Signal Processing, No. 7, July 2010, pp. 2113-2123.
  236. S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Time-Frequency Rate Distributions with Complex-lag Argument,” Electronics Letters, Vol. 46, No. 13, pp. 950 - 952, June 2010
  237. M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “Time-frequency based detection of fast manoeuvring targets,” IET Signal Processing, Vol. 4, No. 3, June 2010, pp. 287-297
  238. F. Totir, C. Ioana, A. Serbanescu, J. Stopin, L. Anton, and S. Stanković, “Systemic approach explored in the context of passive target tracking,” IET Signal Processing, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp: 314 - 323, June 2010.
  239. T. Thayaparan, LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Micro-Doppler parameter estimation from a fraction of the period,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 201-212, June 2010. doi: 10.1049/iet-spr.2009.0093, ISSN: 1751-9675
  240. N. Žarić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Robust Time-Frequency Distributions with Complex-lag Argument,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2010, Article ID 879874, 10 pages, 2010
  241. I. Djurović, P Wang, and C. Ioana, “Modification of the robust chirp-rate estimator for impulse noise environments,” Signal Processing, Vol. 90, No. 5, May 2010, pp. 1730-1736
  242. V. Popović-Bugarin, I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, and M. Daković, “Autofocusing of SAR images based on parameters estimated from the PHAF,” Signal Processing, Vol. 90, No. 5, May 2010, Pages 1382-1391
  243. Dj. Stojanović, I. Djurović, and B. Vojcic, “A multicarrier communications based on the affine Fourier transform in doubly-dispersive channels,” Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Volume 2010 (2010), Article ID 868314, 10 pages doi:10.1155/2010/868314.
  244. P Wang, H. Li, I. Djurović, and B. Himed, “Performance of Instantaneous Frequency Rate Estimation Using High-Order Phase Function,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 58, No. 4, Apr. 2010, pp. 2415-2421
  245. S. Stanković, I. Orović, N. Žarić, and C. Ioana, “Two Dimensional Time-Frequency Analysis based Eigenvalue Decomposition Applied to Image Watermarking,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol.49, No. 3, Sept. 2010., pp. 529-543.
  246. S. Stanković, S. Krishnan, B. Mobasseri, and Y. Zhang, “Time-Frequency Analysis and Its Applications to Multimedia Signals - Editorial,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Special issue on Time-Frequency Analysis and Its Applications to Multimedia Signals, Vol. 2010, Article ID 739017, Pages 3, March 2010
  247. S. Stanković, I. Orović, and N. Žarić, “An Application of Multidimensional Time-Frequency Analysis as a base for the Unified Watermarking Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 2010., pp.736-745
  248. E. Sejdić, and I. Djurović, “Robust S-transform based on the L-DFT,” Electronics Letters, Vol. 46, No. 5, 18.Feb 2010, pp. 304-306.
  249. S. Djukanović, M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “Method for nonstationary jammer suppression in noise radar systems,” IET Signal Processing, Vol. 4, No. 3, June 2010, Page(s) 305-313
  250. I. Orović, S. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “Multiwindow S-method for Instantaneous Frequency Estimation and its Application in Radar Signal Analysis,” IET Signal Processing, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp: 363-370, Jan. 2010,
  251. S. Stanković, I. Orović, and A. Krylov, “The Two-Dimensional Hermite S-method for High Resolution Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Applications,” IET Signal Processing, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp: 352-362, Jan. 2010.
  252. V. N. Ivanović, R. Stojanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Hardware implementation of a multidimensional signal analysis system,” in Advances in Numerical Methods (Nikos Mastorakis, John Sakellaris, eds.),, Lecture Notes Electrical Engineering, Springer Verlag, 2009, pp.335-346.
  253. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, V. Popović-Bugarin, M. Daković, and T. Thayaparan, “Time-frequency analysis for SAR and ISAR imaging,” in GeoSpatial Visual Analytics, Springer 2009, ISBN 978-90-481-2898-3, pp. 113-127
  254. N. Žarić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Hardware realization of generalized time-frequency distribution with complex-lag argument,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2009, Article ID 250794, 17 pages, 2009
  255. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Signal adaptive system for space/spatial–frequency analysis,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol.2009, pp.1-15.
  256. S. Djukanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Bit error probability approximation for short-time Fourier transform based nonstationary interference excision in DS-SS systems,” Signal Processing, Vol. 89, No. 11, Nov. 2009, pp. 2178-2184
  257. I. Djurović, C. Ioana, LJ. Stanković, and P Wang, “Adaptive algorithm for chirp-rate estimation,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2009, No. ID 727034, Nov. 2009, Page(s) 9 pages
  258. P Wang, H. Li, I. Djurović, and B. Himed, “Instantaneous frequency rate estimation for high-order polynomial phase signals,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 16, No. 9, Sept. 2009, pp. 782-285
  259. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Signal adaptive method for improved space/spatial–frequency representation,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol.45, no.19, Sept.2009, pp.1003–1005.
  260. A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, I. Djurović, and X. Zhengguang, “A Novel Clipping Technique For Filtering FM Signals Embedded In Intensive Noise,” Signal, Image and Video Processing, Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2009, pp. 157-170
  261. Dj. Stojanović, I. Djurović, and B. Vojcic, “Interference Analysis of Multicarrier Systems Based on Affine Fourier Transform,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 2009, pp. 2877-2880
  262. I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “A Class of Highly Concentrated Time-Frequency Distributions Based on the Ambiguity Domain Representation and Complex-Lag Moment,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2009, Article ID 935314, 9 pages
  263. S. Stanković, I. Orović, and C. Ioana, “Effects of Cauchy Integral Formula Discretization on the Precision of IF Estimation: Unified Approach to Complex-lag Distribution and its L-Form,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 16, No. 4, Apr. 2009, pp. 307-310.
  264. E. Sejdić, I. Djurović, and J. Jiang, “Time-frequency feature representation using energy concentration: An overview of recent advances,” Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 19, No. 1, Jan. 2009, pp. 153-183
  265. S. Stanković, I. Orović, and N. Žarić, “Robust watermarking procedure based on JPEG-DCT image compression,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 17, No. 4, Oct. 2008, Page(s) 043001
  266. I. Djurović, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “SAR imaging of moving targets using polynomial Fourier transform,” IET Signal Processing, Vol. 2, No. 3, Oct. 2008, pp. 237-246
  267. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Signal adaptive system for time–frequency analysis,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol.44, no.21, Oct.2008, pp.1279–1280.
  268. I. Djurović, and V. Rubežić, “Chaos detection in chaotic systems with large number of components in spectral domain,” Signal Processing, Vol. 88, No. 9, Sept. 2008, pp. 2357-2362
  269. T. Thayaparan, LJ. Stanković, and I. Djurović, “Micro-Doppler-based target detection and feature extraction in indoor and outdoor environments,” Journal of The Franklin Institute, Vol. 345, No. 6, Sept. 2008, pp. 700-722
  270. T. Thayaparan, P. V. Frangos, LJ. Stanković, L. K. Stergioulas, and A. D. Lazarov, “Signal processing techniques for ISAR and feature extraction,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, Vol. 2, No. 3, Aug. 2008, pp. 189-191
  271. E. Sejdić, I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Quantitative Performance Analysis of Scalogram as Instantaneous Frequency Estimator,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 56, Issue 8, Aug. 2008, pp. 3837-3845
  272. T. Thayaparan, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Mutual interference and low probability of interception capabilities of noise radar,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, Vol. 2, No. 4, Aug. 2008, pp. 294-305
  273. M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, S. Djukanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Time-frequency-based non-stationary interference suppression for noise radar systems,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, Vol. 2, No. 4, Aug. 2008, pp. 306-314
  274. T. Thayaparan, G. Lampropoulos, and LJ. Stanković, “Motion Compensation in ISAR imaging using the registration-restoration-fusion approach,” IET Signal Processing, Vol. 2, No. 3, Aug. 2008, pp. 223-236
  275. T. Thayaparan, LJ. Stanković, C. Wernik, and M. Daković, “Real-time motion compensation, image formation and image enhancement of moving targets in ISAR and SAR using S-method based approach,” IET Signal Processing, Vol. 2, No. 3, Aug. 2008, pp. 247-264
  276. P Wang, I. Djurović, and J.Yang, “Generalized High-order Phase Function for Parameter Estimation of Polynomial Phase Signal,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 56, No. 7, July 2008, pp. 3023-3028
  277. S. Stanković, I. Orović, and N. Žarić, “Robust speech watermarking procedure in the time-frequency domain,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2008, No. ID 519206, May 2008, Page(s) 9 pages
  278. S. Stanković, N. Žarić, I. Orović, and C. Ioana, “General form of time-frequency distribution with complex-lag argument,” Electronics Letters, Vol. 44, No. 11, May 2008, pp. 699-701.
  279. I. Orović, P. Zogović, N. Žarić, and S. Stanković, “Speech Signals Protection via Logo Watermarking based on the Time-Frequency Analysis,” Annales des Telecommunications, Vol. 63, No. 5-6, May 2008, pp. 276-284.
  280. S. Djukanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Local polynomial Fourier transform receiver for nonstationary interference excision in DSSS communications,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 56, No. 4, Apr. 2008, pp. 1627-1636
  281. I. Djurović, E. Sejdić, and J. Jiang, “Frequency-based window width optimization for S-transform,” AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 62, No. 4, Apr. 2008, pp. 245-250
  282. E. Sejdić, LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and J. Jiang, “Instantaneous Frequency Estimation Using the S-Transform,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 15, No. 2, Feb. 2008, pp. 309-312
  283. E. Sejdić, I. Djurović, and J. Jiang, “A Window Width Optimized S-Transform,” Journal of Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2008, Article ID 672941, Feb. 2008, Page(s) 13 pages
  284. LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, V. Popović-Bugarin, I. Djurović, and M. Daković, “Adaptive S-Method for SAR/ISAR Imaging,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2008, No. Jan. 2008, Page(s) 10 pages
  285. T. Thayaparan, S. Abrol, E. Risebrough, LJ. Stanković, D. Lamothe, and G. Duff, “Analysis of Radar Micro-Doppler Signatures From Experimental Helicopter and Human Data,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, Volume 1, Issue 4, Aug. 2007, Page(s) 289-299
  286. I. Djurović, and V. Rubežić, “Multiwindow approach based on STFT for chaos detection in oscillatory circuits,” Signal Processing, Vol. 87, No. 7, pp. 1772-1780, July 2007.
  287. I. Djurović, and V. V. Lukin, “Multiwindow approach based on STFT for chaos detection in oscillatory circuits,” Signal Processing, Vol. 87, No. 7, July 2007, pp. 1772-1780
  288. V. N. Ivanović, and R. Stojanović, “An efficient hardware design of the flexible 2-D system for space/spatial-frequency signal analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 3116-3125, June 2007
  289. I. Djurović, and V. V. Lukin, “Estimation of single-tone signal parameters by using the L-DFT,” Signal Processing, Vol. 87, No. 6, June 2007, pp. 1537-1544
  290. I. Djurović, “Estimation of the sinusoidal signal frequency based on the marginal median DFT,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 55, No. 5, May 2007, pp. 2043-2051
  291. I. Djurović, and V. V. Lukin, “Robust DFT-based filtering of pulse-like FM signals corrupted by impulsive noise,” Signal, Image and Video Processing, Vol. 1, No. 1, Mar. 2007, pp. 39-51
  292. C. Conru, S. Stanković, C. Ioana, A. Quinquis, and LJ. Stanković, “Generalized Representation of Phase Derivatives for Regular Signals,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 55, No. 10, Oct. 2007, pp. 4831-4838
  293. LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, and I. Djurović, “Separation of Target Rigid Body and Micro-Doppler Effects in ISAR Imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol 42,No. 7, Oct. 2006, pp. 1496-1506
  294. V. N. Ivanović, R. Stojanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Multiple clock cycle architecture for the VLSI design of a system for time-frequency analysis,” EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Special Issue on Design Methods for DSP Systems, Vol. 2006, pp.1-18
  295. N. Lekić, and Z. Mijanović, “Three microcontroller ports drive 12 LEDs,” EDN, December 2006
  296. LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, and M. Daković, “Signal Decomposition by Using the S-Method with Application to the Analysis of HF Radar Signals in Sea-Clutter,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.54, No.11, Nov. 2006, pp.4332- 4342
  297. V. Rubežić, I. Djurović, and M. Daković, “Time-frequency representations based detector of chaos in oscillatory circuits,” Signal Processing, Vol.86, No.9, Sep. 2006, pp.2255-2270
  298. I. Djurović, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “Adaptive Local Polynomial Fourier Transform in ISAR,” EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 2006, Article ID 36093
  299. I. Djurović, and V. V. Lukin, “Robust DFT with high breakdown point for complex-valued impulse noise environment,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 13, No. 1, Jan. 2006, pp. 25-28.
  300. LJ. Stanković, and S. Djukanović, “Order adaptive local polynomial Fourier transform based interference rejection in spread spectrum communication systems,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements, Vol.54, No.6, Dec.2005, pp.2156-2162
  301. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, and B. Barkat, “Robust Time-Frequency Distributions based on the robust short time Fourier transform,” Annales des Telecommunications, Vol.60, No.5-6, May-June 2005, pp.681-697
  302. I. Djurović, V. V. Lukin, and A. A. Roenko, “Removal of α-stable noise in frequency modulated signals using robust DFT forms,” Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Vol. 61, No. 7, 2005, pp. 574-590.
  303. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, and J. F. Böhme, “Estimation of FM signal parameters in impulse noise environment,” Signal Processing, Vol.85, No. 4, Apr. 2005, pp.821-835
  304. V. N. Ivanović, “Time-frequency signal analysis,” LJ. Stanković et. all, research monograph, 2004, contributor in monograph
  305. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Moments of multidimensional polynomial FT,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 11, No.11, Nov. 2004, pp. 879-882
  306. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Modification of the ICI rule based IF estimator for high noise environments,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 52, No.9, 2004, pp. 2655-2661
  307. I. Djurović, S. Stanković, A. Oshumi, and H. Ijima, “Motion parameters estimation by new propagation approach and time-frequency representations,” Signal Processing – Image Communications, Vol. 19, No. 8, Aug. 2004, pp. 755-770
  308. LJ. Stanković, “Performance Analysis of the Adaptive Algorithm for Bias-to-Variance Trade-off,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.52, No.5, May.2004, pp.1228-1234
  309. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Nonparametric algorithm for the local frequency estimation of multicomponent signals,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 13, No. 4, Apr. 2004, pp. 467-474
  310. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “An algorithm for the Wigner distribution based instantaneous frequency estimation in a high noise environment,” Signal Processing, Vol. 84, No. 3, Mar. 2004, pp. 631-643
  311. I. Djurović, “Robust adaptive local polynomial Fourier transform,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.10, No.2, Feb.2004, pp.201-204
  312. B. Barkat, and LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of polinomial FM signals corrupted by heavy tailed noise,” Signal Processing, Vol. 84, No.1, Jan. 2004, pp. 69-75
  313. H. Ijima, A. Oshumi, I. Djurović, H. Sato, and H. Okura, “Parameter Estimation of Signals in Random Noise: An Approach Using Psedo-Wigner Distribution,” Trans. IEICE, Vol. J86-A, No.11, pp.1158-1169
  314. S. Stanković, I. Djurović, R. Herpers, and LJ. Stanković, “An approach to the optimal watermark detection,” AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 57, No. 5, 2003, pp. 355-357.
  315. LJ. Stanković, T. Alieva, and M. J. Bastiaans, “Time-frequency signal analysis based on the windowed fractional Fourier transform,” Signal Processing, Vol.83, No.11, Nov.2003, pp.2459-2468
  316. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, and J. F. Böhme, “Robust L-estimation based forms of signal transforms and time-frequency representations,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 51, No. 7, July 2003, pp.1753-1761
  317. LJ. Stanković, “Measuring Time-Frequency Distributions Concentration,” in Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing, ed. B. Boashash, Elsevier, 2003, pp.297-304
  318. S. Stanković, “Time-Frequency Filtering of Speech Signals in Hands-Free Telephone Systems,” in Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing, ed. B. Boashash, Elsevier, 2003, pp.481-486
  319. LJ. Stanković, “Quadratic and Higher Order Time-Frequency Analysis Based on the STFT,” in Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing, ed. B. Boashash, Elsevier, 2003, pp.242-250
  320. LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of Noise in Time-Frequency Distributions,” in Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing, ed. B. Boashash, Elsevier, 2003, pp.372-380
  321. LJ. Stanković, “Adaptive Instantaneous Frequency Estimation Using TFDs,” in Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing, ed. B. Boashash, Elsevier, 2003, pp.429-436
  322. V. Katkovnik, I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Robust Time-Frequency Distributions,” in Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing, ed. B. Boashash, Elsevier, 2003, pp.392-399
  323. I. Djurović, and S. Stanković, “Estimation of time-varying velocities of moving objects in video-sequences by using time-frequency representations,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol.12, No.5, May 2003, pp.550-562
  324. B. Krstajić, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Combined Adaptive Filter with LMS Based Algorithms,” AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol.57, No.4, 2003, pp.295-299.
  325. LJ. Stanković, I. Djurović, and R. Laković, “Instantaneous frequency estimation by using the Wigner distribution and linear interpolation,” Signal Processing, Vol.83, No.3, Mar.2003, pp.483-491
  326. T. Alieva, M. J. Bastiaans, and LJ. Stanković, “Signal reconstruction from two fractional Fourier power spectra,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.51, No.1, Jan. 2003, pp.112-123.
  327. V. N. Ivanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Performance of Quadratic Time-Frequency Distributions as Instantaneous Frequency Estimators,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 51, No. 1, Jan. 2003, pp.77-89
  328. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Adaptive Windowed Fourier Transform,” Signal Processing, Vol.82, No.83, Jan 2003,
  329. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, and J. F. Böhme, “Estimates of the Wigner distribution in Gaussian noise environment,” AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol.56, No.5, 2002, pp.337-340
  330. T. Alieva, M. J. Bastiaans, and LJ. Stanković, “On rotated time-frequency kernels,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.9, No.11, Nov.2002, pp.378-381
  331. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Realization of the Robust Filters in the Frequency Domain,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.9, No.10, Oct.2002, pp.333-335
  332. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, V. N. Ivanović, and R. Stojanović, “An architecture for the VLSI design of systems for time-frequency analysis and time-varying filtering,” Annales des Telecommunications, Vol.57, No.9/10, Sept./Oct.2002, pp.974-995.
  333. LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of Noise in Time-Frequency Distributions,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.9, No.9, Sept.2002, pp.286-289
  334. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “An approach to variable step-size LMS algorithm,” IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 38, No. 16, Aug. 2002. pp.927-928
  335. LJ. Stanković, “Time-frequency distributions with complex argument,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.50, No.3 Mar.2002, pp.475-486.
  336. I. Djurović, V. Katkovnik, and LJ. Stanković, “Median filter based realizations of the robust time-frequency distributions,” Signal Processing, Vol.81, No.7, 2001, pp.1771-1776.
  337. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Robust Wigner distribution with application to the instantaneous frequency estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.49, No.12, Dec.2001, pp.2985-2993.
  338. S. Stanković, and I. Djurović, “Motion parameter estimation by using time frequency representations,” Electronics Letters, Vol.37, No.24, Nov.2001, pp.1446-1448.
  339. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and V. N. Ivanović, “Performance of spectrogram as IF estimator,” Electronics Letters, Vol.37, No.12, June 2001, pp.797-799.
  340. I. Djurović, S. Stanković, and I. Pitas, “Digital watermarking in the fractional Fourier domain,” Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Academic Press, Vol.24, No.2, Apr.2001, pp.167-173.
  341. S. Stanković, I. Djurović, and I. Pitas, “Watermarking in the space/spatial-frequency domain using two-dimensional Radon Wigner distribution,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol.10, No.4, Apr.2001, pp.650-658.
  342. LJ. Stanković, “A measure of some time-frequency distributions concentration,” Signal Processing, Vol.81, No.3, Mar.2001, pp.621-631.
  343. LJ. Stanković, and I. Djurović, “An overview of aliasing errors in discrete time formulations of time-frequency representations,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.49, No.1, Jan.2001, pp.257-259.
  344. V. Katkovnik, I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Instantaneous frequency estimation using robust spectrogram with varying window length,” AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol.54, No.4, 2000, pp.193-202.
  345. S. Stanković, “About Time-Variant Filtering of Speech Signals with Time-Frequency Distributions for Hands-Free Telephone Systems,” Signal Processing, Vol.80, No.9, 2000.
  346. S. Stanković, and J. Tilp, “Time-Varying Filtering of Speech Signals Using Linear Prediction,” Electronics Letters, Vol.36, No.8, 2000.
  347. A. B. Gershman, LJ. Stanković, and V. Katkovnik, “Sensor array signal tracking using a data-driven window approach,” Signal Processing, Vol.80, No.12, Dec.2000, pp.2507-2515.
  348. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Influence of high noise on the instantaneous frequency estimation using time-frequency distributions,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.7, No.11, Nov.2000.
  349. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and I. Djurović, “Space/spatial-frequency analysis based filtering,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.48, No.8, Aug.2000, pp.2343-2352
  350. LJ. Stanković, “On the time-frequency analysis based filtering,” Annales des Telecommunications, Vol.55, No.5-6, May 2000, pp.216-225.
  351. LJ. Stanković, and V. Katkovnik, “Instantaneous frequency estimation using higher order distributions with adaptive order and window length,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.46, No.1, Jan.2000, pp.302-311.
  352. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “A virtual instrument for time-frequency analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements, Vol.48, No.6, Dec.1999, pp.1086-1092.
  353. V. N. Ivanović, “Time-frequency signal analysis,” LJ. Stanković et all, Electrotehnical faculty Podgorica, 1999, contributor in monograph
  354. LJ. Stanković, and J. F. Böhme, “Time-frequency analysis of multiple resonances in combustion engine signals,” Signal Processing, Vol.79, No.1, Nov.1999, pp.15-28.
  355. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Time-frequency representation based on the reassigned S-method,” Signal Processing, Vol.77, No.1, Aug.1999, pp.115-120.
  356. LJ. Stanković, and V. Katkovnik, “The Wigner distribution of noisy signals with adaptive time-frequency varying window,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.47, No.2, Apr.1999, pp.1099-1108.
  357. S. M. Perovich, I. Djurović, and D. V. Tošić, “Reply to the some comments concerning the discrete eigenvalue,” Transport theory and Statistical Physics, Vol.138, Mart 1999, pp.439-441.
  358. S. Stanković, I. Djurović, and V. Vuković, “System architecture for space-frequency image analysis,” Electronics Letters, 12.November 1998, Vol.34, No.23, pp.2224-2245.
  359. V. Katkovnik, and LJ. Stanković, “Instantaneous frequency estimation using the Wigner distribution with varying and data driven window length,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.46, No.9, Sep.1998, pp.2315-2325.
  360. LJ. Stanković, and V. Katkovnik, “Algorithm for the instantaneous frequency estimation using time-frequency distributions with variable window width,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.5, No.9, Sep.1998, pp.224-227.
  361. LJ. Stanković, and I. Djurović, “Relationship between the ambiguity function and fractional Fourier transform,” Annales des Telecommunications, Vol.53, No.7/8, July/August 1998, pp.316-319
  362. V. N. Ivanović, LJ. Stanković, and D. Petranović, “Finite word-length effects in implementation of distributions for time-frequency analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.46, No.7, July 1998, pp.2035-2041.
  363. LJ. Stanković, “On the realization of the Polynomial Wigner-Ville distribution for multicomponent signals,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.5, No.7, July 1998, pp.157-159.
  364. V. Katkovnik, and LJ. Stanković, “Periodogram with varying and data-driven window length,” Signal Processing, Vol.67, No.3, June 1998, pp.345-358.
  365. LJ. Stanković, “Review of the book "The Wigner distribution: Theory and applications" by W. Mecklenbrauker and F. Hlawatsch,” AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol.51, No.6, May 1998, pp.211-212.
  366. LJ. Stanković, “Algorithm for the Wigner distribution of noisy signals realization,” Electronics Letters, Vol.34, No.7, 2.Apr.1998, pp.622-624.
  367. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Modified Wigner bispectrum and its generalizations,” Circuts, Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.16, No.1, Jan.1997, pp.27-40.
  368. LJ. Stanković, V. N. Ivanović, and Z. Petrović, “Unified approach to the noise analysis in the Spectrogram and Wigner distribution,” Annales des Telecommunications, Vol.51, Nov./Dec., No.11/12, 1996, pp.585-594.
  369. S. Stanković, and LJ. Stanković, “An architecture for the realization of a system for time-frequency signal analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part II, No.7, July 1997, pp.600-604.
  370. LJ. Stanković, and V. N. Ivanović, “Further results on the minimum variance time-frequency distribution kernels,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.45, No.6, June 1997, pp.1650-1656.
  371. LJ. Stanković, “Local polynomial Wigner distributions,” Signal Processing, Vol.59, No.1, May 1997, pp.123-128.
  372. LJ. Stanković, “S class of distrbutions,” IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing, Vol.144 No.2, Apr.1997.pp.57-64.
  373. LJ. Stanković, “Highly concentrated time-frequency distribution: Pseudo quantum signal representation,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.5, No.3, Mar.1997, pp.543-551.
  374. D. Petranović, S. Stanković, and LJ. Stanković, “Special purpose hardware for time frequency analysis,” Electronics Letters, Vol.33, No.6, Mar.1997, pp.464-466.
  375. LJ. Stanković, “L-class of time-frequency distributions,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol-3, No.1, Jan.1996, pp.22-25.
  376. S. Stanković, and LJ. Stanković, “Introducing time-frequency distribution with a “complex-time” argument,” Electronics Letters, Vol.32, No.14, July 1996, pp.1265-1267.
  377. LJ. Stanković, “The auto-term representation by the reduced interference distributions; The procedure for a kernel design,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.44, No.6, June 1996, pp.1557-1564.
  378. LJ. Stanković, “A time-frequency distribution concentrated along the instantaneous frequency,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol-3, No.3, Mar.1996, pp.89-91.
  379. LJ. Stanković, “An analysis of some time-frequency and time-scale distributions,” Annales des Telecommunications, Vol-49, No.9-10, Sep./Oct.1994, pp.505-517.
  380. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “On the local frequency, group shift and cross terms in some multidimensional time-frequency distributions; A method for multidimensional time-frequency analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol-43, No.7, July 1995, pp.1719-1725.
  381. LJ. Stanković, “A method for improved energy concentration in the time-frequnecy analysis of multicomponent signals using the L-Wigner distribution,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol-43, No.5, May.1995, pp.1262-1269.
  382. LJ. Stanković, and S. Stanković, “An analysis of instantaneous frequency presentation using time-frequency distributions -Generalized Wigner distribution,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.43, No.2, Feb.1995, pp.549-552.
  383. LJ. Stanković, “A method for time-frequency signal analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol-42, No.1, Jan.1994.pp.225-229.
  384. LJ. Stanković, “An analysis of Wigner higher order spectra of multicomponent signals,” Annales des Telecommunications, No.3/4, Mar./Apr.1994., pp.132-136.
  385. LJ. Stanković, and S. Stanković, “On the Wigner distribution of the discrete-time noisy signals with application to the study of quantization effects,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, No.7, Vol-42, July 1994., pp.1863-1867.
  386. LJ. Stanković, “Multitime definition of the Wigner higher order distribution: L-Wigner distribution,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol-1, No.7, July 1994., pp.106-109.
  387. LJ. Stanković, and S. Stanković, “Wigner distribution of noisy signals,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.41., No.2., Feb.1993., pp.956-960.
  388. LJ. Stanković, and R. Puzović, “Noise analysis in slicing FFT-Comment,” IEE Proceedings, Part F, Vol.139, No.4, Aug.1992.
  389. S. Jovićević, and LJ. Stanković, “The least square boundary residual method in Electrostatics and Eddy current problems,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol-26, No.2, Mar.1990, pp.1117-1122.
  390. LJ. Stanković, and S. Jovićević, “Boundary codition expansion of basis functions method implemented by FFT algorithms,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol-38, No.3, Mar.1990, pp.296-301.
  391. LJ. Stanković, “A round ridge waveguide,” Annales des Telecommunications, No.9-10, Sep./Oct.1988, pp.542-547.
  392. LJ. Stanković, and S. Jovićević, “Modified least square method with application to diffraction and eigenvalue problems,” IEE Proceedings, Part-H, Vol-135, No.5, Oct.1988, pp.339-343.
  393. J. Medanić, and Z. Uskoković, “Design of Coupled Decentralized regulators,” International Journal of Control, Apr.1988.
  394. J. Medanić, and Z. Uskoković, “Design of Optimal Output Regulators for Linear Multivariable Systems with Constant Disturbances,” International Journal of Control, Vol.37, 1983, pp.809-830.
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National Books

  1. S. Djukanović, Java i objektno-orijentisano programiranje. Narodna knjiga, Podgorica, 2021.
  2. S. Djukanović, I. Djurović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, Programski jezik C sa zbirkom urađenih zadataka. Narodna knjiga, Podgorica, 2018.,
  3. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and T. Thayaparan, Time-Frequency Signal Analysis. e-book, 2013,
  4. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, I. Djurović, and M. Daković, Time-frequency signal analysis. Research monograph, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Podgorica, Nov. 2011
  5. S. Djukanović, VBA programiranje. Elektrotehnički fakultet, Podgorica, 2011.,
  6. S. Stanković, and I. Orović, Multimedia signals and systems. textbook (in Montenegrin), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Podgorica, 2011.
  7. I. Orović, and S. Stanković, Basics of Informatics and Information Systems 2. textbook (in Montenegrin), Faculty for Tourism and Hotel Management, Second edition, Feb. 2011.
  8. I. Djurović, S. Djukanović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, Programiranje I – praktikum za laboratorijske vježbe. Elektrotehnički fakultet, Podgorica 2010
  9. I. Djurović, V. Popović-Bugarin, M. Simeunović, and P. Raković, Programiranje II – praktikum za laboratorijske vježbe. Elektrotehnički fakultet, Podgorica 2010
  10. I. Orović, N. Žarić, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, Basics of Informatics and Information Systems 1. textbook (in Montenegrin), Faculty for Tourism and Hotel Management, Second edition, Sept. 2010.
  11. S. Stanković, I. Orović, N. Žarić, and M. Daković, Basics of informatics and information systems 1. textbook (in Montenegrin), Faculty for Tourism and Hotel Management, 2008.
  12. I. Orović, N. Žarić, and S. Stanković, Basics of Informatics and Information Systems 2. textbook (in Montenegrin), Faculty for Tourism and Hotel Management, 2008.
  13. I. Djurović, Digitalna obrada slika. ETF Edicija Udžbenici, 2006
  14. I. Djurović, S. Djukanović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, Programski jezik C sa zbirkom urađenih zadataka. textbook, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Podgorica, 2006.
  15. I. Djurović, S. Djukanović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, Programski jezik C: Predavanja sa zbirkom riješenih zadataka. ETF Edicija Udžbenici, Podgorica 2004
  16. I. Djurović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, Objektno orijenisano programiranje na programkom jeziku C++ sa zbirkom riješenih zadataka. Skripta, ETF, Podgorica 2004
  17. I. Djurović, Principi programiranja. Skripta, ETF, Podgorica 2004
  18. LJ. Stanković, Time-frequency signal analysis. Research monograph, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Podgorica, 2004
  19. R. Laković, and I. Djurović, Tekst procesori. Visoka računarska škola - Monet, Podgorica 2003
  20. Z. Mijanović, and N. Lekić, Riješeni problem iz Electronike 1 i Elektronike 2. textbook (in Montenegrin), Univertizet Crne Gore, 2003
  21. N. Tadic, S. Stanković, N. Lekić, and R. Laković, Solved Problems in Electronics. textbook (in Montenegrin), ETF Podgorica
  22. LJ. Stanković, and I. Djurović, Digital signal processing - Solved Problems. textbook, University of Montenegro, Apr.2000.
  23. LJ. Stanković, and ed, Time-frequency signal analysis. Research monograph, KPZ-NB, Podgorica, 1999.
  24. S. Stanković, and R. Laković, Electronics devices. textbook (in Montenegrin), ETF Podgorica 1999. II edition
  25. I. Djurović, and R. Laković, Stono izdavaštvo. Skripta, ETF, Viša računarska škola 1999
  26. R. Laković, and I. Djurović, Tekst procesori. textbook, Visa racunarska skola, Podgorica, Jun 1999.
  27. Z. Uskoković, LJ. Stanković, and I. Djurović, Matlab for Windows. textbook, Univerzitet Crne Gore, Podgorica 1998.
  28. I. Djurović, Osnovi računara II, FORTRAN 77, Urađeni primjeri. Skripta, ETF, Podgorica 1998
  29. S. Stanković, and R. Laković, Electronics devices. textbook (in Montenegrin), Epsilon, Podgorica 1997. I edition
  30. LJ. Stanković, and I. Djurović, Digitalna obrada signala: Zbirka zadataka. Skripta, ETF, Podgorica 1996
  31. I. Djurović, and R. Laković, Tekst procesori sa elementima MS DOS-a. Windows-a i desktop publishing-a, Skripta, Viša računarska škola, Podgorica 1996
  32. I. Djurović, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, MATLAB 4. Skripta, ETF, Podgorica 1996
  33. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, Time-frequency Signal Analysis. Research monograph, Epsilon i Montenegropublic, Podgorica, 1994.
  34. LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, PC MATLAB sa elementima DOS-a. textbook, Epsilon, Titograd, 1991.
  35. LJ. Stanković, Digital Signal Processing. textbook, Naucna knjiga, Beograd 1990. II edition.
  36. LJ. Stanković, Digital Signal Processing. textbook, Naucna knjiga, Beograd 1989. I edition.
  37. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, Parametrization of Decentralized Controllers for State Space and Frequency Domain Design. Technical report # UILU-ENG-87-3026, University of Illinois, General Engineering Department, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, Dec.1987.
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International Conferences

  1. Dj. Stanković, A. Draganić, C. Ioana, and I. Orović, “An Image Watermarking based on Rayleigh distribution detector,” 66th International Symposium ELMAR-2024, 16-18 September 2024 Zadar, Croatia
  2. Dj. Stanković, A. Draganić, C. Ioana, and I. Orović, “Adaptive Compressive Sensing Image Recovery Using Block-Variance-Based Sampling,” The 32nd International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2024, September 26-28, 2024, Split
  3. A. Draganić, Dj. Stanković, N. Lekić, C. Ioana, and I. Orović, “A Digital Watermark Architecture for Image Authentication Based on Hermite Transform,” The 32nd International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2024, September 26-28, 2024, Split
  4. S. Ivanović, and M. Brajović, “Assessing Compressive Sensing Methods for Impulsive Noise Reduction in Audio Signals,” 27th International Conference on Information Technology (IT), Žabljak, Montenegro, 21-24 February, 2024
  5. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, A. Bagheri-Bardi, and LJ. Stanković, “Random Walk Operator-Based Fourier Transform in Complete Directed Acyclic Graphs,” 27th International Conference on Information Technology (IT), Žabljak, Montenegro, 21-24 February, 2024
  6. Dj. Stanković, A. Draganić, C. Ioana, and I. Orović, “A hybrid approach for image denoising based on smoothing in the Hermite transform domain,” Invited paper, 6th International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems (APPIS 2024), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, January 22-26, 2024
  7. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, M. Brajović, I. Stanković, and A. Bagheri-Bardi, “Zero-padding on Connected Directed Acyclic Graphs for Spectral Processing,” 31th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, November 21-22, 2023
  8. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Analysis of Graph Matched Filters for Higher-Order Diffusion Signals,” 31th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, November 21-22, 2023
  9. I. Čavor, and S. Djukanović, “Vehicle Speed Estimation From Audio Signals Using 1D Convolutional Neural Networks,” Information Technology - IT 2023, 15-18 February 2023, Žabljak, Montenegro.
  10. A. Cvijetić, S. Djukanović, and A. Peruničić, “Deep learning-based vehicle speed estimation using the YOLO detector and 1D-CNN,” Information Technology - IT 2023, 15-18 February 2023, Žabljak, Montenegro.
  11. A. Peruničić, S. Djukanović, and A. Cvijetić, “Vision-based Vehicle Speed Estimation Using the YOLO Detector and RNN,” Information Technology - IT 2023, 15-18 February 2023, Žabljak, Montenegro.
  12. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Reconstruction of Sparse Graph Signals from Reduced Sets of Samples,” 27th International Conference on Information Technology (IT), Zabljak, Montenegro, 15 – 18 February, 2023
  13. Y. L. Xu, K. Konstantinidis, S. Li, LJ. Stanković, and D. Mandic, “Low-Complexity Attention Modelling via Graph Tensor Networks,” ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2022, pp. 3928-3932, doi: 10.1109/ICASSP43922.2022.9747875
  14. A. Arroyo, B. Scalzo, LJ. Stanković, and D. Mandic, “Dynamic Portfolio Cuts: A Spectral Approach to Graph-Theoretic Diversification,” ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2022, pp. 5468-5472, doi: 10.1109/ICASSP43922.2022.9747670.
  15. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Effect of Companding in the Reconstruction of Nonsparse Signals,” 30th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2022, 15-16 November, Belgrade, Serbia
  16. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Laplacian-Driven Softmax Probability for Noisy Pixel Detection in Image Reconstruction,” 30th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2022, 15-16 November, Belgrade, Serbia
  17. B. Anđelić, M. Radonjić, and S. Djukanović, “Sound-based logging detection using deep learning,” 30th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2022, Belgrade, Serbia, November 15-16, 2022.
  18. S. Djukanović, N. Bulatović, and I. Čavor, “A dataset for audio-video based vehicle speed estimation,” 30th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2022, Belgrade, Serbia, November 15-16, 2022.
  19. N. Radović, V. Prelević, and M. Erceg, “Machine learning in service of nephrology patients' mortality rate assessment,” Interdisciplinary Conference on Mechanics, Computers and Electrics (ICMECE 2022), 06-07 October 2022, Barcelona, Spain
  20. B. Scalzo-Dees, LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, A.G. Constantinides, and D. Mandic, “A Class of Doubly Stochastic Shift Operators for Random Graph Signals and their Boundedness,” ,
  21. N. Lekić, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “A Hardware Architecture for the Speech Logo Watermarking Procedure,” Workshop on Security & Protection of Information (SPI22), 13-14 June 2022, Grenoble - France
  22. N. Lekić, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “An Analog Hardware Design for the Hermite-based Image Watermarking,” Workshop on Security & Protection of Information (SPI22), 13-14 June 2022, Grenoble - France
  23. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Advanced IF Estimation-based TF Filter Suitable for Estimation of Non-Linear Highly Nonstationary FM Signals: Principles of Functioning and Designing,” The 11th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2022), Budva, Montenegro, June 07–10, 2022, pp.326-329. ISBN 978-1-6654-6828-2, ISSN 2637-9511, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP2239T-ART, DOI: 10.1109/MECO55406.2022.9797107, Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 21 June 2022.
  24. N. Bulatović, and S. Djukanović, “An approach to improving sound-based vehicle speed estimation,” Zooming innovation in consumer technologies conference - ZINC 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia, 25-26 May 2022.
  25. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Audio Signal Denoising Based on Laplacian Filter and Sparse Signal Reconstruction,” 26th International Conference on Information Technology (IT), Zabljak, Montenegro, 16 – 19 February, 2022
  26. N. Bulatović, and S. Djukanović, “Mel-spectrogram features for acoustic vehicle detection and speed estimation,” Information Technology - IT 2022, 16-19 February 2022 (Virtual) Žabljak, Montenegro.
  27. M. Zarubica, S. Djukanović, L. Milosavljević, J. Terzić, V. Gazivoda, and L. Filipović, “An example of SMS service development at the University of Montenegro Information System,” Information Technology - IT 2022, 16-19 February 2022 (Virtual) Žabljak, Montenegro.
  28. V. N. Ivanović, and N. Radović, “Space/Spatial-Frequency Filtering Based on the Local Frequency Estimation: From the Noisy Signal, through the Space/Spatial-Frequency Domain to the Estimated one,” 2021 29th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 2021, doi: 10.1109/TELFOR52709. 2021.9653319.
  29. M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, I. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Inverse Radon Transform in Radar Signal Parameter Estimation - an Overview,” 29th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2021 (Virtual), Serbia, Belgrade, November 23-24, 2021
  30. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Laplacian Filter in Reconstruction of Images using Gradient-Based Algorithm,” 29th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2021 (Virtual), Serbia, Belgrade, November 23-24, 2021
  31. A. Draganić, I. Orović, M. Beko, and S. Stanković, “Seismic Data Recovery From a Reduced Set of Measurements,” The 29th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2021), pp.1-6, Sep. 23 - 25, 2021, Hvar, Croatia
  32. S. Djukanović, Y. Patel, J. Matas, and T. Virtanen, “Neural network-based acoustic vehicle counting,” 29th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2021, 23-27 August 2021, (Virtual) Dublin, Ireland
  33. B. Scalzo-Dees, A. Arroyo, LJ. Stanković, A.G. Constantinides, and D. Mandic, “Nonstationary Portfolitos: Diversification in the Spectral Domain,” in Proc. of ICASSP 2021, Toronto, June 20021., "Outstanding Paper Award" . ⭐️
  34. N. Radović, V. N. Ivanović, I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “System for S-transform realization,” 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2021, 07-10 June, Budva, Montenegro, doi: 10.1109/MECO52532.2021.9460253.
  35. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and S. Jovanovski, “Principles of Functioning of Signal Adaptive Systems for Space/Spatial-Frequency Analysis,” 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2021), 07-10 June, Budva, Montenegro, DOI: 10.1109/MECO52532.2021.9460204.
  36. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and S. Jovanovski, “Signal Adaptive Systems Used in Analysis and Estimation of Nonstationary 1D Signals: Principles of Functioning and Designing,” 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2021), 07-10 June, Budva, Montenegro, doi: 10.1109/MECO52532.2021.9460274.
  37. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, D. Mandic, and LJ. Stanković, “On the Number of Channels in MulticomponentNonstationary Noisy Signal Decomposition,” 25th International Conference on Information Technology (IT 2021), Zabljak, Montenegro, 16 – 20 February, 2021
  38. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Comparison of Two Image Denoising ApproachesBased on Compressive Sensing Principles,” 25th International Conference on Information Technology (IT 2021), Zabljak, Montenegro, 16 – 20 February, 2021
  39. L. Vujošević, and S. Djukanović, “Deep learning-based classification of environmental sounds,” Information Technology - IT 2021, February 2021 (Virtual) Žabljak, Montenegro
  40. A. Draganić, I. Orović, M. Lakičević, and S. Stanković, “Quick Response Code Recovery using Sparse Signal Processing Approach,” The 9th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing and 8th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things, MECO'2020 & CPS&IoT'2020
  41. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “RANSAC Compressive Sensing Reconstruction in Noisy Wideband Underwater Sonar Imaging,” Global Oceans 2020, Singapore – U.S. Gulf Coast, October 2020
  42. S. Djukanović, J. Matas, and T. Virtanen, “Robust Audio-Based Vehicle Counting in Low-to-Moderate Traffic Flow,” 31st IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) 2020, October 19-November 13, 2020 (Virtual) Las Vegas, NV, United States
  43. I. Djurović, and V. N. Ivanović, “Analysis of Closed-form Wigner Distribution in Linear Canonical Domains for Continous-time Noisy Signals,” The 9th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2020), Budva, Montenegro, June 08–11, 2020, pp.427-430.
  44. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Design and Selection of Registers Used in the Advanced Superior Execution Time Implementation of an Optimal Time-Frequency Filter Suitable for Non-Linear FM Signals Estimation,” The 9th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2020), Budva, Montenegro, June 08–11, 2020, pp.431-434.
  45. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and C. Ioana, “Quantization Effect in Nonuniform Nonsparse Signal Reconstruction,” 9th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2020, Budva, 2020
  46. B. Scalzo-Dees, LJ. Stanković, and A.G. Constantinides, “PORTFOLIO CUTS: A GRAPH-THEORETIC FRAMEWORK TO DIVERSIFICATION,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2020 (ICASSP 2020), Barcelona, 2020.
  47. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, D. Mandic, M. Brajović, B. Scalzo-Dees, and A.G. Constantinides, “A low-dimensionality method for data-driven graph learning,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, Signal Processing (IEEE ICASSP 2020), Virtual Barcelona, May 4-8 2020
  48. M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “On Polynomial Approximations of Spectral Windows in Vertex-Frequency Representations,” Information Technology - IT 2020, February 18-22, Žabljak, Montenegro
  49. D. Radovanović, and S. Djukanović, “Image-based plant disease detection: A comparison of deep learning and classical machine learning algorithms,” Information Technology - IT 2020, February 2020, Žabljak, Montenegro
  50. M. Daković, M. Ponjavić, I. Stanković, J. Lerga, and C. Ioana, “Time-Frequency Analysis of Ionospheric Whistler Signals,” 27th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov. 2019.
  51. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, C. Ioana, and LJ. Stanković, “On the Quantization and the Probability of Misdetection in Compressive Sensing,” 27th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov. 2019.
  52. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, M. Brajović, and D. Mandic, “A p-Laplacian Inspired Method for Graph Cut,” 27th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov. 2019.
  53. M. Brajović, S. Stanković, I. Orović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Sparsity-Driven Impulsive Noise Removal: A Discrete Hermite Transform Case Study,” 27th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov. 2019.
  54. I. Stanković, J. S. Sewada, M. Geen, C. Ioana, M. Daković, and J. Mars, “Transmitted Sequence Influence to Sonar Target Detection using Compressive Sensing,” IEEE OCEANS 2019, Seattle, WA, USA, October 2019.
  55. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Time-Varying Cross-Range in Wideband Sonar Imaging,” 11th Int'l Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2019), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2019.
  56. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Decomposition of Two-Component Multivariate Signals with Overlapped Domains of Support,” 11th Int'l Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2019), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2019.
  57. N. Saulig, J. Lerga, Z. Baracskai, and M. Daković, “Adaptive Thresholding in Extracting Useful Information From Noisy Time-Frequency Distributions,” 11th Int'l Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2019), 23-25 September 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia
  58. I. Stanković, A. Digulescu, C. Ioana, and K. Dayet, “Electric arc detection using compressive sensing,” 27th Symposium GRETSI 2019, Lille, France, August 2019.
  59. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “Sequence Comparison in Reconstruction and Targeting in Underwater Sonar Imaging,” IEEE OCEANS 2019, Marseille, France, June 2019.
  60. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and C. Ioana, “Gradient-Descent Algorithm Performance With Reduced Set of Quantized Measurements,” 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2019, Budva, Montenegro, June 2019.
  61. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Real-Time Procedure for Development of an Optimal Time-Frequency Filter Suitable for Non-Linear Highly Nonstationary FM Signals Estimation,” The 8th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2019), Budva, Montenegro, June 10–14, 2019, pp. 506-509
  62. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Challenges in Designing of an Optimal Time-Frequency Filter for the Non-Linear FM Signal Estimation and the Possible Solution,” 2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO 2019), Kyiv, Ukraine, April 16–18, 2019, pp. 704-707.
  63. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Complex-Valued Binary Compressive Sensing,” 26th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2018), November 20 - 21, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia
  64. M. Brajović, B. Lutovac, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Reconstruction of Missing Samples in LFM Signals Using the Genetic Algorithm,” 14th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL 2018), November 20 - 21, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia
  65. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of off-grid effects in wideband sonar images using compressive sensing,” IEEE OCEANS 2018, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, October 2018.
  66. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, C. Ioana, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Reconstruction of Rigid Body with Noncompensated Acceleration After Micro-Doppler Removal,” 5th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing applied to Radar, Multimodal Sensing, and Imaging (CoSeRa), Siegen, Germany, September 2018.
  67. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “Analysis of Initial Estimate Noise in the Sparse Randomly Sampled ISAR Signals,” 5th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing applied to Radar, Multimodal Sensing, and Imaging (CoSeRa), Siegen, Germany, September 2018.
  68. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and C. Ioana, “Effect of Random Sampling on Noisy Nonsparse Signals in Time-Frequency Analysis,” 26th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO 2018, Rome, Italy, September 2018.
  69. V. N. Ivanović, and N. Radović, “Appropriate Registers’ Lengths in the Fully Pipelined Design of an Optimal Space/Spatial Frequency Filter for Highly Nonstationary Two-Dimensional FM Signals Estimation,” 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018, 10-14 June, Budva, Montenegro, pp. 447-450.
  70. N. Radović, I. Djurović, V. N. Ivanović, and M. Simeunović, “System for QML algorithm realization,” 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018, 10-14 June, Budva, Montenegro, pp. 343-346.
  71. I. Stanković, I. Djurović, and M. Daković, “Adaptive average BM3D filter for reconstruction of images with combined noise,” 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018, Budva, Montenegro, June 2018.
  72. M. Lakičević, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Sparse signal reconstruction using gradient-threshold based method,” 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018
  73. M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and D. Mandic, “Additive Noise Influence on the Bivariate Two-Component Signal Decomposition,” 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018, Budva, Montenegro, June 2018.
  74. M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “Recent progress in parametric/nonparametric estimation of FM signals,” New trends in digital signal processing with applications, Montenegrin Academy of Science and Arts, 11. June 2018, Podgorica, Montenegro.
  75. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, M. Daković, and I. Candel, “Sparse Signal Reconstruction in Dual Polynomial Fourier Transform,” 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018, Budva, Montenegro, June 2018.
  76. N. Lekić, A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and V. Papić, “Iris print extracting from reduced and scrambled set of pixels,” Second International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking BalkanCom 2018, Podgorica, Montenegro, June 6-8, 2018
  77. D. Kofjač, R. Stojanović, N. Lekić, and A. Škraba, “Overview of Stress Monitoring Methodologies and Technologies for Wearable Devices,” 37th International Conference on Organizational Science Development, Portorož, March 2018
  78. M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Micro-Doppler removal in radar imaging in the case of non-compensated rigid body acceleration,” 2018 23rd International Scientific-Professional Conference on Information Technology (IT), Zabljak, Montenegro, 2018, pp. 1-4, February 19-24, doi: 10.1109/SPIT.2018.8350451
  79. M. Brajović, S. Vujović, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Coefficient Tresholding in the Gradient Reconstruction Algorithm for Signals Sparse in the Hermite Transform Basis,” Applications of Intelligent Systems 2018 (APPIS 2018), Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, 8-12 January 2018
  80. A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, X.Zhang, and X. Wang, “Compressive Sensing Approach in the Table Grape Cold Chain Logistics,” 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO 2017, Bar, Montenegro, DOI: 10.1109/MECO.2017.7977143
  81. M. Č. Bošković, T. B. Šekara, M. J. Rapaić, B. Lutovac, M. Daković, and V. Govedarica, “Novel Band‐Pass and Notch filter with Dynamic Damping of Fractional Order,” 25th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2017, Beograd, November 21-22, 2017
  82. A. Mitrović, S. Djukanović, and M. Radonjić, “Implementation of Signal Classification Using Frequency Spectrum Features on the Raspberry Pi Platform,” 25th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2017, Belgrade, Serbia, November 21-22, 2017.
  83. T. Popović, M. Simeunović, and S. Šandi, “Towards an IoT Solution for Anti-Counterfeiting Protection in Wine Industry,” 1st International Mediterranean Natural Sciences and Engineering Congress (MENSEC2017), 19-22 October 2017, Podgorica, Montenegro
  84. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “High-Resolution Local Polynomial Fourier Transform in Acoustic Signal Analysis,” 59th International Symposium ELMAR 2017, September 18-20, Zadar, Croatia
  85. Z. Vulaj, M. Brajović, A. Draganić, and I. Orović, “Detection of Irregular QRS Complexes using Hermite Transform and Support Vector Machine,” 59th International Symposium ELMAR-2017, Zadar, Croatia, 2017
  86. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Spread-spectrum-modulated signal denoising based on median ambiguity function,” 59th International Symposium ELMAR-2017, Zadar, Croatia, 2017
  87. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “Model-based decomposition of acoustic signals in dispersive environment,” 26th Symposium GRETSI 2017, September 5-8, Juan-les-Pins, France
  88. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and D. Mandic, “Two-component Bivariate Signal Decomposition Based on Time-Frequency Analysis,” 22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing IEEE DSP 2017, August 23-25, London, United Kingdom
  89. I. Stanković, M. Daković, and C. Ioana, “Time-Frequency Signal Reconstruction of Nonsparse Audio Signals,” 22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing IEEE DSP 2017, August 23-25, London, United Kingdom
  90. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and E. Sejdić, “Windowing Methods for Graph Signal Localization,” 22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing IEEE DSP 2017, August 23-25, London, United Kingdom
  91. S. Stanković, S. Vujović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Combination of Gradient Based and Single Iteration Reconstruction Algorithms for Sparse Signals,” 17th IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies, IEEE EUROCON 2017
  92. I. Orović, A. Draganić, N. Lekić, and S. Stanković, “A System for Compressive Sensing Signal Reconstruction,” 17th IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies, IEEE EUROCON 2017
  93. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, B. Lutovac, and I. Stanković, “On the Fixed-point Rounding in the DFT,” 17th IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies, IEEE EUROCON 2017
  94. S. Djukanović, “Sinusoid frequency estimator with parabolic interpolation of periodogram peak,” 40th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, July 5-7, 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
  95. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and S. Jovanovski, “Completely pipelined implementation of optimal time-frequency filter for highly nonstationary FM signals estimation,” IEEE EUROCON 2017, Ohrid, Macedonia, July 06–08, 2017, pp. 217-221.
  96. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “The Reconstruction of 2D Sparse Signals by Exploiting Transform Coefficients Variances,” 17th IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies, IEEE EUROCON 2017, Ohrid, Macedonia, July 06-08, 2017
  97. M. Č. Bošković, T. B. Šekara, B. Lutovac, M. Daković, P. D. Mandić, and M. P. Lazarević, “Analysis of electrical circuits including fractional order elements,” 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO 2017, Bar, Montenegro, June 2017
  98. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, B. Lutovac, E. Sejdić, and T. B. Šekara, “A Resistive Circuits Analysis Using Graph Spectral Decomposition,” 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2017, Bar, June 2017
  99. Ruslan Kozhemiakin, Sergey Abramov, V. V. Lukin, B. Djurović, I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Strategies of SAR image lossy compression by JPEG2000 and SPIHT,” Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2017, 11-15 June, Bar, Montenegro.
  100. Victoriya Abramova, S. S. Krivenko, V. V. Lukin, I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, and Benoit Vozel, “Blind Evaluation of noise characteristics in multi-channel Images exploiting inter-channel correlation,” Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2017, 11-15 June, Bar, Montenegro.
  101. Z. Vulaj, A. Draganić, M. Brajović, and I. Orović, “A tool for ECG signal analysis using standard and optimized Hermite transform,” 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2017, Bar, Montenegro
  102. I. Stanković, M. Daković, and C. Ioana, “Decomposition of Signals in Dispersive Channels using Dual Polynomial Fourier Transform,” 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO, Bar, Montenegro, June 2017
  103. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and S. Jovanovski, “Superior execution time hardware implementation of Wiener time-frequency filter,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2017), Bar, Montenegro, June 11–15, 2017, pp. 100-103.
  104. S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Cognitive Inspired Learning based on the Compressive Sensing Postulates,” 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing , MECO 2017, Bar, Montenegro
  105. A. Draganić, M. Marić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Identification of image source using serial-number-based watermarking under Compressive Sensing conditions,” 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2017
  106. I. Stanković, M. Daković, and I. Orović, “Overlapping Blocks in Reconstruction of Sparse Images,” 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics MIPRO, Opatija, Croatia, May 2017
  107. M. Daković, I. Stanković, M. Brajović, and LJ. Stanković, “Sparse Signal Reconstruction Based on Random Search Procedure,” 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics MIPRO, Opatija, Croatia, May 2017
  108. M. Bajčeta, P. Sekulić, and S. Djukanović, “Retinal blood vessels segmentation using neural networks and features based on line operators,” Information Technology - IT 2017, March 2017, Žabljak, Montenegro.
  109. B. Škrbić, and S. Djukanović, “A brief overview of IoT architecture and Web platforms,” Information Technology - IT 2017, March 2017, Žabljak, Montenegro.
  110. S. Djukanović, “An accurate method for frequency estimation of a real sinusoid,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2017 (ICASSP 2017), March 5-9, 2017, New Orleans, USA.
  111. P. Sekulić, M. Bajčeta, and S. Djukanović, “Retinal blood vessels segmentation using support vector machine and modified line detector,” Information Technology - IT 2017, March 2017, Žabljak, Montenegro.
  112. M. Daković, T. Ružić, T. Rogač, M. Brajović, and B. Lutovac, “Neural Networks Application to Neretva Basin Hydro-meteorological Data,” 13th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications NEUREL 2016, November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia
  113. M. Daković, I. Stanković, J. Ender, and LJ. Stanković, “Sample Selection Strategy in DFT based Compressive Sensing,” 24th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2016, Belgrade, Nov 22-23, 2016
  114. M. Brajović, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “The Optimization of the Hermite transform: Application Perspectives and 2D Generalization,” 24th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2016, November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia.
  115. S. Djukanović, T. Popović, and A. Mitrović, “Precise sinusoid frequency estimation based on parabolic interpolation,” 24th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, November 22-23, 2016
  116. M. Brajović, B. Lutovac, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Sparse Signal Recovery Based on Concentration Measures and Genetic Algorithm,” 13th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications NEUREL 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2016
  117. M. Bajčeta, P. Sekulić, S. Djukanović, T. Popović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Retinal blood vessels segmentation using ant colony optimization,” 2016 13th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL) , Belgrade, November 22-24, 2016.
  118. M. Brajović, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “FHSS signal sparsification in the Hermite transform domain,” 24th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2016, November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia
  119. A. Mihailović, M. Simeunović, and M. Pejanović-Djurišić, “Analysis of deployment options to enhance horizontal information sharing and networking in Internet of Things,” Global Wireless Summit (GWS 2016), November 27-30, 2016, Aarhus, Denmark.
  120. I. Stančić, M. Brajović, I. Orović, and J. Musić, “Compressive sensing for reconstruction of 3D point clouds in smart systems,” 24th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2016), Split, Croatia, September 2016
  121. LJ. Stanković, I. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Analysis of Noise and Nonsparsity in the ISAR Image Recovery from a Reduced Set of Data,” 4th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa) 2016, 19-22 September, Aachen, Germany, 2016.
  122. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and S. Stanković, “A Procedure for Optimal Pulse Selection Strategy in Radar Imaging Systems,” 4th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa), 19-22 September, Aachen, Germany, 2016. pp. 34-37
  123. I. Stanković, and W. Dai, “Reconstruction of Global Ozone Density Data using a Gradient-Descent Algorithm,” 58th International Symposium ELMAR-2016, Zadar, Croatia, September 2016.
  124. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Representation of Uniformly Sampled Signals in the Hermite Transform Domain,” 58th International Symposium ELMAR-2016, Zadar, Croatia, September 2016.
  125. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Compressive Sensing of Signals Sparse in 2D Hermite Transform Domain,” 58th International Symposium ELMAR-2016, Zadar, Croatia, September 2016
  126. X. Li, G. Bi, S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Improved Bayesian Compressive Sensing for Image Reconstruction Using Single-Level Wavelet Transform,” International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization , ICVRV 2016, 24-26 September 2016, Hangzhou, China
  127. A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and X. Li, “ISAR Reconstruction from Incomplete Data using Total Variation Optimization,” 5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2016
  128. S. Vujović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Comparison of a Gradient-Based and LASSO (ISTA) Algorithm for Sparse Signal Reconstruction,” 5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO 2016, Bar, June 2016
  129. A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, X. Li, and Z. Wang, “Reconstruction and classification of wireless signals based on Compressive Sensing approach,” 5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2016
  130. M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Convexity of the l1-norm based Sparsity Measure with Respect to the Missing Samples as Variables,” 5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2016, Bar, June 2016
  131. M. Bajčeta, P. Sekulić, B. Krstajić, S. Djukanović, and T. Popović, “A private IoT cloud platform for precision agriculture and ecological monitoring,” 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering - IcETRAN 2016, Zlatibor, Serbia, 13-16. June 2016.
  132. I. Stanković, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Iterative Denoising of Sparse Images,” 39th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2016
  133. M. Marić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Compressive Sensing based image processing in TrapView pest monitoring system,” 39th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2016
  134. S. Tomović, N. Lekić, and I. Radusinović, “A new approach to dynamic routing in SDN networks,” 18th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), Limassol, Cyprus, April 18-20, 2016
  135. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “The Analysis of Missing Samples in Signals Sparse in the Hermite Transform Domain,” 23rd Telecommunications Forum TELFOR, Belgrade, 2015
  136. I. Stanković, and A. Draganić, “Compressive Sensing Reconstruction of Video Data based on DCT and Gradient-Descent Method,” 23rd Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2015
  137. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Compressive Sensing Least Square problem solution suitable for implementation,” 23rd Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2015
  138. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Robust Hermite transform based on the Lestimate principle,” 23rd Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2015
  139. E. Hot, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Soil data clustering by using K-means and fuzzy K-means algorithm,” 23rd Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2015, Serbia, Belgrade, November 24-26, 2015.
  140. M. Simeunović, A. Mihailović, and M. Pejanović-Djurišić, “Setting up a multi-purpose internet of things system,” 23rd Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2015, November 24-26, 2015, Belgrade, Serbia.
  141. B. Jovanović, Z. Mijanović, R. Stojanović, and N. Lekić, “The Simple System for Objects Classification and Counting,” 6th European Conference of Computer Science, Roma, Italy, November 7-9, 2015
  142. N. Lekić, S. Djukanović, M. Bajčeta, and T. Savić, “A bioinformatic system for collecting and processing environmental data,” 23rd Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, November 24-26, 2015.
  143. C. Bernard, C. Ioana, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Analysis of underwater signals with nonlinear time-frequency structures using warping based compressive sensing algorithm,” MTS/IEEE North American OCEANS conference, October 2015, Washington, DC, United States, 2015
  144. S. Vujović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Statistical Performance Analyzer for Compressive Sensing Gradient Algorithm,” 57th International Symposium , ELMAR-2015, Zadar, Croatia
  145. A. Draganić, M. Brajović, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “A Software Tool for Compressive Sensing based Time-Frequency Analysis,” 57th International Symposium ELMAR-2015, Zadar, Croatia
  146. M. Orović, T. Pejaković, A. Draganić, and S. Stanković, “MRI watermarking in the Compressive Sensing context,” 57th International Symposium ELMAR-2015, Zadar, Croatia
  147. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, and N. Radović, “Pipelined Design of an Instantaneous Frequency Estimation-Based Time-Frequency Optimal Filter,” 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2015), ISBN: 978-0-9928626-4-0, Nice, France, Aug.31–Sept.04, 2015, pp. 118-1222.
  148. S. Djukanović, M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “Highly non-stationary interference suppression in direct sequence spread-spectrum systems,” 38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, July 9-11, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.
  149. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and S. Stanković, “Gradient Algorithm Based ISAR Image Reconstruction From the Incomplete Dataset,” 3rd International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa) 2015, 17-19 June 2015, pp.6-10, doi: 10.1109/CoSeRa.2015.7330253
  150. A. Draganić, I. Orović, N. Lekić, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Architecture for Single Iteration Reconstruction Algorithm,” 4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2015
  151. S. Vujović, M. Daković, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “An Architecture for Hardware Realization of Compressive Sensing Gradient Algorithm,” 4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing , MECO - 2015
  152. S. Stanković, “Compressive sensing: Theory, Algorithms and Applications,” 4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO - 2015, invited lecture, ( --- Tutorial link: --- )
  153. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, S. Jovanovski, and Z. Uskoković, “Local Frequency Estimation-based Space/Spatial-Frequency Optimal Filter Developed in the RTL Design Methodology versus the Corresponding GPU-based Implementations,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2015), Budva, Montenegro, June 14–18, 2015, pp. 174-177.
  154. M. Brajović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Instantaneous Frequency Estimation Using Ant Colony Optimization and Wigner Distribution,” 4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2015, Budva, Montenegro, June 2015.
  155. M. Brajović, S. Vujović, and S. Djukanović, “An Overview of Smart Irrigation Software,” Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2015, Budva, Montenegro, June 2015.
  156. I. Orović, T. Pejaković, and M. Orović, “A comparison of CS Reconstruction Algorithms for Multicomponent Nonlinear Phase Signals,” 4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2015, Budva, Montenegro
  157. I. Djurović, E. Sejdić, N. Bulatović, and M. Simeunović, “An analysis of spectral transformation techniques on graphs,” Proc. SPIE 9484, Compressive Sensing IV, May 14, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland, United States.
  158. K. Tshiloz, S. Djukanović, and S. Djurović, “Real-Time Sensorless Speed Estimation in Wound Rotor Induction Machines using a Dichotomous Search Algorithm,” The IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC) 2015, Coeur d’Alène, Idaho, USA, May 10-13, 2015.
  159. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, S. Jovanovski, and Z. Uskoković, “Possibility of the Pipelining Technique Application in a Space/Spatial-Frequency Filter Implementation Based on the Local Frequency Estimation,” XXXV IEEE International Scientific Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO 2015), Kyiv, Ukraine, Apr. 21–24, 2015, 492-497.
  160. S. Vujović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Comparison of the L1-magic and the Gradient Algorithm for Sparse Signals Reconstruction,” 22nd Telecommunications Forum , TELFOR, 2014 ,
  161. N. Bešić, G. Vasile, J. Chanussot, S. Stanković, A. Girard, and G. d'Urso, “Analysis of supplementary information emerging from the ICA based ICTD,” in Proceedings of IGARSS, Quebec city, CAN, 2014. (invited paper)
  162. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Adaptive Gradient Based Algorithm for Complex Sparse Signal Reconstruction,” 22nd Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2014, Belgrade, Serbia
  163. S. Stanković, I. Orović, T. Pejaković, and M. Orović, “Compressive sensing reconstruction of signals with sinusoidal phase modulation: application to radar micro-Doppler,” 22nd Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2014, Belgrade, Serbia
  164. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Blind Signals Separation in wireless communications based on Compressive Sensing,” 22nd Telecommunications Forum , TELFOR, 2014 , Belgrade, Serbia
  165. I. Stanković, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Image Reconstruction from a Reduced Set of Pixels using a Simplified Gradient Algorithm,” 22nd Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2014, Belgrade, Serbia
  166. A. Mihailović, M. Simeunović, N. Lekić, and M. Pejanović-Djurišić, “A strategy for deploying diverse sensor-based networks as an evolution towards integrated Internet of Things and Future Internet,” 22st Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, November 25-27, 2014.
  167. S. Djukanović, and M. Simeunović, “Adaptive order selection in quasi-maximum likelihood-based IF estimation,” 22nd Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, November 25-27, 2014.
  168. S. Zuković, M. Medenica, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “A Virtual Instrument for Compressive Sensing of Multimedia Signals,” 56th International Symposium ELMAR 2014, Zadar, Croatia
  169. I. Orović, S. Stanković, and LJ. Stanković, “Compressive Sensing Based Separation of LFM Signals,” 56th International Symposium ELMAR 2014, Zadar, Croatia, 2014
  170. S. Djukanović, M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “Parametric estimation of multi-line parameters based on SLIDE algorithm,” EUSIPCO 2014, September 1-5, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.
  171. S. Zuković, M. Medenica, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Synthetic software tool for Compressive Sensing reconstruction,” 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2014
  172. R. Mihajlovic, M. Šćekić, A. Draganić, and S. Stanković, “An Analysis of CS Algorithms Efficiency for Sparse Communication Signals Reconstruction,” 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2014
  173. M. Šćekić, R. Mihajlovic, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “CS Performance Analysis for the Musical Signals Reconstruction,” 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO, 2014
  174. M. Šćekić, R. Mihajlovic, A. Draganić, and I. Orović, “Combined TV filtering method and CS signal reconstruction,” 1st International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2014, Vrnjacka Banja, 2014
  175. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, N. Radović, and Z. Uskoković, “Signal Adaptive Hardware Implementation of a Smart System for Time-Frequency Signal Analysis,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2014), Budva, Montenegro, June 15–19, 2014, pp. 72-76.
  176. A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, S. K. Abramov, and I. Djurović, “Automation of analysis for corelated noise in images based on DCT coefficients statistics,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2014), Budva, Montenegro, June 2014, pp. 112-115.
  177. V. Rubežić, A. Jovanović, and I. Djurović, “Time-frequency representation-based identification of chaos in erbium-doped fiber ring laser,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2014), Budva, Montenegro, June 2014, pp. 120-123.
  178. A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, I. Djurović, and M. Chobanu, “Comparison analysis of myriad estimator calculation algorithm,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2014), Budva, Montenegro, June 2014, pp. 240-243.
  179. A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Estimation of parameters for generalized Gaussian distribution,” 2014 International Symposium on Communications, Control, and Signal Processing: Special Session on Information Theoretic Methods in Signal Processing, May 21-23, Athens, Greece, 2014.
  180. M. Simeunović, S. Djukanović, and I. Djurović, “Quasi-maximum likelihood estimator of multiple polynomial-phase signals,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2014 (ICASSP 2014), May 4-9, 2014, Florence, Italy, pp. 4233-4236
  181. N. Lekić, R. Stojanović, A. Gadžović, and Z. Mijanović, “Wind speed measurement and alert system for tunnel fire safety,” 24th International Conference Radioelektronika, Bratislava, Slovakia, 15-16 April 2014
  182. N. Filipović, R. Stojanović, N. Lekić, and A. Caplanova, “Monitoring and Analysis of Vital Physiological Parameters Using PDA Devices,” 24th International Conference Radioelektronika, Bratislava, Slovakia, April 15-16, 2014
  183. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, and N. Radović, “Pipelined design of a system for highly nonstationary FM signals estimation,” XXXIV IEEE International Scientific Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO 2014), Kyiv, Ukraine, Apr.15–18, 2014, pp.408–412.
  184. V. Popović-Bugarin, F. Radenović, and LJ. Stanković, “Analytical Rigid Body Reconstruction after Micro-Doppler Removal,” in Proc. of ISPA 2013,
  185. I. Djurović, and S. Djukanović, “Will technological society be inhuman?,” Transition to a New Society, Podgorica, Montenegro, March 2014, pp. 503-518.
  186. A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Overview of shape parameter estimators for generalized Gaussian distribution,” Proceedings of the International Conference TCSET’2014 Dedicated to the 170th anniversary of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine February 25 – March 1, 2014.
  187. A. Pelinković, Dj. Stojanović, and I. Djurović, “Application of the affine Fourier Transform based Multicarrier System in Aeronautical Satellite Channels,” 19th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2011, pp. 754-757
  188. I. Orović, S. Park, and S. Stanković, “Compressive sensing in Video applications,” 21st Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2013, Belgrade
  189. N. Bešić, G. Vasile, J. Chanussot, S. Stanković, D. Boldo, and G. d'Urso, “Independent component analysis within polarimetric incoherent target decomposition,” in Proceedings of IGARSS, Melbourne, AUS, 2013.
  190. N. Bešić, G. Vasile, J. Chanussot, S. Stanković, D. Boldo, and G. d'Urso, “Wet snow backscattering sensitivity on density change for swe estimation,” in Proceedings of IGARSS, Melbourne, AUS, 2013.
  191. N. Bešić, G. Vasile, J. Chanussot, and S. Stanković, “Poincare sphere representation of independent scattering sources: application on distributed targets,” in ESA SP-713 - POLinSAR 2013, Frascati, ITA, 2013.
  192. A. Drašković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Time- Frequency Plane Splitting for the First Order Local Polynomial Fourier Transform,” 21st Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2013, Beograd, Nov. 26-28, 2013
  193. S. Stanković, I. Orović, and LJ. Stanković, “Single-Iteration Algorithm for Compressive Sensing Reconstruction,” 21st Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2013, Belgrade
  194. I. Orović, A. Draganić, and S. Stanković, “Compressive Sensing as a Watermarking Attack,” 21st Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2013, Belgrade
  195. A. Pelinković, S. Djukanović, I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “A frequency domain method for the carrier frequency offset estimation in OFDM systems,” ISPA 2013, September 4-6, 2013, Trieste, Italy
  196. S. Djukanović, M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “A low-complexity robust estimation of multiple wideband polynomial-phase signals in sensor array,” ISPA 2013, September 4-6, 2013, Trieste, Italy.
  197. S. Mujović, and S. Djukanović, “Development of Mathematical Models for Current and Voltage Harmonic Distortion due to PC Group Operation,” 17th International Symposium on Power Electronics – Ee 2013, Novi Sad (Serbia), Oct.-Nov. 2013.
  198. I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Combined Compressive Sampling and Image Watermarking,” 55th International Symposium ELMAR 2013, Zadar, Croatia, Sept. 2013
  199. I. Orović, N. Žarić, and S. Stanković, “An Analysis of Quantization Influence on Optimal Detection of Multiplicative Watermark,” 55th International Symposium ELMAR 2013, Zadar, Croatia, Sept. 2013
  200. N. Saulig, Ž. Milanović, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and V. Sučić, “Entropy Based Extraction and Classification of Frequency Hopping Signals from Their TFDs,” 55th International Symposium ELMAR 2013, Zadar, Croatia, Sept. 2013
  201. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and S. Vujović, “Concentration measures with an adaptive algorithm for processing sparse signals,” ISPA 2013, Trieste, Italy, 4-6 September 2013, pp. 418-423
  202. M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Estimation of sinusoidally modulated signal parameters based on the inverse Radon transform,” ISPA 2013, Trieste, Italy, 4-6 September 2013, pp. 302-307
  203. N. Lekić, and Z. Mijanović, “NFC identification system for fuel dispensing control on petrol station,” Eurocon 2013, Zagreb, Croatia, 1-4 July 2013
  204. N. Radović, and V. N. Ivanović, “Hardware Implementation of a System for Highly Nonstationary Two–Dimensional FM Signals Estimation Based on the Sliding Matrix Function,” IEEE EUROCON 2013, Zagreb, Croatia, July 1–4, 2013, pp.1738–1744.
  205. Z. Miljanić, I. Djurović, and I. Vujošević, “Multiple Channel PMU placement considering cummunication constraints,” Energy Systems, Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2013, pp.125-135
  206. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, M. Božović, and Z. Uskoković, “Improved design of a space/spatial-frequency filter,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2013), Budva, Montenegro, June 15–20, 2013, pp.132-135.
  207. S. K. Abramov, S. S. Krivenko, A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, and I. Djurović, “Prediction of filtering efficiency for the DFT-based image denoising,” 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO - 2013, Budva, Montenegro, June 2013, pp. 97-100
  208. A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, and I. Djurović, “DCT coefficients in images corrupted by spatially correlated noise,” 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO - 2013, Budva, Montenegro, June 2013, pp. 156-159.
  209. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, and N. Radović, “A pipelined time-frequency filter implementation,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2013), Budva, Montenegro, June 15–20, 2013, pp.136-139.
  210. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “FHSS Signal Characterization Based On The Crossterms Free Time-Frequency Distributions,” 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO - 2013, pp. 152-155, June 2013, Budva, Montenegro
  211. S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “An Ideal OMP based Complex-Time Distribution,” 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO - 2013, pp. 109-112, June 2013, Budva, Montenegro
  212. S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Robust Complex-Time Distributions based on Reconstruction Algorithms,” 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO - 2013, pp.105-108, June 2013, Budva, Montenegro
  213. B. Jokanović, M. Amin, and S. Stanković, “Instantaneous frequency and time-frequency signature estimation using compressive sensing,” SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing, May, 2013
  214. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, N. Radović, and Z. Uskoković, “Real-time implementation of the optimal two-dimensional filter for highly nonstationary frequency-modulated signal estimation,” XXXIII IEEE International Scientific Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO 2013), Kyiv, Ukraine, Apr.16–19, 2013, vol. 1, pp. 440–444.
  215. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and I. Orović, “L-statistics combined with compressive sensing,” SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing, May, 2013
  216. I. Orović, S. Stanković, and M. Amin, “Compressive Sensing for Sparse Time-Frequency Representation of Nonstationary Signals in the Presence of Impulsive Noise,” SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing, 2013, May, 2013
  217. D.S. Vilchis-Rodriguez, S. Djurović, S. Djukanović, and A.C. Smith, “Analysis of Wound Rotor Induction Generator Transient Vibration Signal under Stator Fault Conditions,” European Wind Energy Exhibition and Conference EWEA 2013, February 2013
  218. N. Bešić, G. Vasile, J. Chanussot, S. Stanković, J. P. Dedieu, G. d'Urso, D. Boldo, and J. P. Ovarlez, “Dry snow backscattering sensitivity on density change for swe estimation,” in Proceedings of IGARSS, Munich, DEU, 2012.
  219. N. Bešić, G. Vasile, J. Chanussot, S. Stanković, J. P. Ovarlez, G. d'Urso, D. Boldo, and J. P. Dedieu, “Stochastically based wet snow mapping with sar data,” in Proceedings of IGARSS, Munich, DEU, 2012.
  220. M. Daković, M. Brajović, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “An algorithm for micro-Doppler period estimation,” 20th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2012, Beograd Nov. 20-22, 2012
  221. B. Jokanović, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and M. Amin, “A Robust Form of the Ambiguity function,” 20th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2012, Beograd, Novembar 2012
  222. A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and M. Amin, “Rekonstrukcija FHSS signala zasnovana na principu kompresivnog odabiranja,” 20th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2012, Beograd, Novembar 2012.
  223. N. Žarić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Singular Value Decomposition And Space/Spatial-Frequency Analysis Applied To Digital Watermarking,” EUSIPCO 2012, Vol. 2012, pp.1698-1702
  224. I. Orović, A. Draganić, S. Stanković, and E. Sejdić, “A Unified Approach for the Estimation of Instantaneous Frequency and Its Derivatives for Non-stationary Signals Analysis,” ISSPA 2012, Canada
  225. S. Stanković, I. Orović, and M. Amin, “Compressed Sensing Based Robust Time-Frequency Representation for Signals in Heavy-Tailed Noise,” ISSPA 2012, Canada
  226. M. Simeunović, S. Djukanović, and I. Djurović, “A Fine Search Method for the Cubic-Phase Function-Based Estimator,” EUSIPCO 2012, Bucharest, Romania
  227. I. Orović, S. Stanković, and A. Draganić, “Time-frequency based analysis of wireless signals,” Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2012, Bar, Montenegro
  228. D. Malnar, V. Sučić, and S. Stanković, “Noise Analysis of the Cross Wigner-Ville Distribution Based Instantaneous Frequency Estimation Method,” In-Tech 2012, Rijeka, Croatia
  229. I. Volaric, J. Lerga, V. Sučić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Performance Analysis of the Signal Denoising Method Based on the Fast ICI Rule,” In-Tech 2012, Rijeka, Croatia Rijeka, Croatia Rijeka, Croatia Rijeka, Croatia
  230. I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Recent advances in the estimation of the polynomial-phase signals,” Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2012, Bar, June 2012
  231. S. Djukanović, M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “Efficient Parameter Estimation of Polynomial-Phase Signals Impinging on a Sensor Array,” Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2012, Bar, June 2012.
  232. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and Z. Uskoković, “On the Sliding Matrix Function Based Wiener Filter for Highly Nonstationary Two-Dimensional FM Signal Estimation,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2012), Bar, Montenegro, June 11–14, 2012, pp.120-123.
  233. A. A. Roenko, D. A. Kurkin, V. V. Lukin, and I. Djurović, “Time-delay estimation for noise-like wideband signals in non-Gaussian environment,” Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2012, June 2012, pp. 100-103.
  234. A. A. Roenko, D. A. Kurkin, V. V. Lukin, and I. Djurović, “New estimator for tail heaviness parameter of generalized Gaussian distribution,” Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2012, June 2012, pp. 96-99
  235. I. Orović, S. Stanković, B. Jokanović, and A. Draganić, “On Compressive Sensing in Audio Signals,” ETRAN 2012,
  236. Dj. Stojanović, I. Djurović, and S. Djukanović, “The Effects of Doppler Scaling in Underwater Acoustic OFDM Communication,” Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2012, Bar, Montenegro, June 2012
  237. A. Pelinković, S. Djukanović, I. Djurović, and Dj. Stojanović, “A New Multicarrier System for Satellite Based Communications in the Railway Environment,” Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2012, Bar, Montenegro, June 2012
  238. N. Saulig, V. Sučić, S. Stanković, I. Orović, and B. Boashash, “Signal content estimation based on the short-term Renyi entropy of the S-method TFD,” IWSSIP 2012,
  239. I. Djurović, S. Djukanović, M. Amin, Y. Zhang, and B. Himed, “High-resolution time-frequency representations based on the local polynomial Fourier transform for over-the-horizon radars,” SPIE Radar Sensor Technology Conference, Baltimore, MD, April 2012
  240. N. Lekić, Z. Mijanović, and R. Stojanović, “The simple microcontroller based capacitive sensor with screen,” 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, 25-28 March 2012
  241. S. Djukanović, M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “Refinement in the estimation of multicomponent polynomial-phase signals,” 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2012), March 25-30, 2012, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 3957-3960
  242. Z. Miljanić, I. Djurović, and I. Vujošević, “Optimal PMU placement using ant colony optimization approach,” Proc. of the 46th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Soest, 2011, 1-D-05.
  243. I. Orović, B. Jokanović, and S. Stanković, “Hardware realization of the reduced cross terms distribution,” 19th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2011, Beograd, Nov. 2011
  244. I. Orović, A. Draganić, and S. Stanković, “S-method based eigenvalue decomposition for analysis of multicomponent communication signals,” 19th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2011, Beograd, Nov. 2011
  245. I. Orović, S. Stanković, and V. Sučić, “An Averaged Time-Frequency Distribution for Noisy Signals Analysis,” 19th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2011, Beograd, Nov. 2011
  246. S. Djukanović, M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “Estimation Refinement Techniques for the Cubic Phase Function,” 19th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2011, Beograd, Nov. 2011
  247. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Signal adaptive hardware design of a system for highly nonstationary FM signal estimation,” 2011 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2011), Barcelona, Spain, Aug.29–Sept.02, 2011.
  248. S. Djukanović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “An efficient peak frequency estimator for product high-order ambiguity function,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011.
  249. V. V. Lukin, S. K. Abramov, V. Zabrodina, D. A. Kurkin, A. A. Roenko, I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Automation of processing multichannel remote sensing images from spaceborne sensors,” 9th International Seminar on Mathematical Models & Modeling in Laser-plasma processes, Petrovac, 2011
  250. S. Djurović, and S. Djukanović, “A Sensorless Speed Detection Method for Wound Rotor Induction Machine,” International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC 2011), Niagara Falls, May 2011.
  251. I. Orović, N. Žarić, S. Stanković, and M. Amin, “A multiwindow time-frequency approach based on the concepts of robust estimate theory,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP-2011, pp: 3584 - 3587, May 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
  252. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and S. Jovanovski, “Real-time design of a space/spatial-frequency optimal filter for highly nonstationary two-dimensional signal estimation,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP 2011), Prague, Czech Republic, May 23–27, 2011, pp.1653–1656.
  253. I. Orović, N. Žarić, S. Stanković, I. Radusinović, and Z. Veljović, “Analysis of power consumption in OFDM systems,” 34th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics MIPRO2011, pp. 653 - 657, May 2011, Opatija, Croatia
  254. S. Djukanović, T. Thayaparan, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Interference suppression in noise radar systems,” SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, Orlando, Florida, USA, April 2011.
  255. N. Lekić, Z. Mijanović, and R. Stojanović, “The identification system for monitoring of teaching activities,” EUROCON 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, April, 27-29, 2011
  256. S. Djukanović, M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “A new method for strong broadband jammer rejection in noise radar systems,” 2010 ANTEM Conference, Ottawa, July 5-9, 2010.
  257. S. Djukanović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “A Robust Estimation of Polynomial-Phase Coefficients,” 18th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2010, Serbia, Belgrade, November 23-25, 2010.
  258. S. Djukanović, and I. Djurović, “Detection optimization for the DCT-domain image watermarking system,” EUSIPCO 2010, Aug. 2010, Aalborg, Denmark, Page(s) 830-834
  259. D. A. Kurkin, V. V. Lukin, I. Djurović, and S. Stanković, “Meridian estimator performance for samples of generalized Gaussian distribution,” in Proc. of 13th Int. Conf. on Math. Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, MMET 2010, Sept. 2010, Kiyv, Ukraine.
  260. I. Orović, N. Žarić, and S. Stanković, “Robust Space/Spatial-Frequency Based Filtering of Images in the Presence of Heavy Tailed Noise,” 20th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision GRAPHICON’2010, Sept. 2010. St. Petersburg, Russia
  261. I. Djurović, P Wang, C. Ioana, and M. Simeunović, “Cubic phase function for two-dimensional polynomial-phase signals,” EUSIPCO 2010, Alborg, Danska, Aug. 2010, pp. 1033-1037.
  262. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “An efficient smart system for improved space/spatial-frequency representation of nonstationary 2-D signals,” 2010 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2010), Aalborg, Denmark, August 23–27, 2010, pp.527–531.
  263. M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “Empirical Mode Decomposition in Radar Signal Processing,” ANTEM/AMEREM 2010, 14TH International Symposium on Antennas and Electromagnetics and The American Electromagnetics Conference, July 2010, Ottawa, Canada
  264. V. Popović-Bugarin, I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, and M. Daković, “Autofocusing of SAR Images Based on the LPFT and the PHAF,” ANTEM/AMEREM 2010, 14TH International Symposium on Antennas and Electromagnetics and The American Electromagnetics Conference, July 2010, Ottawa, ON, CANADA
  265. N. Žarić, S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Robust Time-Varying Filtering of Speech Signals Corrupted by Mixed Gaussian and Impulse Noise,” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition AIPR-10, pp: 238-242, July 2010. Orlando, Florida
  266. I. Orović, S. Stanković, and N. Žarić, “Time-Frequency Rate Representation for IF Rate Estimation of Signals with Fast Varying Phase Function,” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition AIPR-10, pp: 234-237 July 2010. Orlando, Florida
  267. V. V. Lukin, A. A. Roenko, A. V. Totsky, and I. Djurović, “Robust DFT-based signal processing in micro-Doppler radars,” in Proc. of MSMW 2010, Kharkov, Ukraine, June 2010, paper no. C-14.
  268. P. Raković, T. Thayaparan, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “An Algorithm for Detecting a Maneuvering Radar Target Based on TFR and Viterbi Algorithm,” SMACD 2010, 2010, Tunis-Gammarth, Tunis
  269. E. Sejdić, I. Djurović, and J. Jiang, “S-transform with frequency dependent Kaiser window,” in Proc. of ICASSP'07, Honolulu, Hawai, USA, 2007, Vol. III, pp.1165-1168.
  270. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Signal adaptive method for improved space/spatial-frequency representation of nonstationary two-dimensional signals,” The 9th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing (SIP’10), Volume: SIGNAL2010, Catania, Sicily, Italy, May 29-31, 2010.
  271. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “An Efficient Smart System for Time-Frequency Analasys Based on the Cross-Terms-Free Wigner Distribution Signal Representation,” 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON 2010), Valletta, Malta, April 25–28, 2010, pp.868-871.
  272. A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, and I. Djurović, “Maximum likelihood, optimal L- and adaptive estimators of location parameter for data samples with symmetric heavy-tailed distributions,” in Proc. of 4th Int. Symp. On Comm., Control, and Signal Processing, IEEE ISCCSP 2010, Limassol, Cyprus, 3-5 March 2010, DOI: 10.1109/ISCCSP.2010.5463324, pp. 1-4.
  273. C. Ioana, J. Mars, A. Serbanescu, and S. Stanković, “Time-frequency-phase tracking approach : Application to underwater signals in a passive context,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2010, , pp.5634,5637, 14-19 March 2010
  274. S. Djukanović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Time-frequency method for nonstationary jammer suppression in dsss systems,” 17th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2009, invited paper, Serbia, Belgrade, November 24-26, 2009
  275. T. Thayaparan, LJ. Stanković, I. Djurović, S. Penamati, and K. Venkataramaniah, “Inteligent target recognition using micro-Doppler radar signatures,” in Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 7308, 2009, Art. No. 730817.
  276. T. Thayaparan, LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, I. Djurović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Image enhancement and motion compensation of moving targets in ISAR using S-method,” International Radar Conference Surveilance for a Safer World 2009, RADAR, 2009, pp. 1-5.
  277. N. N. Ponomarenko, V. V. Lukin, I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Pre-filtering of multichannel remote sensing data for agricultural bare soil field parameter estimation,” BioSense09, Novi Sad, October 2009.
  278. V. V. Lukin, A. A. Roenko, S. K. Abramov, I. Djurović, and J. T. Astola, “Bootstrap based adaptation of sample myriad to characteristics of SαS distribution data,” IEEE Symp. On Circuits and Systems for Human Centric Smart Living Technologies, IEEE ISCAS 2009, pp. 1205-1208.
  279. Z. Miljanić, I. Djurović, and I. Vujošević, “Redundancy analysis and observability restoration based on the Gram matrix factorization,” Proceedings of the 44th International Universities Power Engineering Conference., September 2009, Glasgow.
  280. I. Orović, N. Žarić, M. Orlandić, and S. Stanković, “A Virtual Instrument for Highly Concentrated Time-Frequency Distributions,” International Conference ETAI 2009, Sept. 2009. Ohrid, Macedonia
  281. N. Žarić, I. Orović, M. Zogović, and S. Stanković, “FPGA Realization of Time-Frequency Distribution with Complex-lag Argument,” International Conference ETAI 2009, Sept, 2009., Ohrid, Macedonia
  282. I. Djurović, M. Daković, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Numerical modeling in radar data analyzing,” 6-th International Seminar Mathematical Models & Modeling in Laser – Plasma Processes, Budva, Crna Gora, pp. 43, jun 2009.
  283. M. Orlandić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “An image watermarking technique with optimal detection in the Wavelet domain,” ETRAN 2009, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
  284. D. A. Kurkin, A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, and I. Djurović, “Analysis of meridian estimator performance for non-Gaussian PDF data samples,” 6th International Seminar on Mathematical Models & Modeling in Laser-plasma processes, Budva 2009.
  285. S. Jovanovski, and V. N. Ivanović, “An efficient hardware design of an optimal nonstationary filtering system,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP 2009), Taipei, Taiwan, April 19–24, 2009, pp.569-572.
  286. B. Gottin, I. Orović, C. Ioana, S. Stanković, and J. Chanussot, “Signal characterization using generalized "time-phase derivatives" representation,” Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP-2009, pp. 3001-3004, April, 2009., Taipei, Taiwan
  287. P Wang, H. Li, I. Djurović, and J.Yang, “Instantaneous Frequency Rate Estimation for High-Order Polynomial-Phase Signal,” in Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'09), Taipei, April 19-24, 2009, pp. 3009-3012
  288. E. Sejdić, U. Ozertem, I. Djurović, and D. Edogmus, “A new approach for the reassignment of time-frequency representations,” in Proc. of the IEEE ICASSP 2009, April 2009, pp. 2997-3000.
  289. S. Jovanovski, V. N. Ivanović, and N. Radović, “An efficient real–time method for time–varying filter region of support estimation,” 13th IEEE SPS DSP Workshop & 5th SPE Workshop, Marco Island, Florida, USA, January 4–7, 2009, pp. 513–517.
  290. N. N. Ponomarenko, D. V. Fevralev, A. A. Roenko, S. S. Krivenko, V. V. Lukin, and I. Djurović, “Edge detection and filtering of images corrupted by nonstationary noise using robust statistics,” CADSM 2009, Polyana, Ukraine, Feb. 2009, pp. 129-136.
  291. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “An efficient hardware design of a system for highly nonstationary signals filtering,” Proceedings of the WSEAS Conference, Volume: SIGNAL2008, Hangyhou, China, Dec. 2008.
  292. N. Žarić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and C. Ioana, “Space/Spatial-Frequency Based Image Watermarking,” Proc. 50th International Symposium ELMAR 2008, ELMAR-2008, pp.101-104. Sept, 2008., Zadar. Croatia
  293. B. Gottin, C. Ioana, S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and J. Chanussot, “On the concept of time-frequency distributions based on complex-lag moments,” EUSIPCO 2008, 16th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO-2008 EURASIP, August 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland
  294. F. Totir, G. Feteanu, C. Ioana, J. Mars, L. Anton, and S. Stanković, “Systemic Doppler based aerial target tracking,” The 7th Communications International Conference COMM-2008, COMM-2008, Bucharest, Romania 2008
  295. F. Totir, A. Serbanescu, C. Ioana, J. Mars, S. Stanković, and M. Mazilu, “Surveying the frontier between signal processing and dynamical systems,” The 7th Communications International Conference COMM-2008, COMM-2008, Bucharest, Romania 2008
  296. A. A. Roenko, I. Djurović, V. V. Lukin, and A. A. Zelensky, “Accuracy Improvement of the Wigner Distribution Estimate in non-Gaussian Noise Environment by Means of Clipping Technique Application,” Proceedings of the International Conference "Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunication and Computer Science (TCSET’2008), Lviv-Slavsko, Ukraine, 2008. - P. 362-365.
  297. A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, S. K. Abramov, and I. Djurović, “Adaptation of sample myriad tunable parameter to characteristics of SαS distribution,” in Proc. of Int. Conf. MMET, Odessa, Ukraine, 2008, pp. 418-420.
  298. V. N. Ivanović, R. Stojanović, and S. Jovanovski, “An FPGA design of the system for space/spatial-frequency signal analysis,” Proceedings of the WSEAS Conference, Volume: SIGNAL2007, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 29-31, 2007.
  299. S. Djukanović, M. D’Arco, and L. Angrisani, “Frequency estimation of multicomponent signals characterized by interfering linear trajectories,” 15th IMEKO TC4 Symp. on Novelties in Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation, Lasi, Romania, Sept. 2007
  300. E. Sejdić, P. Raković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Heart sound decomposition by S-method,” EUSIPCO 2007, Poznan, Poland
  301. S. Stanković, “On estimation of nonstationary motion parameters in video sequences,” Second Word Congress on Eng. Asset Manag. and the Fourth Inter. Conf. on Condition Monitoring WCEAM CM 2007, invited paper, Harrogate, June 2007.
  302. P Wang, J.Yang, and I. Djurović, “Algorithm extension of cubic phase function for estimating quadratic FM signal,” in Proc. of ICASSP'07, Honolulu, Hawai, USA, 2007, Vol. III, pp.1125-1128.
  303. A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, and I. Djurović, “Analysis and selection of myriad estimate tuning parameter for S?S distributions,” in Proc. of Int. Conference. On Dig. Sig. Proc. and. Applic, Moscow, Russia, Mar. 2007, Vol. 1, pp. 194-198.
  304. V. V. Lukin, A. A. Roenko, I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Robust DFT based on adaptive censored estimate for FM signal processing in non-Gaussian noise environment,” in Proc. of IEEE ISSPA'2007, in print
  305. I. Orović, and N. Žarić, “Data Hidding Procedure for Image Watermarking,” BIHTEL 2006, Sarajevo, Oct. 2006
  306. LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, M. Daković, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “S-Method in radar imaging,” EUSIPCO 2006, Florence, Italy, 4-8 September 2006.
  307. P Wang, I. Djurović, and J.Yang, “Instantaneous frequency rate estimation based on robust cubic phase function,” in Proc. of IEEE ICASSP'06, Touoluse, France, Sept. 2006.
  308. V. N. Ivanović, R. Stojanović, S. Jovanovski, and LJ. Stanković, “An architecture for real-time design of the system for multidimensional signal analysis,” EUSIPCO 2006, Florence, Italy, Sept. 2006.
  309. P. Raković, E. Sejdić, LJ. Stanković, and J. Jiang, “Time-frequency signal processing approaches with applications to heart sound analysis,” CINC 2006, Valencia, Spain
  310. S. Stanković, I. Orović, N. Žarić, and C. Ioana, “An Approach to Digital Watermarking of Speech Signals in the Time-Frequency Domain,” ELMAR-2006, Zadar
  311. T. Thayaparan, I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Focusing distorted ISAR images using adaptive local polynomial Fourier transform,” in Proc. of MIKON, Krakow, Poland
  312. C. Conru, C. Ioana, A. Quinquis, and S. Stanković, “Time-Frequency Content Characterization using Instantaneous Moment Concept: Theory and Applications,” International Symposium on Industrial Equipment, ISIE'06, Montreal
  313. C. Ioana, A. Jarrot, A. Quinquis, S. Stanković, and LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of Time-Frequency Transient Components Using Phase Chirping Operator,” in Proc. of ICASSP 2006, Vol.3, 21-24 May 2006 pp:III-173-III-176
  314. V. Popović-Bugarin, M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “Sar Images Improvements by Using The S-Method,” in Proc. of ICASSP 2006, Vol.3, 21-24 May 2006, pp.III-177-III-180
  315. A. A. Roenko, V. V. Lukin, I. Djurović, A. Kurekin, and A. A. Zelensky, “Filtering of Frequency Modulated Signals Embedded in Alpha-Stable Noise Using Robust DFT Forms,” IX Int. Conf: Modern Problems of Radio engineering, telecommunications and computer sciences, Lviv-Slavsko, Ukraine, Feb.-Mar. 2006, pp. 228-231
  316. T. Thayaparan, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “A new Time-Frequency Signal Decomposition Approach for the Detection of Accelerating Air Targets in Sea-Clutter using Higth-Frequency Surface-Wave Radar,” IRS 2005, Berlin, Germany, Sept.2005
  317. LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, and M. Daković, “Improvement of the Fast Moving Targets Presentation in ISAR by Using the S-Method,” EUSIPCO 2005, Antalya, Turkey, Sept. 2005
  318. LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, and M. Daković, “Algorithm for Signal Decomposition by Using The S-Method,” EUSIPCO 2005, Antalya, Turkey, Sept. 2005
  319. V. N. Ivanović, “The multiple clock cycle impleme-ntation of the flexible special purpose hardware for time-frequency analysis,” n Proceedings of the Workshop devoted to 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics “Conteporary mathematics, phisics and biology”, Sept. 2005, pp.45-58
  320. V. Popović-Bugarin, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “Noise analysis of the high resolution methods in ISAR,” ISPA 2005, 15-17 Sept. 2005 pp.489 - 493
  321. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, and V. V. Lukin, “Combination of non-linear filters in time and frequency domain,” Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Signal Processing and Its Applications, Vol.2, August 28-31, 2005 pp.:727-730
  322. C. Ioana, S. Stanković, and A. Quinquis, “Estimation of Parameters of a Polynomial Phase Model Using the Warped Complex Time Distributions,” The Eight International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, Sydney, Australia, 28-31 August 2005.
  323. I. Djurović, V. Rubežić, and M. Daković, “Chaos detection in Colpitts oscillator,” Proceedings of the XL International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2005, pp. 648 -651, Niš, 2005
  324. C. Conru, I. Djurović, C. Ioana, A. Quinquis, and LJ. Stanković, “Time-frequency detection using Gabor filter bank and Viterbi based grouping algorithm,” ICASSP 2005, Vol.4, 18-23 March 2005, pp.iv/497-iv/500
  325. C. Ioana, S. Stanković, A. Quinquis, and LJ. Stanković, “Modelling of signal's time-frequency content using warped complex-time distributions,” ICASSP 2005, Vol.4, 18-23 March 2005, pp.iv/477-iv/480
  326. V. Rubežić, M. Radulović, A. Jovanović, and M. Daković, “The chaotic mobile robot,” WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 4, Vol.3, Oct. 2004, pp.959-962
  327. I. Djurović, A. Oshumi, and H. Ijima, “Estimation of the parameters and angle-of-arrival of wideband signals on sensor arrays based on the phase differentiation algorithm,” in Proc. of IEEE OCEANS 2004, Vol. 2, Nov. 2004, Kobe, Japan, pp. 631-634
  328. A. Kläser, S. Stanković, and R. Herpers, “Enhancing motion trajectories in noisy video sequences,” IEEE ISSPIT, Roma 2004
  329. LJ. Stanković, and I. Djurović, “Robust time-frequency analysis: definitions and realizations,” EUSIPCO 2004, Vieanna, Austria, pp.1573-1576, invited paper.
  330. I. Djurović, M. Urlaub, LJ. Stanković, and J. F. Böhme, “Estimation of multicomponent signals by using time-frequency representations with application to knock signal analysis,” EUSIPCO 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp.1785-1788.
  331. Dj. Stojanović, I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Interference Analysis and Optimization of the Performance of OFDM/BFDM in Double Dispersive Channels,” in Proc. of REDISCOVER 2004, Cavtat, Croatia, pp.41-44.
  332. B. Krstajić, D. Ojdanić, A. Vučinić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “An approach to transform domain variable step-size LMS adaptive filter,” EUSIPCO 2004, Vienna, Septembar 2004.
  333. V. N. Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Multiple clock cycle real-time implementation of a system for time-frequency analysis,” EUSIPCO 2004, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 2004, pp.1633-1636
  334. H. Ijima, A. Oshumi, and I. Djurović, “Parameter estimation of FM signals in random noise using Wigner distribution,” SICE Annual Conference, 2004, Sapporo, Japan, WAI-8-2m pp.1417-1420.
  335. H. Ijima, A. Oshumi, and I. Djurović, “Parameter estimation of chirp signals in random noise using Wigner distribution,” IEEE Int. Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2004), 2004, Hiroshima, Japan, Vol.II, pp.177-180
  336. I. Djurović, and V. V. Lukin, “Filtering of frequency modulated signals in impulse noise environments based on robust DFT forms,” n Proc. of SMMSP 2004, 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp.95-100
  337. S. M. Perovich, S. Bauk, and I. Djurović, “Calculating conductive fluid high level with special trans function theory,” Proc. of 46th Int. Symp. Elmar 2004, June 2004, pp. 519-524
  338. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “An approach to Optimal step-size estimation for LMS algorithm,” REDISCOVER 2004, Conference proceed., pp. 37 - 40, Cavtat, Jun 2004.
  339. LJ. Stanković, V. Popović-Bugarin, and M. Daković, “On the Capon's method application in time-frequency signal analysis,” in Proc. of ISSPIT 2003, Darmstadt, Germany, 14-17 December 2003, pp. 721-724.
  340. LJ. Stanković, and S. Djukanović, “Multiple interferences rejection in spread spectrum communication systems by using local polynomial Fourier transform,” 2003 IEEE Int. Symp. on Sig. Proc. and Inf. Tech. ISSPIT 2003, Darmstadt, Germany, Dec. 2003
  341. LJ. Stanković, and S. Djukanović, “Order Adaptive Local Polynomial FT Based Interference Rejection In Spread Spectrum Communication Systems,” 2003 IEEE Int. Symp. on Int. Sig. Proc. WISP 2003, Budapest, Sep. 2003.
  342. S. Stanković, I. Djurović, and R. Herpers, “Velocity and acceleration estimation in video sequences by the local polynomial periodogram,” in Proc. of ISSPA, Paris, France, 2003, Vol.1, pp.145-148, invited paper
  343. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Nonparametric IF and DOA estimation,” in Proc. of ISSPA, Paris, France, 2003, Vol.1, pp.149-152, invited paper
  344. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, A. Oshumi, and H. Ijima, “Recursive realization of the robust STFT,” in Proc. of ISSPA, Paris, France, 2003, Vol.1, pp.157-160, invited paper
  345. M. Daković, V. N. Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “On the S-method based instantaneous frequency estimation,” in Proc. of ISSPA, Paris, July 2003
  346. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “Adaptive channel equalizer with new VSS LMS algorithm,” in Proc. of ISSPA, Paris, July 2003
  347. S. Stanković, R. Herpers, and I. Djurović, “Motion parameters estimation of moving objects and ego motion applying an active camera system,” IEEE ISSPIT Conference, Darmstadt 2003
  348. S. Stanković, and P. Zogović, “An application of pdf statistics to optimal watermark detection,” IEEE ISSPIT Conference, Darmstadt 2003
  349. LJ. Stanković, I. Djurović, A. Oshumi, and H. Ijima, “Instantaneous frequency estimation by using Wigner distribution and Viterbi algorithm,” in Proc. Of ICASSP 2003, Hong Kong, Apr.2003,
  350. H. Ijima, A. Oshumi, and I. Djurović, “Maximum likelihood estimation of unknown parameters of signals using Wigner Distribution,” 17th Digital Signal Processing Symposium, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan, Nov.2002, (in Japanese), A2-2
  351. S. M. Perovich, A. Lompar, and I. Djurović, “The special trans function theory to the conductive fluid level estimation,” SIcon/02, Houston, USA, Nov. 2002, pp.186-190
  352. C. Wang, A. Oshumi, and I. Djurović, “Model Predictive Control of Noisy Plants Using Kalman Predictor and Filter,” IEEE TENCON'02, Beijing, China, Oct.2002, pp.1404-1407.
  353. S. Stanković, P. Zogović, and I. Djurović, “A Procedure for Optimal Image Watermark Detection,” 32th ICEST 2002, Nis, Oct. 2002, pp.186-188
  354. V. Katkovnik, and LJ. Stanković, “High-resolution Data-adaptive time-frequency analysis,” IEEE Int. Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2002, Dubrovnik, Sept.2002, pp.1023-1026
  355. R. Dragović-Ivanović, Z. Mijanović, LJ. Stanković, and N. Lekić, “Optimal Resistor Ratio in the DAC with Low Precision Resistors - Statistical Approach,” IEEE Int. Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2002, Dubrovnik, Sept.2002, pp.409-413
  356. B. Barkat, and LJ. Stanković, “Robust PWVD for the Analysis of Polynomial FM Signals in Non-Gaussian Noise,” IEEE Int. Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2002, Dubrovnik, Sept.2002, pp.1007-1010
  357. I. Djurović, S. Stanković, A. Oshumi, and H. Ijima, “Estimation of Line Parameters Using SLIDE Algorithm and TF Representations,” IEEE Int. Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2002, Dubrovnik, Sept.2002, pp.1067-1071
  358. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, and J. F. Böhme, “Robust Two-dimensional DFT,” IEEE Int. Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2002, Dubrovnik, Sept.2002, pp.1011-1014
  359. B. Krstajić, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “A Variable Step-Size LMS Algorithm,” WSEAS International Multiconference, Skiathos Island, Greece, Sept. 2002.
  360. H. Ijima, A. Oshumi, H. Sato, and I. Djurović, “Maximum likelihood estimation for signal parameters using pseudo-Wigner distribution,” 46th SICE Annual Conference, Osaka, Japan, 2002, pp.1598-1603.
  361. S. Stanković, V. N. Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Hartley transform based architecture for time-frequency analysis and time-varying filtering,” European Conf. on Signal Processing, EUSIPCO 2002, France, Toulouse, Sept.2002, Vol.II, pp.217-220
  362. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, and J. F. Böhme, “Myriad filter based form of the DFT,” European Conf. on Signal Processing, EUSIPCO 2002, France, Toulouse, Sept.2002, Vol.III, pp.433-436
  363. M. Daković, I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Adaptive weighted fractional Fourier transforms,” European Conf. on Signal Processing, EUSIPCO 2002, France, Toulouse, Sept.2002, Vol.II, pp.603-606
  364. I. Djurović, A. Oshumi, and H. Ijima, “Parametric estimation of the FM signals using Wigner distribution-based maximum likelihood estimator,” SICE Annual Conference, SICE'2002, Chiba, Japan, May 2002, pp.411-414.
  365. H. Ijima, A. Oshumi, H. Sato, and I. Djurović, “Estimation of unknown parameters of signals in random noise using pseudo-Wigner distribution,” 46th Annual Conference, SCI'02, Kobe, Japan, May 2002, pp.361-362.
  366. R. Stojanović, G. Papadopoulos, P. Mitropulos, M. Georgoudakis, R. Alcock, and I. Djurović, “An approach for automated inspection of wood board,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Thessaloniki, Oct.2001, Vol.I, pp.798-801.
  367. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and R. Stojanović, “Local frequency estimation based on the Wigner distribution,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Thessaloniki, Oct.2001 Vol.II, pp.736-739.
  368. O. Rogozovski, LJ. Stanković, and I. Djurović, “Time-frequency analysis of frequency-coded signals,” MTS/IEEE Conf. Oceans 2001, Honolulu, HI, USA, Sep.2001. pp.756-761.
  369. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, and M. J. Bastiaans, “Multidimensional Reassignment Method,” 5th IEEE Int. Conf. on Telecomm. in Modern Satelilite, Cable and Boradcasting Servics, Nis, Yugoslavia, Sep.2001, Vol.I, pp.13-17.
  370. V. Katkovnik, I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Robust time-frequency distributions,” 6th IEEE Int. Symp. on Signal Processing and Applications, Kuala Lumpur, Aug.2001, invited paper, 2001, Vol.1, pp.156-157.
  371. LJ. Stanković, and M. J. Bastiaans, “Noise Analysis in Toeplitz and Hankel Kernels for Estimating Time-Varying Spectra,” 6th IEEE Int. Symp. on Signal Processing and Applications, Kuala Lumpur, Aug.2001, invited paper, Vol.1, pp.335-338.
  372. LJ. Stanković, T. Alieva, and M. J. Bastiaans, “Fractional-Fourier-domain weighted Wigner distribution,” 11th IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Orchid Country Club, Singapore, Aug.6-8, 2001, pp.321-324.
  373. T. Alieva, M. J. Bastiaans, and LJ. Stanković, “Wigner distribution reconstruction from two projections,” Proc. of the 11th IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Orchid Country Club, Singapore, Aug.2001, pp.325-328.
  374. LJ. Stanković, “Quadratic and higher order time-frequency analysis based on the short-time Fourier transform,” Proc. of the 6th IEEE Int. Symp. on Signal Processing and Applications, Kuala Lumpur, Aug.2001, Vol.1, pp.581-582.
  375. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “Adaptive noise cancelling with new VS LMS algorithm,” IFAC Workshop: Automatic Systems for BIDC, Ohrid, Macedonia, 21-23 June, 2001.
  376. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Robust Hadamard transform,” Proc. of the 9th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2001.
  377. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “Identification of unknown systems with varying parameters in a noisy environment with a new VS LMS algorithm,” Proc. of the 9th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2001.
  378. J. Tilp, F. Cheikh-Rouhou, and S. Stanković, “Time-varying filetring methods for speech enhancement in mobile telephony,” IEEE Int.Conf. Acoust., Speech, Sign. Proc., ICASSP 2001, Salt Lake City, May 2001.
  379. V. N. Ivanović, M. Daković, I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Instantaneous frequency estimation by using time-frequency distributions,” IEEE Int.Conf. Acoust., Speech, Sign. Proc., ICASSP 2001, Salt Lake City, May 2001, Vol.6, pp.3521-3524.
  380. I. Djurović, V. Katkovnik, and LJ. Stanković, “Instantaneous frequency estimation based on the robust spectrogram,” IEEE Int.Conf. Acoust., Speech, Sign. Proc., ICASSP 2001, Salt Lake City, May 2001, Vol.6, pp.3517-3520.
  381. S. Stanković, J. Tilp, and R. Stojanović, “Enhancement of Speech Signals Disturbed by Noise Using Time-Varying Filtering,” 4-th World Multiconference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers 2000, Athens, July 2000, Vol.2, pp.325-329.
  382. V. Vuković, I. Djurović, S. Stanković, and R. Stojanović, “On the Using of Time-Frequency Distributions in the Motion Estimation,” 4-th World Multiconference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers 2000, Athens, July 2000, Vol.4, pp.351-356.
  383. J. Tilp, and S. Stanković, “Prediction-based time-varying filtering for speech enhancement in cellular telephony,” IWISPA 2000, June 2000, Pula, Croatia, pp.273-278.
  384. LJ. Stanković, I. Djurović, and S. Stanković, “The robust Wigner distribution,” IEEE Int.Conf. Acoust., Speech, Sign. Proc., ICASSP 2000, Istanbul, June 2000, Vol.I, pp.77-80.
  385. I. Djurović, S. Stanković, I. Pitas, LJ. Stanković, and J. Tilp, “Generalization of the watermarking to the space/spatial-frequency analysis,” IWISPA 2000, June 2000, Pula, Croatia, pp.47-51.
  386. B. Barkat, B. Boashash, and LJ. Stanković, “Adaptive window in the PWVD for the IF estimation of FM signals in adaptivre Gaussian noise,” in IEEE Proc. ICASSP 1999, pp.1317-1320.
  387. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “The reassigned S-method,” in Proc. TELSIKS 99, Vol.1, Nis, Oct.1999, pp.464-467.
  388. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and I. Djurović, “On the space-varying filtering,” in Proc. TELSIKS 99, Vol.1, Nis, Oct.1999, pp.460-463.
  389. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “A reassignment based method for time-frequency representation,” in IEEE Proc. ICECS'99, Cyprus, Vol.3, Sep.99, pp.1357-1360.
  390. LJ. Stanković, V. Katkovnik, and I. Djurović, “Adaptive order and window length higher order time-frequency distributions in the IF estimation,” in Proc. IEEE ICECS'99, Cyprus, Vol.2, Sep.99, pp.1077-1080.
  391. B. Krstajić, LJ. Stanković, Z. Uskoković, and I. Djurović, “Combined adaptive system for identification of unknown systems with varying parameters in a noisy enviroment,” in Proc. IEEE ICECS'99, Cyprus, Vol.2, Sep.99, pp.745-748.
  392. LJ. Stanković, “Measuring concentration of some time-frequency distributions,” in Proc. IEEE WISP'99, Budapest Sep.99, pp.67-71.
  393. I. Djurović, V. Katkovnik, LJ. Stanković, and R. Dragović-Ivanović, “Instantaneous frequency estimation using adaptive robust M-periodogram,” in Proc. IEEE WISP'99, Budapest Sep.99, pp.176-181.
  394. S. M. Perovich, LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and I. Djurović, “Analitical model to the signal analysis in the N-component R-diode network,” in Proc. IEEE WISP'99, Budapest Sep.99, pp.200-203.
  395. Z. Uskoković, R. Dragović-Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “The precise D/A converter with low precision resistors,” in Proceedings of IMEKO TC-4 International Symposium on DDMI'98 and Workshop on ADC modelling and Testing, Italy, Napoli, 1998.
  396. LJ. Stanković, “On the Wigner distrinution of noisy signals with adaptive window,” 4-th European Conference on Underwater Acoustic, Roma 21-24.Sep.1998, pp.51-56.
  397. O. Rogozovski, and LJ. Stanković, “Spectral characteristics of signals from high speed objects,” Proc. of the 4-th European Conference on Underwater Acoustic, Roma, Sep.1998, pp.39-44.
  398. V. N. Ivanović, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Quantization effects in implementation of distributions from the Cohen class,” EUSIPCO'98, Rhodos, Greece, Sep.1998, pp.649-652.
  399. LJ. Stanković, and V. Katkovnik, “Algorithm for the instantaneous frequency estimation using time-frequency distributions with adaptive window width,” EUSIPCO'98, Rhodos, Greece, Sep.1998, pp.629-632.
  400. LJ. Stanković, and S. Stanković, “Cross-terms free forms of some quadratic and higher order time-frequncy distributions,” EUSIPCO'98, Rhodos, Greece, Sep.1998, pp.653-656.
  401. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “GLMS Adaptive Algorithm In Linear Prediction,” CCECE' 97, Conference proceedings, vol. I, pp. 114-117, St. John's, NF CANADA, 1997.
  402. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and I. Djurović, “An architecture for the cross-terms free realization of the Polynomial Wigner distribution,” in Proceedings of the IEEE IC-Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Munich, Germany, Apr.1997, pp.2053-2056.
  403. Z. Mijanović, R. Dragović-Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “R/2R+ Digital Analog Convereter (DAC),” IEEE IMTC Conf., June 1996, Volume II, Brussels, June 1996, pp.1034-1039.
  404. LJ. Stanković, “On the realization of the highly concentrated time-frequency distributions,” IEEE Sypm. on TFTSA, Paris, June 1996, pp.461-464.
  405. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “S-method with variable convolution window,” IEEE Sypm. on TFTSA, Paris, June 1996, pp.185-188.
  406. S. Stanković, and LJ. Stanković, “An approach to the polynomial Wigner-Ville distributions,” IEEE Sypm. on TFTSA, Paris, June 1996, pp.153-156.
  407. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, Z. Uskoković, and D. Petranović, “On The Auto-terms in the Reduced Interference Distributions,” Proc. of the Twenty-nineth Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, 1995.
  408. LJ. Stanković, “A distribution for time-frequency signal analysis,” in Proceedings of the ICDSP, Nicosia, Cyprus 1995, pp.103-108.
  409. LJ. Stanković, Z. Uskoković, S. Stanković, D. Petranović, and Z. Petrović, “The L-Wigner distribution as a tool for robust time-frequency signal analysis,” Proc. of the Twenty-eight Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, pp, 345-350, 1994.
  410. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “A method for Wigner higher order spectra,” IEEE Sypm. on TFTSA, Philadelphia, Penn., Oct.1994, pp.56-59.
  411. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “A method for multidimensional time-frequency analysis,” Proceedins of IEEE Eight Workshop on IMDSP, Cannes, France 1993., pp.154-155.
  412. LJ. Stanković, “Wigner higher order spectra of multicomponent signals: A method for higher order time-frequency analysys,” Proceedings ICDSP, Nicosia, Cyprus 1993, pp.100-105.
  413. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “A method for space-frequency image analysis,” Proc. of TELSIKS'93, Nis, pp.8.118-8.122.
  414. LJ. Stanković, and M. Radulović, “A method for analysis of complex cross section waveguide and membrane problems,” Proc. of International AMSE conference “Signals & systems”, part 3, Cetinje (Yu), Sep.1990, pp.45-52.
  415. Z. Uskoković, J. Medanić, and M. Grisey, “On Decentralized Output Feedback Stabilization and Optimization,” Internat. AMSE Conf. on Modelling and Simulation, Cetinje, Yugoslavia, Sep.1990.
  416. J. Medanić, W. Perkins, R. Ramaker, F. Latuada, and Z. Uskoković, “Disturbance Rejection in Large-scale Systems Using Decentralized Projective Controls,” Proc. 11th World Congress of IFAC, Tallinn, Estonia (USSR), Aug.1990, Vol.2., pp.7-12.
  417. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, “Asymptotic Properties of Decentralized Dynamic Controllers Designed by Projective Controls,” Inter. AMSE Conf., Brighton, England, 1989.
  418. J. Medanić, W. Perkins, Z. Uskoković, and F. Latuada, “Design of Decentralized Projecyive Controlsfor Disturnabce Rejection,” Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, FL, Dec.1989.
  419. S. Jovićević, and LJ. Stanković, “Modified least square residual method in mechanics and heat transfer problems,” Proc. of 10th International symposium on CAD & CAM, Zagreb, Oct.1989, pp.135-142.
  420. LJ. Stanković, “The round ridge resonator,” Proc. of International AMSE conference “Signals & systems”, part 7, Brighton (U.K), July 1989, pp.67-77.
  421. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, “Parametrization of Dynamic Projective Controllers for Frequency Domain Design,” Proc. International AMSE Conf. on Modelling and Simulation, Istanbul, Turkey, 1988, Vol.1B, pp.12-22.
  422. V. Vlahović, and Z. Uskoković, “Centralized Dynamic Control as an Instrument of Power System Security Assessment,” Proc. Internat. AMSE Conf. on Modelling and Simulation, Istanbul, Turkey, 1988, Vol.2D, pp.125-134.
  423. M. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, and R. Puzović, “Prediction of wind in short term periods,” Proc. of Mediterranean congress of solar and other new renewable resources, Antarya-Turkey, Nov.1988, pp.107-113.
  424. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, “Parametrization of Low-order Dynamic Regulators for Decentralized Control of Large-scale Systems,” INVITED PAPER, IEEE Control Systems Society Workshop on Current Issues in Decentralized and Distributed Control, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1987.
  425. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, “New Parametrization of Decentralized Dynamic Regulators Designed by Projective Controls,” 26th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Dec.1987.
  426. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, “Design of Decentralized Output Feedback Controllers Coupled via Available Local Measurements,” Proc. IASTED Conference on CAD and Applications, Paris, France, 1985.
  427. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, “Sequential Design of Decentralized Dynamic Regulators,” 24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Fort Lauderale, Florida, USA, Dec.1985.
  428. J. Medanić, Z. Uskoković, D. Petranović, and N. Gluhaić, “Projective Controls in the Design of Large-scale Systems,” INVITED PAPER, Pre-IFAC Meeting on Current Trends in Control, Cavtat, Yugoslavia, 1984.
  429. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, “Design of Decentralized Controllers Incorporating Integral Action for Large Scale Systems,” Proc. 9th World Congress of IFAC, Budapest, Hungary, 1984, Vol.X, pp.208-213.
  430. J. Medanić, and Z. Uskoković, “Design of Decentralized Static and Low-order Dynamic Regulators for Large-scale Linear Systems,” Proc. 22nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Antonio, Texas, USA, Dec.1983.
  431. J. Medanić, and Z. Uskoković, “Computer Aided Design for Lage-scale Systems via Projective Controls,” International IASTED Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1983.
  432. J. Medanić, and Z. Uskoković, “Design of Optimal Output Feedback Controllers for Linera Multivariable Systems Subject to Step Disturbances,” Mediteranian Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON'1983, Athens, Greece, May 1983.
  433. Z. Uskoković, and J. Pralas, “On Experimental Identification of Some Parameters of Industrial Resistance Furnace for Thermal Treatment,” BIAS International Conference on Industrial Processes, Milano, Italy, 1981.
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Other International, Regional, and National Journals

  1. M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Implementation of a Higher Order Time-Frequency Representation Based on Windowed Convolutions,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, [accepted for publication], Vol. 24, 2019
  2. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of Noise in Complex-Valued Binary and Bipolar Sigmoid Compressive Sensing,” Telfor Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, 2019.
  3. M. Brajović, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Sparse Representation of FHSS Signals in the Hermite Transform Domain,” Telfor Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2017
  4. S. Vujović, M. Brajović, V. Popović-Bugarin, N. Latinović, J. Latinović, and M. Bajčeta, “A web service for grapevine monitoring and forecasting a disease,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2016
  5. M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Reconstruction of non-stationary signals with missing samples using S-method and a gradient-based reconstruction algorithm,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2015.
  6. LJ. Stanković, and I. Stanković, “Reconstruction of Sparse and Nonsparse Signals From a Reduced Set of Samples,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.21, Dec. 2015, pp.147-169.
  7. B. Džakula, and S. Djukanović, “Reverse Engineering and Android Application Security,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Podgorica, December 2015
  8. I. Stanković, “Image Reconstruction,” in Digital Signal Processing with Selected Topics, Amazon-CreateSpace, ed. L. Stankovic., Nov.2015, pp.808-810.
  9. M. Medenica, S. Zuković, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Comparison of the algorithms for CS image reconstruction,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering 2014,
  10. S. Stanković, I. Orović, LJ. Stanković, and A. Draganić, “Single-Iteration Algorithm for Compressive Sensing Reconstruction,” Telfor Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 36-41, 2014.
  11. I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, and S. Djukanović, “Združena estimacija dolaznog ugla i parametara polinomijalno faznih signala primljenih antenskom rešetkom,” Glasnik OPN CANU, Vol. 20, 2014.
  12. S. Mujović, and S. Djukanović, “Determination of characteristic and modeling of PC cluster current harmonic,” Bosanskohercegovačka elektroprivreda, November 2013
  13. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, M. Božović, and Z. Uskoković, “Enhancing performance of the space/spatial-frequency optimal filter based on the pipelining technique application,” Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, vol.26, no.2, August 2013, pp.87–98.
  14. N. Lekić, and Z. Mijanović, “Use An LED Dot-Graph Display to Complement Your DVM Readout,” Electronics Design, May, 2013
  15. D. Korac, N. Saulig, V. Sučić, D. Sersic, and S. Stanković, “Detecting the number of components in a nonstationary signal using the rényi entropy of its time-frequency distributions,” Engineering Review, to be published in 2012 to be published in 2012
  16. S. Djukanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Metode za uklanjanje nestacionarnih ometača kod šumnih radara,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Elektrotehnicki fakultet Podgorica, Crna Gora, Novembar 2011.
  17. I. Orović, A. Draganić, and S. Stanković, “Highly concentrated distributions for estimating phase derivatives of nonstationary signal,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 19, no. 1, Oct, 2011.
  18. I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Primjena genetičkih algoritama u estimaciji parametara polinomijalno-faznih signala,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 19, no. 1, Oktobar 2011.
  19. I. Orović, B. Jokanović, and S. Stanković, “Hardware realization of ambiguity domain based distribution,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 19, no. 1, Oct, 2011.
  20. I. Orović, N. Žarić, S. Stanković, I. Radusinović, and Z. Veljović, “Analysis of Power Consumption in OFDM Systems,” Journal of Green Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp: 477-489, July 2011
  21. N. Radović, “Istorija ideja i teorija u digitalnoj obradi signala,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Novembar 2009., vol.18, no.1, pp 97-110.
  22. V. V. Lukin, D. V. Fevralev, S. K. Abramov, N. N. Ponomarenko, S. S. Krivenko, O. B. Pogrebnyak, K. O. Egiazarian, J. T. Astola, and I. Djurović, “Removal of non-stationary noise by DCT based locally adaptive filtering,” Theoretical and practical aspects of digital signal processing in information-telecommunication systems, SRSUES (South-Russian State University of Economics and Service), editor V. Marchuk, pp. 12-42, 2009
  23. I. Djurović, and Dj. Stojanović, “Multicarrier Techniques in Different Wireless Environments,” Scientific Meeting: Mobile and Wireless communications, state of art and perspectives, CANU 2009, pp. 78-99.
  24. F. Totir, E. Radoi, L. Anton, C. Ioana, A. Serbanescu, and S. Stanković, “Advanced Sea Clutter Models and Their Usefulness for Target Detection,” MTA - Military Technical Academy Publishing House, Vol. XVIII, No. 3, Sept. 2008., pp. 257-272
  25. C. Ioana, A. Serbanescu, S. Stanković, L. Anton, and J. Mars, “Characterization of Complex Signals Using Time-Frequency-Phase Concept,” MTA - Military Technical Academy Publishing House, Vol. XVIII, No.1, March 2008, pp.15-28.
  26. P Wang, I. Djurović, and J.Yang, “Modifications of the Cubic Phase Function,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol. 17, No. 1, Jan. 2008, pp. 189-194
  27. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “An efficient nonstationary Wiener filter hardware implementation,” International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Iss.3, vol.1, 2007, pp.244-250.
  28. N. Lekić, Z. Mijanović, and V. Davidović, “Lead battery charger as subfunction in microcontroller device,” Electronics Design, March 2007
  29. V. N. Ivanović, and R. Stojanović, “The VLSI design of the minimal dimension, cost and power consumption system for time-frequency signal analysis,” WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, issue 9, Vol.4, Sept.2005, pp.1122-1127
  30. N. Lekić, Z. Mijanović, and R. Stojanović, “A novel low sample rate communication protocol,” WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Issue 10, Vol.3, December 2004
  31. R. Stojanović, N. Šolaja, and N. Lekić, “Reconfigurable System for Calculation of Laser Spot Position inside 2D Image Sensor,” WSEAS Transactions on Electronics, Volume1, Issue 3, July 2004
  32. I. Djurović, Dj. Stojanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Optimalni OFDM/BFDM sistemi sa oblikovanjem impulsa za mobilni radio kanal,” Tehnika - elektrotehnika, No. 4, 2004, pp. E.1-E.10.
  33. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, and M. J. Bastiaans, “Reassignment Method in Multidimensional Space/Spatial-Frequency Analysis,” Journal of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, Glasnik CANU, Br.14, 2002, pp.119-134
  34. B. Krstajić, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Combined Adaptive Algorithm Based on the LMS and its Modifications,” Tehnika, Belgrade, No.6 2001, E1-E8
  35. I. Djurović, A. Oshumi, and H. Ijima, “Application of a maximum likelihood estimator to reconstruction of the Wigner distribution,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 16, No.1, pp. 3-23.
  36. V. N. Ivanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “The exact estimation error analysis in the instantaneous frequency estimation by using quadratic time-frequency distributions,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.9-10, No.1, Oct.2001, pp.30-43.
  37. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, and M. J. Bastiaans, “Reassignment method in multidimensional space/spatial-frequency analysis,” Telecommunucation, No.3, 2001.
  38. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Performanse virtualnog instrumenta za vremensko-frekvencijsku analizu,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, Nov. 1999, pp.5-19.
  39. S. Stanković, I. Djurović, and I. Pitas, “Image watermarking using two-dimensional Radon-Wigner distribution,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, Nov.1999, pp.45-55.
  40. V. N. Ivanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of the instantaneous frequency estimation with reduced interference distributions,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, Nov.1999, pp.20-35.
  41. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “Comparative analysis of the performance of new algorithms with LMS adaptive algorithm,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, Nov.1999, pp.36-44.
  42. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and I. Djurović, “Prostorno promjenljivo filtriranje,” Tehnika, Belgrade, No.5-6, 1998, E1-E6.
  43. S. M. Perovich, I. Djurović, and R. Vojinović, “O primjeni teorije specijalnih trans funkcija u mjerenju nivoa provodnih tečnosti,” Zbornik radova Fakulteta za pomorstvo, Kotor, God.XVIII, No.18-19, Nov 1998, pp. 301-308
  44. V. N. Ivanović, LJ. Stanković, and D. Petranović, “The quantization effects study in implementation of time-frequency distributions,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.7, No.1, Apr.1998. pp.39-52
  45. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and D. Petranović, “Hardware realization of the higher order time-frequency distributions,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, pp.88-103, Vol.7, No.1, Apr.1998.
  46. LJ. Stanković, “New S-class of time frequency distributions,” Journal of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, Glasnik CANU, br.11, 1997, pp.185-210.
  47. O. Laković, N. Jauković, B. Lutovac, and M. Daković, “Prilog prepoznavanju tonaliteta primjenom neuralnih mreža,” Info Science, No.6, 1997.
  48. S. Stanković, and LJ. Stanković, “Realization of a system for time-frequency signal analysis,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, No.6, 1996, pp.45-55.
  49. Z. Mijanović, R. Dragović-Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Precizni 12-bitni digitalno analogni konvertor sa otpornickom mrezom R/2R+,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, No.6, 1996, pp.29-43.
  50. I. Djurović, “Realizacija vremensko-frekvencijskih distribucija softverskim putem,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.6, No.1, pp.5-15, Novembar 1996.
  51. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Modified Wigner Higher Order Spectra,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.5, No.1, 1995, pp.36-47.
  52. LJ. Stanković, Z. Uskoković, S. Stanković, and Z. Petrović, “Time-frequency signal analysis,” Tehnika, Belgrade, No.1, Jan.1995, pp.E1-E8.
  53. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “A method for time-frequency image analysis,” Acta Universitatis, journal of the University in Nis, Dec.1995, pp.225-234.
  54. LJ. Stanković, “Highly concentrated time-frequency distributions,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro, Vol..5, No.1, Apr.1995, pp.19-35.
  55. Dj. Jovanović, V. N. Ivanović, and R. Stojanović, “DC-DC step-down/up converter or buck-boost converter,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.5, No.1, pp.53-64, Apr.1995.
  56. Z. Uskoković, “Parametrizacija Decentralizovanih Dinamickih Regulatora u Frekventnom Domenu,” Glasnik Elektrotehnickog Fakulteta u Podgorici, tom.3, br.4, Mar.1993, str.49-58.
  57. LJ. Stanković, and S. Stanković, “The window functions for Wigner distribution of noisy signals,” Proceedingas of the ETF Titograd, 1991, pp.34-45.
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Regional and National Conferences

  1. M. Daković, “Učenje na daljinu – studija slučaja ETF-OL,” PSSOH 2021, Beograd, 9. oktobar 2021, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5549796
  2. N. Lekić, “Iris Recognition Identifiction System based on using VistaFA2 BioCAM,” 24th YU INFO Conference, Kopaonik, Serbia, March 2018
  3. S. Šandi, S. Radonjić, J. Drobnjak, M. Simeunović, B. Stamatović, and T. Popović, “Smart tags for brand protection and anti-counterfeiting in wine industry,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2018, Žabljak, February, 2018.
  4. M. Daković, B. Lutovac, and T. B. Šekara, “Razdvajanje potrošača zasnovano na neinvazivnom praćenju potrošnje ,” III naučno-stručni simpozijum ENEF 2017, Banja Luka, 3 - 4. november 2017.
  5. N. Lekić, and Z. Mijanović, “GSM parking access control system,” 23th YU INFO Conference, Kopaonik, Serbia, March 2017
  6. M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “A Higher Order Time-Frequency Representation With Reduced Cross-Terms,” 22nd International Scientific-Professional Conference Information Technology 2017, Žabljak, February 2017.
  7. T. Ružić, T. Rogač, M. Brajović, and M. Daković, “Digitalna obrada hidrometeoroloških podataka sa sliva rijeka Neretve i Trebišnjice,” ETRAN 2016, Zlatibor, June 2016
  8. Ž. Zečević, M. Brajović, and B. Krstajić, “An Adaptive Approach for Delay Estimation of Sinusoidal Signals,” ETRAN 2016, Zlatibor, June 2016
  9. T. Rogač, T. Ružić, and M. Daković, “Primjena vremensko-frekvencijskih transformacija na hidrometeorološke podatke,” INFOTEH, Jahorina, Vol. 15, March 2016, pp. 671-674
  10. E. Hot, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Analiza fuzzy K-means klasterizacije koristeći pedološku bazu podataka Crne Gore,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2016, March 2016.
  11. S. Vujović, M. Brajović, V. Popović-Bugarin, N. Latinović, J. Latinović, and M. Bajčeta, “WEB servis za monitoring vinograda i predviđanje oboljenja vinove loze,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2016, March 2016.
  12. P. Sekulić, S. Djukanović, and I. Djurović, “Detection of downy mildew in grapevine leaves using support vector machine,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2016, March 2016,
  13. M. Brajović, S. Vujović, V. Popović-Bugarin, S. Djukanović, M. Knežević, and A. Topalović, “Soil analysis database and the expert system for recommendations of fertilization in agriculture,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2016, March 2016,
  14. P. Sekulić, M. Bajčeta, V. Popović-Bugarin, S. Djukanović, and A. Mihailović, “One approach to the optimization of public transport,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2016, March 2016,
  15. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, S. Jovanovski, and Z. Uskoković, “An improved procedure for the local frequency estimation of highlynonstationary two-dimensional FM signals,” XX konferencija IT 2015,, Žabljak, Crna Gora, Feb. 23–28.
  16. S. Vujović, M. Brajović, and S. Djukanović, “Web and mobile applications in agriculture,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2015, Februar 2015
  17. B. Džakula, and S. Djukanović, “Reverzni inženjering i metode zaštite Android aplikacija,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2015, Februar 2015
  18. M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Reconstruction of non-stationary signals with missing samples using S-method and a gradient-based reconstruction algorithm,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2015, February 2015
  19. N. Bešić, G. Vasile, B. Lutovac, S. Stanković, and D. Filipović, “Performance analysis of the FastICA algorithm applied on a 2D signal,” Informacione tehnologije (IT), Zabljak, MNE, 2014.
  20. M. Tomić, M. Radonjić, N. Lekić, and I. Radusinović, “Virtuelizacija mreže korištenjem alata flowvisor,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2014, Žabljak 2014
  21. N. Lekić, A. Gadžović, and I. Radusinović, “V2X sistemi kooperativne mobilnosti,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2015, Žabljak 2014
  22. A. Dervić, and N. Lekić, “Prepoznavanje dužice oka upotrbom VistaFA2 BioCAM,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2014, Žabljak, 2014
  23. S. Vujović, N. Bulatović, and S. Djukanović, “Budi Odgovoran – Tehnologija u službi društvene odgovornosti,” 22 Telekomunikacioni Forum TELFOR 2014, Novembar 25-27, 2014, Beograd, Republika Srbija.
  24. V. Popović-Bugarin, F. Radenović, and LJ. Stanković, “Genetički algoritam za rekonstrukciju nedostajućih odbiraka kratkotrajne Fourier-ove transformacije,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2013,
  25. M. Medenica, S. Zuković, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Comparison of the algorithms for CS image reconstruction,” Informacione tehnologije IT 2014, Zabljak
  26. S. Jovanovski, and V. N. Ivanović, “Pipelined system for highly nonstationary FM signals estimation,” IT2014 Conference, Žabljak, Feb.2014.
  27. I. Djurović, “Važnost GEO inicijativa i Crnogorski kapaciteti u ovim oblastima,” uvodna riječ na istoimenom skupu, Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti, Odjeljenje prirodnih nauka No. 16, pp. 5-6
  28. I. Djurović, “GEO inicijative i projekat,” Zbornik sa skupa Važnost GEO inicijativa i Crnogorski kapaciteti u ovim oblastima, Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti No. 119, Odjeljenje prirodnih nauka No. 16, pp. 8-23
  29. S. Mujović, and S. Djukanović, “O upotrebi metode najmanjih kvadrata za modelovanje ključnih parametara kvaliteta električne energije,” Treća matematička konferencija Republike Srpske (MKRS), Trebinje, Republika Srpska, Jun 2013
  30. V. Rubežić, I. Djurović, and E. Sejdić, “Poređenje mjera za detekciju dinamičkih promjena u sistemima,” ETRAN 2013, Zlatibor, 3-6. jun 2013, str. EK1.6.1-5
  31. D. Žarić, M. Daković, and M. Brajović, “Radarski sistem baziran na analizi signala emitovanih iz postojećih izvora,” ETRAN 2013, Zlatibor, jun 2013
  32. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, M. Božović, and Z. Uskoković, “Principles of pipelining in the space/spatial-frequency based filtering of two-dimensional highly nonstationary signals,” 57th IEEE ETRAN Conference, Zlatibor, Serbia, June 3–6, 2013, pp. EK1.1.1-6.
  33. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, and Z. Uskoković, “Pipelining Technique Application in the Time- Frequency Filter Implementation,” 57th IEEE ETRAN Conference, Zlatibor, Serbia, June 3–6, 2013, pp.EK1.2.1-6.
  34. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Characterization of the musical signals based on singular value decomposition and time-frequency analysis,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2013, Žabljak, Feb. 2013
  35. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Total variation based denoising of wireless signals,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2013, Žabljak, Feb. 2013
  36. M. Brajović, A. Drašković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Razmatranje numeričke implementacije nekih vremensko-frekvencijskih reprezentacija,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2013, Žabljak, februar 2013
  37. M. Daković, S. Vujović, and LJ. Stanković, “Rekonstrukcija odbiraka signala korišćenjem sparse signal analize,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2013, Žabljak, februar 2013.
  38. M. Simeunović, I. Djurović, and S. Djukanović, “Neuniformno odabrana kubična fazna funkcija,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2013, Februar 2013
  39. A. Pelinković, I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, and S. Djukanović, “Estimator parametara polinomijalno-faznih signala zasnovan na Wigner-ovoj distribuciji,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2013, Februar 2013
  40. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, M. Božović, and Z. Uskoković, “Implementation of the local frequency estimator of the nonstationary multidimensional FM signals,” IT2013 Conference, Žabljak, Feb. 25–Mar.01, 2013
  41. B. Jokanović, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Hardware Realizations of of Exponential and Trigonometric Functions in FPGA Technology,” Informacione tehnologije - IT 2012, Žabljak, 2012, pp. 222-225
  42. M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Vremensko-frekvencijska transformacija višeg reda zasnovana na aproksimaciji prvog izvoda faze,” ETRAN 2012, Zlatibor, jul 2012
  43. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and Z. Uskoković, “Two-dimensional optimal nonstationary estimating system based on the sliding-matrix function,” 56th IEEE ETRAN Conference, Zlatibor, Serbia, June 11–14, 2012, pp.EK2.6.1-4.
  44. M. Daković, M. Brajović, and LJ. Stanković, “Rekurzivni metod za računanje kratkotrajne Fourier-ove transformacije,” Informacione tehnologije - IT 2012, Žabljak, februar 2012
  45. S. Jovanovski, and V. N. Ivanović, “Optimalni filtar za vremensko prostorno filtriranje visoko nestacionarnih dvodimenzionalnih signala,” Proceedings of the IT2012 Conference, Žabljak, Feb.2012
  46. V. Rubežić, I. Djurović, and E. Sejdić, “Procjena stanja Čuinog oscilatora pomoću skalirajućih eksponenata,” Informacione tehnologije - IT 2012, Žabljak, pp. 191-194
  47. V. N. Ivanović, and N. Radović, “Real-time dizajn optimalnog dvodimenzionalnog filtra namijenjenog estimaciji visoko nestacionarnih FM signala,” 55th IEEE ETRAN Conference, Banja Vrućica, Bosna i Hercegovina, June 06-09, 2011, pp.EK2.1-1-4.
  48. Z. Miljanić, I. Djurović, and I. Vujošević, “Optimalna konfiguracija fazorskih mjerenja za postizanje pouzdane estimacije stanja,” II Savjetovanje CG Cigre, Maestral, Pržno, Maj 2011
  49. V. Rubežić, I. Djurović, and E. Sejdić, “Skalirajući eksponenti u analizi haosa u oscilatornim kolima,” Informacione tehnologije IT 2011, Zbornik radova, Zabljak, 2011.
  50. S. Jovanovski, and V. N. Ivanović, “Signal adaptivni sistem za estimaciju visoko nestacionarnih FM signala izloženih uticaju aditivog šuma,” Proceedings of the IT2011 Conference, Žabljak, Jan.2011
  51. A. Pelinković, Dj. Stojanović, and I. Djurović, “Sistem višestrukih podnosilaca baziran na affine Fouerierovoj tansformaciji u mobilnim satelitskim kanalima,” 18. telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR, Beograd 23-25.XI 2010, pp. 670-673.
  52. V. Rubežić, I. Djurović, and E. Sejdić, “DFA u procjeni stanja haotičnih oscilatora,” ETRAN 2010, Donji Milanovac, 2010
  53. V. Rubežić, I. Djurović, and E. Sejdić, “DFA u procjeni stanja haotičnih oscilatora,” ETRAN 2010, Zbornik radova, Donji Milanovac, 2010.
  54. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “An efficient signal adaptive system for improved representation of highly nonstationary 2-D signals,” 54th IEEE ETRAN Conference, Donji Milanovac, Serbia, June 07-10, 2010, pp.EK1.4.1-4.
  55. M. Simeunović, M. Daković, and I. Djurović, “Primjena MPI za određivanje izraza za bias i varijansu kubične fazne funkcije,” Informacione tehnologije IT 2010, Žabljak, Februar 2010.
  56. I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Primjena modifikovane kubične fazne funkcije u estimaciji parametara SAR signala,” Informacione tehnologije IT '09, Žabljak, 2009
  57. Z. Miljanić, I. Djurović, and I. Vujošević, “Identifikacija kritičnih mjerenja i setova mjerenja analizom matrice Jakobijana pri statičkoj estimaciji stanja EES,” I Savjetovanje CG Cigre, Maestral, Pržno, Okt. 2009, R-C2-04.
  58. V. Rubežić, and I. Djurović, “Detekcija haosa u oscilatornim kolima zasnovana na višeprozorskom pristupu,” ETRAN 2009, Zbornik radova, Vrnjačka Banja, 2009.
  59. S. Jovanovski, and V. N. Ivanović, “An efficient signal adaptiva hardware design of the cross-terms-free Wigner distribution,” 53rd IEEE ETRAN Conference, vol.1, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, June 15-18, 2009, pp.EK1.5.1-4.
  60. V. Rubežić, and I. Djurović, “Detekcija haosa u oscilatornim kolima zasnovana na višeprozorskom pristupu,” ETRAN 2009, Vrnjačka Banja, EK.1.1 pp. 1-4, 2009.
  61. I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Izvođenje izraza za bias i varijansu kubične fazne funkcije,” ETRAN 2009, Vrnjačka Banja, RT.4.2, pp.1-4, 2009.
  62. S. Tuzović, and I. Djurović, “Poboljšanje modifikovanog ICI algoritma za IF estimaciju,” Informacione tehnologije IT '09, Žabljak, 2009
  63. S. Tuzović, and I. Djurović, “Modifikacija ICI algoritma za IF estimaciju pomoću težinskog median filtra,” 16. telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR, Beograd, 2008.
  64. S. Jovanovski, and V. N. Ivanović, “A flexible hardware design of a time-varying filtering system,” 52nd IEEE ETRAN Conference, vol.1, Palić, Serbia, June 8-12, 2008, pp.EL5.5.1-4.
  65. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, and N. Radović, “Metod za on-line implementaciju vremenski-promjenljivog filtriranja baziranog na vremensko-frekvencijskoj analizi signala,” 51st ETRAN Conference, vol.1, Herceg-Novi, Montenegro, June 2007, pp.135-138.
  66. P. Raković, and LJ. Stanković, “Estimacija polozaja I kretanja mete u okruzenju sa jakim sumom u SAR radarskim signalima,” ETRAN 2007, Herceg Novi
  67. M. Daković, N. Radović, and LJ. Stanković, “Upoređivanje klasičnih radarskih sistema i radarskih sistema sa slučajnim signalima,” XII konferencija IT 2007, Žabljak, 2007
  68. V. N. Ivanović, R. Stojanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Arhitektura za analizu multidimenzionih signala u realnom vremenu,” Proceedings of the IT2007 Conference, Žabljak, Jan.2007, pp.17-20.
  69. I. Djurović, V. Rubežić, and M. Daković, “Otkrivanje haotičnih sigurnih komunikacija upotrebom vremensko-frekvencijskih reprezentacija,” Informacione tehnologije IT '06, pp. 154-157. Žabljak, 2006
  70. Dj. Stojanović, and I. Djurović, “Predstavljanje ortogonalnih impulsa preko eliptičkih sfernih fukcija,” Informacione tehnologije IT '06, pp. 106-109, Žabljak, 2006.
  71. P. Raković, E. Sejdić, LJ. Stanković, and J. Jiang, “Vremensko-frekvencijska analiza srcanih zvukova,” ETRAN 2006, Belgrade, Serbia
  72. P. Raković, E. Sejdić, LJ. Stanković, and J. Jiang, “Diajgnosticiranje srcanih oboljenja (mitralna stenoza),” ETRAN 2006, Belgrade, Serbia
  73. V. Rubežić, I. Djurović, and M. Daković, “Otkrivanje haotičnih sigurnih komunikacija upotrebom vremensko-frekvencijskih reprezentacija,” Informacione tehnologije IT '06, Zbornik radova, str. 154-157, Žabljak, 2006.
  74. D. Nikčević, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Tehnike filtriranja muzičkih signala zasnovane na vremensko-frekvencijskoj reprezentaciji,” XI konferencija IT-2006, Žabljak, 2006.
  75. N. Radunović, and S. Stanković, “Procjena brzine u video sekvencama pomoću piramidalnog razlaganja slike u Wavelet domenu i vremensko-frekventne analize,” XI konferencija IT-2006, Žabljak, 2006.
  76. N. Radunović, and S. Stanković, “Procjena brzine i ubrzanja u video sekvencama pomoću Wavelet-piramidalnog razlaganja slike i Lokal polinomijalnog periodograma,” XI konferencija IT-2006, Žabljak, 2006.
  77. S. Jovanovski, V. N. Ivanović, and R. Stojanović, “Sistem za racunanje S-metoda na bazi STFT odbiraka,” in Proceedings of the IT2006 Conference, Žabljak, Jan.2006
  78. I. Orović, D. Nikčević, N. Žarić, and S. Stanković, “Modelovanje muzickih signala u vremensko-frekvencijskom domenu,” IT-2006, Žabljak
  79. N. Žarić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and C. Ioana, “Digitalni watermarking govornih signala zasnovan na vremenski promjenljivom filtriranju,” IT-2006, Žabljak
  80. V. N. Ivanović, “An efficient multiple clock cycle real-time implementation of the signal dependent method for time-frequency analysis,” ETRAN 2005, vol.1, Jun 2005, pp.135-138
  81. LJ. Stanković, and P. Raković, “Primjena adaptivnog S-metoda u ISAR radarskim signalima,” ETRAN 2005, Budva, 2005
  82. V. Rubežić, I. Djurović, and M. Daković, “Detekcija haosa u Kolpicovom oscilatoru,” ETRAN 2005, Budva, 2005, pp.155-158
  83. R. Stojanović, Ž. Tafa, N. Djurasović, N. Šćekić, and V. N. Ivanović, “An approach for calculation of the integer FFT for general purpose microprocessors,” in Proceedings of the IT'2005 Conference, Žabljak, Jan.2005, pp.124-127
  84. V. Rubežić, I. Djurović, and M. Daković, “Detekcija haosa u Cuinom oscilatoru,” Informacione tehnologije IT '05, Žabljak, 2005.
  85. Dj. Stojanović, I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Biorthogonal pulses concentrated in time-frequency plane for OFDM in doubly dispersive channel,” ETRAN 2004, Čačak, Jun 2004.
  86. R. Dragović-Ivanović, LJ. Stanković, Z. Mijanović, and N. Lekić, “Kalibracija 2R+/R DAC-A,” XLVII konferencija za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu fiziku - ETRAN, Herceg Novi 2003.
  87. B. Krstajić, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Adaptivni izjednačavač kanala sa novim VSS LMS algoritmom,” XLVII Konferencija ETRAN, Sv. I, str. 213-216, Herceg Novi, 2003.
  88. R. Dragović-Ivanović, Z. Mijanović, LJ. Stanković, and N. Lekić, “Primjena preciznog digitalno-analognog konvertora sa 2r+/r mrezom,” Kongres metrologa Jugoslavije, 2003
  89. V. Rubežić, M. Radulović, M. Daković, and R. Ostojić, “Haoticni mobilni robot,” XLVII ETRAN, Herceg Novi 2003, Vol. IV, pp.379-381
  90. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “Kombinovani SA adaptivni filter,” Proceedings of the IT'02 Conference, Zabljak 2002, pp.181-184.
  91. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “Adaptive equalizer with zero-noise constrained LMS algorithm,” International conference ICEST 2002, Nis, 2002.
  92. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “System Identification with Tandem SA Adaptive Filter,” InfoTeh Proceedings, Jahorina, 2002. pp.105 - 108.
  93. I. Djurović, S. Stanković, and P. Zogović, “O detekciji watermarka u DCT koeficijentima JPEG formata slike,” Proceedings of the IT'02 Conference, Zabljak 2002.
  94. S. Stanković, I. Djurović, and P. Zogović, “Procjena parametara promjenljivog kretanja vise objekata u video sekvencama,” Proceedings of the IT'02 Conference, Zabljak 2002.
  95. B. Krstajić, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Estimacija optimalne vrijednosti koraka LMS algoritma,” XLV Konferencija ETRAN, Sv. I, str. 205-209, Bukovicka Banja, 2001.
  96. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Estimacija trenutne frekvencije u uslovima velikih sumova,” Proceedings of the IT'01 Conference, Zabljak 2001, pp. 45-48.
  97. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, and R. Dragović-Ivanović, “Mjerenje trenutne frekvencije zasnovano na vremensko-frekvencijskim transformacijama,” II Simpozijum o mjerenju i mjernoj opremi, Novi Sad, Septembar 2000.
  98. B. Krstajić, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Modifikovani VS LMS algoritam u identifikaciji nepoznatog sistema sa promenljivim parametrima u zašumljenoj sredini,” Proc. of 44. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Soko Banja, 2000.
  99. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Visedimenzioni reassignment metod,” Proc. of 44. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Soko Banja 2000, Vol.I, pp.166-169.
  100. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Vremensko-frekvencijske distribucije bez aliasinga,” Proceedings of the IT'00 Conference, Zabljak 2000, pp.17-20.
  101. LJ. Stanković, and I. Djurović, “Estimacija trenutne frekvencije koristenjem robusne Wignerove distribucije,” Proceedings of the IT'00 Conference, Zabljak 2000, pp.5-8.
  102. M. Daković, R. Vuković, and Ž. Crnjak, “Pracenje stanja visih harmonika u elektroenergetskoj mrezi uz pomoć racunara,” IT MM, Žabljak, 2000
  103. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Energetska mjera koncentracije vremensko-frekvencijskih reprezentacija,” IT MM, Žabljak, 2000
  104. I. Djurović, S. Stanković, and I. Pitas, “Digitalni watermarking u FRFT domenu,” INFOFEST'99, Budva 1999, pp.60-65.
  105. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Upotreba vremensko-frekvencijskih transformacija u estimaciji amplitude i trenutne frekvencije signala,” Proc. of 43. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1999
  106. V. N. Ivanović, and M. Daković, “Reduced interference distributions in instantaneous frequency estimation,” Proc. of 43. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1999
  107. S. Stanković, and I. Djurović, “Deterministicki signali u zastiti autorskih prava nad multimedijalnim podacima,” Proc. of 43. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1999
  108. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “Analiza uticaja gradijentnog suma kod GLMS adaptivnog algoritma,” Proceedings of the IT'99 Conference, Zabljak 1999, pp.344-347.
  109. LJ. Stanković, I. Djurović, and S. Stanković, “Primjena vremensko-frekvencijskih transformacija u prostorno-promjenljivom filtriranju,” Proceedings of the IT'99 Conference, Zabljak 1999, pp.36-39.
  110. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Modifikovani reassignment spektrogram,” Proceedings of the IT'99 Conference, Zabljak 1999, pp.73-76.
  111. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, R. Dragović-Ivanović, and S. Stanković, “Virtuelni instrument zasnovan na S-Metodu za vremensko-frekvencijsku analizu,” Simpozijum o merenjima, Beograd, Oktobar 1998, Vol. I, pp.243-257
  112. S. Stanković, and V. Vuković, “Arhitektura za hardversku realizaciju sistema za prostorno-frekvencijsku analizu slike,” Proceedings of the IT'98 Conference, Zabljak 1998, pp.299-302.
  113. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, I. Djurović, and V. Vuković, “Adaptivni algoritam za filtriranje slike,” XIII INFO-TEH, Vrnjacka Banja 1998, pp.225-229.
  114. V. Vuković, and S. Stanković, “2D Wignerova distribucija u analizi slike zahvacene sumom,” Proceedings of the IT'98 Conference, Zabljak 1998, pp.341-344.
  115. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, and R. Dragović-Ivanović, “Virtuelni instrument za vremensko-frekvencijsku analizu,” Simpozijum o mjerenjima i mjernoj opremi, Beograd 1998, pp.I.243-I.257.
  116. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “Identifikacija visih harmonika pomocu modifikovanog CLMS adaptivnog analizatora spektra,” Proc. of 42. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Vrnjacka Banja 1998, pp.I.287-I.290.
  117. V. Vuković, and S. Stanković, “Arhitektura za realizaciju sistema za prostorno-frekvencijsku analizu slike,” Proc. of 42. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Vrnjacka Banja 1998, pp.243-246.
  118. S. Stanković, I. Djurović, V. Vuković, and LJ. Stanković, “Adaptivni izbor prozora u Wignerovoj distribuciji slike zahvaćene šumom,” Proc. of 42. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Vrnjacka Banja 1998, pp.236-238.
  119. I. Djurović, “Transformacija koordinata L-Wignerove distribucije,” Proc. of 42. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Vrnjacka Banja 1998, pp.I.239-I.242.
  120. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “Parametarska identifikacija nepoznatog sistema pomocu dual SIGN LMS algoritma,” Proceedings of the IT'98 Conference, Zabljak 1998, pp.I.139-I.141.
  121. O. Laković, N. Jauković, B. Lutovac, and M. Daković, “Prilog prepoznavanju tonaliteta primjenom neuralnih mreža,” XLI ETRAN, Zlatibor, 1997
  122. R. Dragović-Ivanović, M. Daković, and S. M. Perovich, “Concerning the diode rectifier instruments calibration,” PRIM 97, Novi Sad 1997
  123. N. Jauković, B. Lutovac, M. Daković, and O. Laković, “Neural netvork application for music element recognition,” NEUREL 97, Beograd 1997
  124. S. M. Perovich, R. Dragović-Ivanović, and I. Djurović, “O jednom pristupu u analizi diodnih ispravljača,” Proc. of 41. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1997, pp.I.221-I.224.
  125. V. N. Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Minimum variance time-frequency distribution kernels,” Proc. of 41. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1997, pp.257-260.
  126. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “GLMS adaptivni algoritam u identifikaciji nepoznatog sistema,” Proceedings of the IT'97 Conference, Zabljak 1997, pp.I.78-I.81.
  127. V. N. Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of the noisy influence to the time-frequency distributions with application to the effects of the finite word-length,” Proceedings of the IT'97 Conference, Zabljak 1997, pp.141-144.
  128. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Virtuelni instrument za analizu signala nestacionarnog spektra,” Proc. of 41. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1997
  129. O. Laković, N. Jauković, B. Lutovac, and M. Daković, “Prepoznavanje tonaliteta primjenom neuralnih mreža,” Informacione tehnologije II, Žabljak, 1997
  130. S. M. Perovich, and I. Djurović, “The closed-form to the trancendental equation of the condunctive fluid level,” Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM'96, Budva 1996
  131. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Optimal Cohen class distributions with reduced auto-term,” Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM'96, Budva 1996
  132. S. Stanković, “Distribucija sa kompleksnim argumentom vremena,” Proc. of 40. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Budva 1996, pp.I.342-I.346.
  133. LJ. Stanković, “O metodima za vremensko-frekvencijsku analizu signala,” Proceedings of the IT'96 Conference, Zabljak 1996, pp.I.13-I.18.
  134. S. Stanković, “Uvodjenje distribucije sa kompleksnim vremenom u vremensko frekvencijsku analizu signala,” Proceedings of the IT'96 Conference, Zabljak 1996
  135. V. N. Ivanović, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Uticaj registara konacne duzine na vremensko-frekvencijsku analizu signala,” Proc. of 40. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Budva 1996, pp. 346-349
  136. I. Djurović, and V. N. Ivanović, “Influence of the finite register length to the results obtained by time-frequency analysis,” Proc. of 40. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Budva 1996, pp.297-300.
  137. I. Djurović, “Softverski paket za realizaciju vremensko-frekvencijskih distribucija,” Proceedings of the IT'96 Conference, Zabljak 1996, pp.271-274.
  138. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “GLMS adaptivni algoritam,” Proc. of 40. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Budva 1996, pp.I.437-I.440.
  139. Z. Uskoković, LJ. Stanković, and R. Dragović-Ivanović, “R/2R+ digitalno analogni konvertor - eksperimentalni rezulati,” Proceedings of the IT'96 Conference, Zabljak 1996, pp.II.45-II.50.
  140. V. N. Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Effects of finite register lenghts in the t-f distributions,” Proceedings of the IT'96 Conference, Zabljak 1996, pp.275-278.
  141. Z. Mijanović, R. Dragović-Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Kalibracija digitalno analognog konvertora sa R/2R+ mrezom,” Proc. of 40. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Budva 1996, I.73-I.78.
  142. LJ. Stanković, R. Dragović-Ivanović, and Z. Mijanović, “Statistical method in the determination of the optimal resistor ratio in the digital-analog converter,” Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM'96, Budva 1996
  143. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “Adaptivni algoritmi za spektralnu analizu slučajnih signala,” Informacione Tehnologije '96, Zabljak, 1996.
  144. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and M. Radonjić, “Primjena Adaptivnog Algoritma za Identifikaciju Sistema,” Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM'94, Budva 1995
  145. I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “O auto-članovima kod vremensko-frekvencijskih distribucija,” Proc. of 39. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1995, pp.218-221.
  146. S. Stanković, “Hardverska realizacija sistema za vremensko frekvencijsku analizu signala,” Proc. of 39. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1995, pp.I.298-I.302.
  147. LJ. Stanković, “Definition and properties of the new general class of time-frequency distributions,” Proc. of 39. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1995, pp.I.214-I.217.
  148. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “Stabilnost LMS Adaptivnog Algoritma,” Kongres matematicara Jugoslavije, Petrovac n.m 1995
  149. V. N. Ivanović, and Z. Petrović, “Noise influence to the S-method for time-frequency signal analysis,” Proc. of 39. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1995, pp.226-230.
  150. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “Primjena LMS i VS Adaptivnih algoritama za otklanjanje smetnji,” Proc. of 39. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1995.
  151. Z. Uskoković, S. Stanković, and D. Karadaglić, “Wignerov Bispektar u Analizi Multikomponentnih Signala,” Proc. of 39. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1995, pp.222-225.
  152. Z. Mijanović, R. Dragović-Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Nova ljestvicasta (R/2R+) mreza za digitalno analognu konverziju,” ITP'95, Novi Sad 1995, pp.257-262.
  153. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, Z. Uskoković, and S. Stanković, “Kompjuterska simulacija haotičnih fazi logickih izraza,” I konferencija YU INFO, Kopaonik 1995
  154. B. Krstajić, M. Radonjić, Z. Uskoković, and D. Raonić, “The OFT Method for Identification of Nonparametric Models,” Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM'94, Budva 1994
  155. LJ. Stanković, Z. Uskoković, and S. Stanković, “The instantaneous frequency representation by the Wavelet transforms,” Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM'94, Budva 1994, pp.63-68.
  156. LJ. Stanković, Z. Uskoković, and S. Stanković, “Robust time-frequency analysis using L-Wigner distribution,” Proc. of 38. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Niš 1994, pp.I.351-I.356.
  157. Lj. Savićević, and M. Daković, “Uticaj pulzirajućih momenata na rad tiristorskog EMP,” XXXVII ETAN, Beograd,1993
  158. V. N. Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Error analysis in implementation of the S-method (SM) based sistem for time-frequency signal analysis,” Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM'97, Palic 1997
  159. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “On the cross terms in time-frequency and wavelet distributions,” Proc. of 37. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Beograd 1993, pp.I.23-I.28.
  160. Z. Uskoković, J. Medanić, R. Ramaker, and F. Latuada, “Projektovanje decentralizovanih dinamickih regulatora za otklanjanje poremecaja,” Proc. of 37. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Beograd 1993
  161. S. Stanković, Z. Petrović, and LJ. Stanković, “Konvolucioni pristup vremensko-frekvencijskoj analizi signala,” Proc. of 37. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Beograd 1993, pp.I.29-I.34.
  162. Z. Uskoković, J. Medanić, and M. Grisey, “Interaktivno projektovanje decentralizovanih dinamickih regulatora,” Proc. of 37. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Beograd 1993
  163. S. Stanković, and LJ. Stanković, “Generalizacija Wignerove distribucije skaliranjem,” Proc. of 36. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Kopaonik 1992, pp.I.33-I-40.
  164. LJ. Stanković, and S. Stanković, “Uticaj suma na Wignerovu transformaciju diskretnih signala,” Proc. of 36. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Kopaonik 1992, pp.I.41-I.48.
  165. LJ. Stanković, and S. Stanković, “Wigner distribution of noisy signals,” Proc. of 35. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Ohrid 1991, pp.V.67-V.74.
  166. S. Jovićević, and LJ. Stanković, “The wave diffraction from a strip grating,” Proc. of 32. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Sarajevo 1988, pp.V.189-V.196.
  167. LJ. Stanković, and S. Jovićević, “About the influence of the round ridge on a waveguide of elliptical cross section,” Proc. of 32. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Sarajevo 1988, pp.V.197-V.204.
  168. M. Ostojić, and LJ. Stanković, “Digital measurement of rotation velocity and moment of asinhron motor,” Proc. of electromotor symposium, Zadar 1988, pp.921-926.
  169. LJ. Stanković, and S. Jovićević, “Determination of electromagnetic field distribution by boundary condition expansion on basis functions,” Proc. of 31. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Bled, 1987, pp.V.53-V.58.
  170. LJ. Stanković, “Support function and generalized support function in computed tomography,” Proc. of 30. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Herceg Novi 1986, pp.XI.133-XI.140.
  171. S. Jovićević, and LJ. Stanković, “Method of boundary condition expansion on basis functions - application in electrostatics,” Proc. of 30. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Herceg Novi 1986, pp.V.187-V.194.
  172. B. Novaković, and Z. Uskoković, “A Steam-Overheater Control synthesis by Projective Controls,” Proc. of 30. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Herceg Novi 1986
  173. S. Jovićević, and LJ. Stanković, “Determination of eigenvalue spectrum of the waveguide with complex cross section,” Proc. of 29. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Niš 1985, pp.V.57-V.64.
  174. LJ. Stanković, and H. Beća, “Estimation of the influence of some factors on the bit-error probability in QAM-16 radio system,” Proc. of 28. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Split 1984, pp.III.19-III.26.
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Projects and other Publications

  1. A. Draganić, “Applications of the new Compressive Sensing based approaches with the focus on biomedicine, multimedia and communications,” Bilateral project Montenegro - China (2019-2020), Member of the Project team (Project Leader: Prof. dr Srdjan Stankovic)
  2. A. Draganić, “Compressed sensing based data acquisition and fusion methods for food cold chain quality management,” Bilateral project Montenegro - China (2019-2020), Member of the Project team (Project Leader: Prof. dr Irena Orovic)
  3. A. Draganić, “New ICT Compressive sensing based trends applied to: multimedia, biomedicine and communications,” the grant application approved in April 2014 , Member of the project team (Head of the project team - Prof. dr Srdjan Stanković)
  4. N. Radović, “Mechatronics' Components in Mechatronics' Systems - Sensor Development and Application ,” Bilateral Research Project (Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina), project leader: Prof dr. Marina Mijanović Markuš , University of Montenegro, 2014-2016.
  5. N. Radović, “Introduction of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) in Telenor Montenegro,” National Expert Project of Telenor Montenegro, Technical Project Manager: dr Nevena Radović, from 12/2014 till 12/2015.
  6. A. Draganić, “Compressive Sensing and time-frequency analysis with applications,” Bilateral project Montenegro - China (September 2014 - August 2016), Member of the project team (Head of the project team - Prof. dr Srdjan Stanković)
  7. A. Draganić, “Compressive Sensing methods with applications,” Bilateral project Montenegro - China (September 2014 - August 2016), Member of the project team (Head of the project team - Prof. dr Irena Orović)
  8. A. Draganić, “An Adriatic Network for Advancing Research Development and Innovation toward the creation of new Policies for Sustainable Competitiveness of SMEs ,” ADRIATInn, The IPA Adriatic CBC Programme is co-financed by the Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), 2013-2016
  9. N. Radović, “Designing of the pipelined signal adaptive architectures for processing and estimation of the highly nonstationary one-dimensional and two-dimensional signals,” project leader: Prof dr. Veselin N. Ivanović, Ministry for Education and science of Montenegro, 2012-2015.
  10. S. Stanković, “Advance techniques for automatized analysis and processing of non-stationary signals in modern applications: communications, radars, biomedicine and multimedia,” Head of the team supported by Montenegrin Ministry of Science, 2012-2014
  11. V. N. Ivanović, “Designing of the pipelined signal adaptive architectures for processing and estimation of the highly nonstationary one-dimensional and two-dimensional signals,” project leader: Prof dr. Veselin N. Ivanović,, Ministry for Education and science of Montenegro, 2012.
  12. A. Draganić, “Advance techniques for automatized analysis and processing of non-stationary signals in modern applications: communications, radars, biomedicine and multimedia,” , Member of the project team supported by Montenegrin Ministry of Science, 2012-2014
  13. N. Žarić, “Advance techniques for automatized analysis and processing of non-stationary signals in modern applications: communications, radars, biomedicine and multimedia,” , Member of the project team suppurted by Montenegrin Ministry of Science, 2012-2014
  14. I. Orović, “Advance techniques for automatized analysis and processing of non-stationary signals in modern applications: communications, radars, biomedicine and multimedia,” , Member of the project team suppurted by Montenegrin Ministry of Science, 20012-2014
  15. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, V. Popović-Bugarin, P. Raković, and M. Brajović, “Radarski sistemi sa stohastičkim talasnim oblicima,” Research project supported by Ministry of Science of Montenegro , University of Montenegro, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2012-2015
  16. I. Orović, “Innovation and implementation of the curriculum vocational studies in the field of digital television and multimedia,” , Tempus project, Memberr of the Montenegrin team, 2011-2013
  17. S. Stanković, “Innovation and implementation of the curriculum vocational studies in the field of digital television and multimedia,” , Tempus project, Coordinator of the Montenegrin team, 2011-2013
  18. I. Orović, “Time-frequency signal analysis and its applications,” , Member of the project team supported by Croatian Ministry for Education and Sport and Montenegrin Ministry of Education and Science, 2011-2012
  19. S. Stanković, “Time-frequency signal analysis and its applications,” , Head of the project team supported by Croatian Ministry for Education and Sport and Montenegrin Ministry of Education and Science, 2011-2012
  20. N. Žarić, “Business case study and information system planning for Inspection organizations in Montenegro,” , Member of the project team supported by Montenegrin Ministry for Information technologies and Telecommunications, 2011
  21. I. Orović, “Business case study and information system planning for Inspection organizations in Montenegro,” , Head of the project team supported by Montenegrin Ministry for Information technologies and Telecommunications, 2011
  22. Z. Uskoković, “Generalized time-frequency distributions: Applications in multimedia systems and hardware realizations,” , Member of the project team suppurted by Montenegrin Ministry of Education and Science, 2009-2011
  23. N. Žarić, “Generalized time-frequency distributions: Applications in multimedia systems and hardware realizations,” , Member of the project team suppurted by Montenegrin Ministry of Education and Science, 2009-2011
  24. S. Stanković, “Generalized time-frequency distributions: Applications in multimedia systems and hardware realizations,” , Head of the team suppurted by Montenegrin Ministry of Education and Science, 2009-2011
  25. N. Radović, “Development of Regional Interdisciplinary Mechatronic Studies – DRIMS,” International TEMPUS IV Project no. 158644; Joint Projects Curricular Reform (JPCR), Coordinator: Fachhochschule Aachen, Germany, 2009-2012.
  26. I. Orović, “Generalized time-frequency distributions: Applications in multimedia systems and hardware realizations,” , Member of the project team suppurted by Montenegrin Ministry of Education and Science, 2009-2011
  27. N. Žarić, “Data protection in digital communications by using digital watermarking techniques,” , Member of the project team supported by Montenegrin Tecelommunication agency, 2009-2010
  28. S. Stanković, “Data protection in digital communications by using digital watermarking techniques,” , Head of the project team supported by Montenegrin Tecelommunication agency, 2009-2010
  29. I. Orović, “Data protection in digital communications by using digital watermarking techniques,” , Member of the project team supported by Montenegrin Tecelommunication agency, 2009-2010
  30. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, S. Djukanović, V. Popović-Bugarin, T. Thayaparan, and P. Raković, “Analiza nestacionarnih signala u vremensko-frekvencijskom domenu sa primjenom na radarske signale,” Research project supported by Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro , University of Montenegro, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2008-2011
  31. N. Žarić, “Analysis of transitory signals using generalized moments with complex-lag agrument,” , Member of the Montenegrin team supported by French Ministry of Foreign affairs and Bureau for Scientific, Educational, Cultural and Technical Cooperation of Republic of Montenegro, 2008-2009
  32. S. Stanković, “Analysis of transitory signals using generalized moments with complex-lag agrument,” , Head of the Montenegrin team supported by French Ministry of Foreign affairs and Bureau for Scientific, Educational, Cultural and Technical Cooperation of Republic of Montenegro, 2008-2009
  33. I. Orović, “Analysis of transitory signals using generalized moments with complex-lag agrument,” , Member of the Montenegrin team supported by French Ministry of Foreign affairs and Bureau for Scientific, Educational, Cultural and Technical Cooperation of Republic of Montenegro, 2008-2009
  34. V. N. Ivanović, “Special purpose hardware design for analysis of the highly nonstationary onedimensional and twodimensional signals and time-varying filtering,” project leader: Prof dr. Veselin N. Ivanović,, Ministry for Education and science of Montenegro, 2007.
  35. N. Radović, “Special purpose hardware design for analysis of the highly nonstationary onedimensional and twodimensional signals and time-varying filtering,” project leader: Prof dr. Veselin N. Ivanović, Ministry for Education and science of Montenegro, 2007-2010.
  36. N. Žarić, “Video surveillance of the railway tracks and stations,” , Member of the project team, 2006
  37. S. Stanković, “Video surveillance of the railway tracks and stations,” , Head of the project team, 2006
  38. I. Orović, “Video surveillance of the railway tracks and stations,” , Member of the project team, 2006
  39. N. Radović, “Introduction of a new Study Programme in Applied Electronics – SPiAE,” International TEMPUS Project CD_JEP-40017-2005, Grand holder: University of Patras, Greece, prof. Stavros Koubias; Coordinator: University of Montenegro, prof. Radovan Stojanović, 2006-2008.
  40. Z. Uskoković, “Curriculum Development of Graduate Studies in Applied Computer Engineering and Internationalization of FEE Graduate Studies,” , Tempus project, Member of the Montenegin team, 2006-2009
  41. V. Popović-Bugarin, “Curriculum Development of Graduate Studies in Applied Computer Engineering and Internationalization of FEE Graduate Studies,” , Tempus project, Member of the Montenegin team, 2006-2009
  42. S. Stanković, “Curriculum Development of Graduate Studies in Applied Computer Engineering and Internationalization of FEE Graduate Studies,” , Tempus project, Coordinator of the Montenegrin team, 2006-2009
  43. I. Orović, “Curriculum Development of Graduate Studies in Applied Computer Engineering and Internationalization of FEE Graduate Studies,” , Tempus project, Member of the Montenegin team, 2006-2009
  44. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, S. Djukanović, V. Popović-Bugarin, and P. Raković, “Dekompozicija složenih signala primjenom vremensko-frekvencijske analize,” Research project supported by Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro , University of Montenegro, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2005-2007
  45. N. Žarić, “Warping complex-time distribution and its applications in digital watermarking,” , Member of the project team, 2005-2008
  46. S. Stanković, “Warping complex-time distribution and its applications in digital watermarking,” , Head of the project, 2005-2008
  47. I. Orović, “Warping complex-time distribution and its applications in digital watermarking,” , Member of the project team, 2005-2008
  48. I. Orović, “Development et utilisation d’utils temps-frequence pour la tomographie acoustique passive,” , Member of the Montenegrin team supported by French Ministry of Foreign affairs and Bureau for Scientific, Educational, Cultural and Technical Cooperation of Republic of Montenegro, 2004-2007
  49. S. Stanković, “Expert's supervision of the tunel Sozina equipping,” , (more than 4 km long), 2004-2005
  50. V. N. Ivanović, “Time-frequency signal analysis,” project leader: Prof dr. LJubiša Stanković,, Volkswagen Stiftung, Federal Republic of Germany, 2001-2003.
  51. V. N. Ivanović, “Time-varying filtering,” project leader: Prof dr. LJubiša Stanković,, Montenegrin ministry for education and science, 2000.
  52. V. N. Ivanović, “Hardware and software realization of a system for analysis of the nonstationary signals,” project leader: Prof dr. Srdjan Stanković, Montenegrian ministry for education and science, 1997.
  53. V. N. Ivanović, “Time-frequency signal analysis,” project leader: Prof dr. LJubiša Stanković,, Montenegrian ministry for education and science, 1996.
  54. V. N. Ivanović, “New methods for time-frequency analysis,” project leader: Prof dr. LJubiša Stanković,, Federal ministry for science and technology, 1995.
  55. Z. Uskoković, and, “Projektovanje dinamickih regulatora optimizacijom u odnosu na Frobenius-Henkelovu normu,” report for National Science Foundation (NSF) of Montenegro, Titograd, Jan.1992.
  56. Z. Uskoković, and, “Security Analysis and Optimal Controlof Power systems,” report for National Science Foundation (NSF) of Montenegro, Yugoslavia, 1987(in Serbo-Croation).
  57. Z. Uskoković, and, “Design of SuboptimalLow-order Dynamic Regulators for Linear Control Systems,” report for National Science Foundation (NSF) of Montenegro, Yugoslavia, 1983 (in Sebo-Croation).
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Submitted Papers

  1. S. Vujović, A. Draganić, M. Lakičević, I. Orović, M. Daković, M. Beko, and S. Stanković, “Supplementary codes ,” ,
  2. S. Stanković, I. Orović, and LJ. Stanković, “Polynomial Fourier Domain as a Domain of Signal Sparsity,” submitted to Signal Processing Elsevier,
  3. LJ. Stanković, “On the ISAR Image Analysis and Recovery with Unavailable or Heavily Corrupted Data,” submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
  4. LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Reconstruction of Randomly Sampled Sparse Signals Using an Adaptive Gradient Algorithm,” submitted to Signal Processing,
  5. C. Bernard, I. Orović, C. Ioana, and S. Stanković, “Compressive sensing based separation of nonlinear modulation phase signals,” submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
  6. S. Park, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and S. Vujović, “Exploring the Application of Compressive Sensing for Dynamic Traffic Conditions Identification using Video Data,” submitted to Automatika ‒ Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications,
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  1. Dj. Stanković, “La cota de Cramer-Rao y su aplicación en muestreo compresivo,” Master Thesis (written in Spanish), Mathematical Engineering, University of Buenos Aires, 2022
  2. S. Vujović, “Analiza, implementacija i primjena gradijentnih algoritama za rekonstrukciju kompresivno odabranih signala,” Ph.D. Thesis,
  3. I. Stanković, “Analysis of non-stationary signals: Contribution of compressive sensing for interference management in dispersive media,” Ph.D. Thesis, 2020.
  4. M. Brajović, “On Reconstruction Algorithms for Signals Sparse in Hermite and Fourier Domains,” Ph.D. Thesis, June 2019
  5. A. Draganić, “Analiza nestacionarnih multikomponentnih signala sa osvrtom na kompresivno ocitavanje (Analysis of non-stationary multicomponent signals with a focus on the Compressive Sensing approach),” PhD Thesis, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, 2018., University of Montenegro, Podgorica, june 2018
  6. I. Stanković, “Track Global Ozone Density with Missing Data,” Master Thesis, Imperial College London, Sept. 2015.
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