Andjela Draganić - Publications

Curriculum Vitae Personal page
1 int. journal pub.
4 other pub.
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1 int. journal pub.
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Leading International Journals and Book Chapters

  1. Dj. Stanković, A. Draganić, N. Lekić, C. Ioana, and I. Orović, “An Analog-Digital Hardware for Parzen-Based Nonparametric Probability Density Estimation,” IEEE Access (to be published), doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3446370
  2. A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, N. Lekić, and M. Beko, “Hardware architectures for some sparse signal recovery approaches,” Chapter in the Book "Cognitive Sensing Technologies and Applications" , Edited by G.R. Sinha, Bidyadhar Subudhi, Chih-Peng Fan, Humaira Nisar, IET, September 2023; Book DOI: 10.1049/PBCE135E, Chapter DOI: 10.1049/PBCE135E_ch2, ISBN: 9781839536892
  3. M. Lakičević Žarić, A. Draganić, I. Orović, M. Beko, and S. Stanković, “Combining Gradient-Based and Thresholding Methods for Improved Signal Reconstruction Performance,” Journal of Signal Processing Systems, June 2022,
  4. Z. Zhu, R. Ma, A. Draganić, I. Orović, X.Zhang, X. Wang, and J.Wang, “Postharvest quality monitoring and cold chain management of fresh garlic scapes based on a wireless multi-sensors system,” Journal of Food Process Engineering, Volume 45, Issue 1, January 2022, e13918e13918.
  5. S. Vujović, A. Draganić, M. Lakičević, I. Orović, M. Daković, M. Beko, and S. Stanković, “Sparse Analyzer Tool for Biomedical Signals,” Sensors, 20(9), 2602, doi: 10.3390/s20092602
  6. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “On some common compressive sensing recovery algorithms and applications - Review paper,” Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol 30, No 4 (2017), pp. 477-510, DOI Number 10.2298/FUEE1704477D, December 2017
  7. A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, X. Li, and Z. Wang, “An approach to classification and under-sampling of the interfering wireless signals,” Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 51, June 2017, Pages 106–113,
  8. I. Orović, A. Draganić, and S. Stanković, “Sparse Time-Frequency Representation for Signals with Fast Varying Instantaneous Frequency,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation , Volume: 9, Issue: 9, pp. 1260 - 1267, Online ISSN 1751-8792, December 2015, DOI: 10.1049/iet-rsn.2015.0116
  9. I. Orović, S. Stanković, and A. Draganić, “Time-Frequency Analysis and Singular Value Decomposition Applied to the Highly Multicomponent Musical Signals,” Acta Acustica United With Acustica, Vol. 100 (2014) 1
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Other International, Regional, and National Journals

  1. M. Brajović, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Sparse Representation of FHSS Signals in the Hermite Transform Domain,” Telfor Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2017
  2. M. Medenica, S. Zuković, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Comparison of the algorithms for CS image reconstruction,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering 2014,
  3. S. Stanković, I. Orović, LJ. Stanković, and A. Draganić, “Single-Iteration Algorithm for Compressive Sensing Reconstruction,” Telfor Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 36-41, 2014.
  4. I. Orović, A. Draganić, and S. Stanković, “Highly concentrated distributions for estimating phase derivatives of nonstationary signal,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 19, no. 1, Oct, 2011.
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International Conferences

  1. A. Draganić, Dj. Stanković, N. Lekić, C. Ioana, and I. Orović, “A Digital Watermark Architecture for Image Authentication Based on Hermite Transform,” The 32nd International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2024, September 26-28, 2024, Split
  2. Dj. Stanković, A. Draganić, C. Ioana, and I. Orović, “An Image Watermarking based on Rayleigh distribution detector,” 66th International Symposium ELMAR-2024, 16-18 September 2024 Zadar, Croatia
  3. Dj. Stanković, A. Draganić, C. Ioana, and I. Orović, “Adaptive Compressive Sensing Image Recovery Using Block-Variance-Based Sampling,” The 32nd International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2024, September 26-28, 2024, Split
  4. Dj. Stanković, A. Draganić, C. Ioana, and I. Orović, “A hybrid approach for image denoising based on smoothing in the Hermite transform domain,” Invited paper, 6th International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems (APPIS 2024), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, January 22-26, 2024
  5. N. Lekić, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “A Hardware Architecture for the Speech Logo Watermarking Procedure,” Workshop on Security & Protection of Information (SPI22), 13-14 June 2022, Grenoble - France
  6. N. Lekić, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “An Analog Hardware Design for the Hermite-based Image Watermarking,” Workshop on Security & Protection of Information (SPI22), 13-14 June 2022, Grenoble - France
  7. A. Draganić, I. Orović, M. Beko, and S. Stanković, “Seismic Data Recovery From a Reduced Set of Measurements,” The 29th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2021), pp.1-6, Sep. 23 - 25, 2021, Hvar, Croatia
  8. A. Draganić, I. Orović, M. Lakičević, and S. Stanković, “Quick Response Code Recovery using Sparse Signal Processing Approach,” The 9th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing and 8th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things, MECO'2020 & CPS&IoT'2020
  9. M. Lakičević, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Sparse signal reconstruction using gradient-threshold based method,” 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018
  10. N. Lekić, A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and V. Papić, “Iris print extracting from reduced and scrambled set of pixels,” Second International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking BalkanCom 2018, Podgorica, Montenegro, June 6-8, 2018
  11. A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, X.Zhang, and X. Wang, “Compressive Sensing Approach in the Table Grape Cold Chain Logistics,” 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO 2017, Bar, Montenegro, DOI: 10.1109/MECO.2017.7977143
  12. Z. Vulaj, M. Brajović, A. Draganić, and I. Orović, “Detection of Irregular QRS Complexes using Hermite Transform and Support Vector Machine,” 59th International Symposium ELMAR-2017, Zadar, Croatia, 2017
  13. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Spread-spectrum-modulated signal denoising based on median ambiguity function,” 59th International Symposium ELMAR-2017, Zadar, Croatia, 2017
  14. I. Orović, A. Draganić, N. Lekić, and S. Stanković, “A System for Compressive Sensing Signal Reconstruction,” 17th IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies, IEEE EUROCON 2017
  15. Z. Vulaj, A. Draganić, M. Brajović, and I. Orović, “A tool for ECG signal analysis using standard and optimized Hermite transform,” 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2017, Bar, Montenegro
  16. A. Draganić, M. Marić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Identification of image source using serial-number-based watermarking under Compressive Sensing conditions,” 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2017
  17. M. Brajović, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “FHSS signal sparsification in the Hermite transform domain,” 24th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2016, November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia
  18. A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, X. Li, and Z. Wang, “Reconstruction and classification of wireless signals based on Compressive Sensing approach,” 5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2016
  19. A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and X. Li, “ISAR Reconstruction from Incomplete Data using Total Variation Optimization,” 5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2016
  20. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Compressive Sensing Least Square problem solution suitable for implementation,” 23rd Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2015
  21. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Robust Hermite transform based on the Lestimate principle,” 23rd Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2015
  22. I. Stanković, and A. Draganić, “Compressive Sensing Reconstruction of Video Data based on DCT and Gradient-Descent Method,” 23rd Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2015
  23. A. Draganić, M. Brajović, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “A Software Tool for Compressive Sensing based Time-Frequency Analysis,” 57th International Symposium ELMAR-2015, Zadar, Croatia
  24. M. Orović, T. Pejaković, A. Draganić, and S. Stanković, “MRI watermarking in the Compressive Sensing context,” 57th International Symposium ELMAR-2015, Zadar, Croatia
  25. A. Draganić, I. Orović, N. Lekić, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Architecture for Single Iteration Reconstruction Algorithm,” 4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2015
  26. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Blind Signals Separation in wireless communications based on Compressive Sensing,” 22nd Telecommunications Forum , TELFOR, 2014 , Belgrade, Serbia
  27. S. Zuković, M. Medenica, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “A Virtual Instrument for Compressive Sensing of Multimedia Signals,” 56th International Symposium ELMAR 2014, Zadar, Croatia
  28. R. Mihajlovic, M. Šćekić, A. Draganić, and S. Stanković, “An Analysis of CS Algorithms Efficiency for Sparse Communication Signals Reconstruction,” 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2014
  29. M. Šćekić, R. Mihajlovic, A. Draganić, and I. Orović, “Combined TV filtering method and CS signal reconstruction,” 1st International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2014, Vrnjacka Banja, 2014
  30. I. Orović, A. Draganić, and S. Stanković, “Compressive Sensing as a Watermarking Attack,” 21st Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2013, Belgrade
  31. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “FHSS Signal Characterization Based On The Crossterms Free Time-Frequency Distributions,” 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO - 2013, pp. 152-155, June 2013, Budva, Montenegro
  32. A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and M. Amin, “Rekonstrukcija FHSS signala zasnovana na principu kompresivnog odabiranja,” 20th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2012, Beograd, Novembar 2012.
  33. I. Orović, A. Draganić, S. Stanković, and E. Sejdić, “A Unified Approach for the Estimation of Instantaneous Frequency and Its Derivatives for Non-stationary Signals Analysis,” ISSPA 2012, Canada
  34. I. Orović, S. Stanković, and A. Draganić, “Time-frequency based analysis of wireless signals,” Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2012, Bar, Montenegro
  35. I. Orović, S. Stanković, B. Jokanović, and A. Draganić, “On Compressive Sensing in Audio Signals,” ETRAN 2012,
  36. I. Orović, A. Draganić, and S. Stanković, “S-method based eigenvalue decomposition for analysis of multicomponent communication signals,” 19th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2011, Beograd, Nov. 2011
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Regional and National Conferences

  1. M. Medenica, S. Zuković, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Comparison of the algorithms for CS image reconstruction,” Informacione tehnologije IT 2014, Zabljak
  2. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Total variation based denoising of wireless signals,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2013, Žabljak, Feb. 2013
  3. A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Characterization of the musical signals based on singular value decomposition and time-frequency analysis,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2013, Žabljak, Feb. 2013
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Projects and other Publications

  1. A. Draganić, “Compressed sensing based data acquisition and fusion methods for food cold chain quality management,” Bilateral project Montenegro - China (2019-2020), Member of the Project team (Project Leader: Prof. dr Irena Orovic)
  2. A. Draganić, “Applications of the new Compressive Sensing based approaches with the focus on biomedicine, multimedia and communications,” Bilateral project Montenegro - China (2019-2020), Member of the Project team (Project Leader: Prof. dr Srdjan Stankovic)
  3. A. Draganić, “New ICT Compressive sensing based trends applied to: multimedia, biomedicine and communications,” the grant application approved in April 2014 , Member of the project team (Head of the project team - Prof. dr Srdjan Stanković)
  4. A. Draganić, “Compressive Sensing and time-frequency analysis with applications,” Bilateral project Montenegro - China (September 2014 - August 2016), Member of the project team (Head of the project team - Prof. dr Srdjan Stanković)
  5. A. Draganić, “Compressive Sensing methods with applications,” Bilateral project Montenegro - China (September 2014 - August 2016), Member of the project team (Head of the project team - Prof. dr Irena Orović)
  6. A. Draganić, “An Adriatic Network for Advancing Research Development and Innovation toward the creation of new Policies for Sustainable Competitiveness of SMEs ,” ADRIATInn, The IPA Adriatic CBC Programme is co-financed by the Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), 2013-2016
  7. A. Draganić, “Advance techniques for automatized analysis and processing of non-stationary signals in modern applications: communications, radars, biomedicine and multimedia,” , Member of the project team supported by Montenegrin Ministry of Science, 2012-2014
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Submitted Papers

  1. S. Vujović, A. Draganić, M. Lakičević, I. Orović, M. Daković, M. Beko, and S. Stanković, “Supplementary codes ,” ,
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  1. A. Draganić, “Analiza nestacionarnih multikomponentnih signala sa osvrtom na kompresivno ocitavanje (Analysis of non-stationary multicomponent signals with a focus on the Compressive Sensing approach),” PhD Thesis, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, 2018., University of Montenegro, Podgorica, june 2018
  2. A. Draganić, “Dekompozicija i rekonstrukcija multikomponentnih signala korišćenjem vremensko-frekvencijske analize i Compressive Sensing-a,” Master Thesis, Podgorica, 2013
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