Isidora Stanković - Publications

Curriculum Vitae Personal page
1 int. journal pub.
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1 int. journal pub.
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1 int. journal pub.
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3 int. journal pub.
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5 int. journal pub.
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0 int. journal pub.
9 other pub.
4 int. journal pub.
7 other pub.

Leading International Journals and Book Chapters

  1. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, C. Ioana, M. Daković, D. Mandic, and LJ. Stanković, “Matched Filtering on Directed Graphs,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 54, no. 9, pp. 5857-5861, Sept. 2024, doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2024.3407948
  2. L. Batisić, J. Lerga, and I. Stanković, “Detection of motor imagery based on short-term entropy of time–frequency representations,” BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 22, 41 (2023),
  3. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, J. Lerga, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Image denoising using RANSAC and compressive sensing,” Multimedia Tools and Applications,, 2022
  4. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, I. Stanković, J. Lerga, and M. Daković, “RANSAC-Based Signal Denoising Using Compressive Sensing,” Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, Vol. 40, pp. 3907–3928, 2021.
  5. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, D. Mandic, I. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Improved Coherence Index-Based Bound in Compressive Sensing,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol 28, 2021,
  6. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, J. Lerga, C. Ioana, E. Zdravevski, and M. Daković, “Multivariate Decomposition of Acoustic Signals in Dispersive Channels,” Mathematics, 2021, Vol. 9, No. 21, 2796;
  7. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, C. Ioana, and LJ. Stanković, “Bit-depth quantization and reconstruction error in images,” Signal, Image and Video Processing, Volume 14, Number 8, pp.1545-1553, 2020,
  8. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “The DCT Domain Sparsity-Assisted Detection and Recovery of Impulsively Disturbed Samples,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, October, 2020, pp.1-14.
  9. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, C. Ioana, and LJ. Stanković, “Quantization in Compressive Sensing: A Signal Processing Approach,” IEEE Access, Vol. 8, March 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2979935
  10. N. A. Khan, M. Mohammadi, and I. Stanković, “Sparse Reconstruction based on iterative TF domain filtering and Viterbi based IF estimation Algorithm,” Signal Processing, vol. 166, January 2020, DOI:
  11. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “Reconstruction Error in Nonuniformly Sampled Approximately Sparse Signals,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol: 18, January 2020, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2020.2968137
  12. I. Stanković, M. Daković, and C. Ioana, “Decomposition and Analysis of Signals Sparse in the Dual Polynomial Fourier Transform,” Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 63, pp. 209-215, November 2018.
  13. I. Stanković, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Denoising of Sparse Images in Impulsive Disturbance Environment,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 77, no. 5, pp. 5885–5905, March 2018, DOI:
  14. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, C. Ioana, and LJ. Stanković, “Error in the Reconstruction of Nonsparse Images,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 4314527, 10 pages
  15. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “On the reconstruction of nonsparse time-frequency signals with sparsity constraint from a reduced set of samples,” Signal Processing, vol. 142, January 2018, pp. 480-484, DOI:
  16. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, I. Stanković, and S. Vujović, “On the Errors in Randomly Sampled Nonsparse Signals Reconstructed with a Sparsity Assumption ,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol: 14, Issue: 12, Dec. 2017, pp. 2453 - 2456 , DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2017.2768664
  17. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and I. Stanković, “Compressive Sensing Methods for Reconstruction of Big Sparse Signals,” in “Biomedical Signal Processing in Big Data”, E. Sejdic ed., CRC Press, 2017.
  18. LJ. Stanković, I. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Nonsparsity Influence on the ISAR Recovery from Reduced Data,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 52, Issue: 6, Dec. 2016, pp. 3065 - 3070, DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2016.160312
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Other International, Regional, and National Journals

  1. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of Noise in Complex-Valued Binary and Bipolar Sigmoid Compressive Sensing,” Telfor Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, 2019.
  2. LJ. Stanković, and I. Stanković, “Reconstruction of Sparse and Nonsparse Signals From a Reduced Set of Samples,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.21, Dec. 2015, pp.147-169.
  3. I. Stanković, “Image Reconstruction,” in Digital Signal Processing with Selected Topics, Amazon-CreateSpace, ed. L. Stankovic., Nov.2015, pp.808-810.
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International Conferences

  1. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, A. Bagheri-Bardi, and LJ. Stanković, “Random Walk Operator-Based Fourier Transform in Complete Directed Acyclic Graphs,” 27th International Conference on Information Technology (IT), Žabljak, Montenegro, 21-24 February, 2024
  2. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, M. Brajović, I. Stanković, and A. Bagheri-Bardi, “Zero-padding on Connected Directed Acyclic Graphs for Spectral Processing,” 31th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, November 21-22, 2023
  3. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Analysis of Graph Matched Filters for Higher-Order Diffusion Signals,” 31th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, November 21-22, 2023
  4. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Reconstruction of Sparse Graph Signals from Reduced Sets of Samples,” 27th International Conference on Information Technology (IT), Zabljak, Montenegro, 15 – 18 February, 2023
  5. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Effect of Companding in the Reconstruction of Nonsparse Signals,” 30th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2022, 15-16 November, Belgrade, Serbia
  6. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Laplacian-Driven Softmax Probability for Noisy Pixel Detection in Image Reconstruction,” 30th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2022, 15-16 November, Belgrade, Serbia
  7. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Audio Signal Denoising Based on Laplacian Filter and Sparse Signal Reconstruction,” 26th International Conference on Information Technology (IT), Zabljak, Montenegro, 16 – 19 February, 2022
  8. M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, I. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Inverse Radon Transform in Radar Signal Parameter Estimation - an Overview,” 29th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2021 (Virtual), Serbia, Belgrade, November 23-24, 2021
  9. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Laplacian Filter in Reconstruction of Images using Gradient-Based Algorithm,” 29th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2021 (Virtual), Serbia, Belgrade, November 23-24, 2021
  10. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, D. Mandic, and LJ. Stanković, “On the Number of Channels in MulticomponentNonstationary Noisy Signal Decomposition,” 25th International Conference on Information Technology (IT 2021), Zabljak, Montenegro, 16 – 20 February, 2021
  11. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Comparison of Two Image Denoising ApproachesBased on Compressive Sensing Principles,” 25th International Conference on Information Technology (IT 2021), Zabljak, Montenegro, 16 – 20 February, 2021
  12. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “RANSAC Compressive Sensing Reconstruction in Noisy Wideband Underwater Sonar Imaging,” Global Oceans 2020, Singapore – U.S. Gulf Coast, October 2020
  13. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and C. Ioana, “Quantization Effect in Nonuniform Nonsparse Signal Reconstruction,” 9th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2020, Budva, 2020
  14. M. Daković, M. Ponjavić, I. Stanković, J. Lerga, and C. Ioana, “Time-Frequency Analysis of Ionospheric Whistler Signals,” 27th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov. 2019.
  15. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, C. Ioana, and LJ. Stanković, “On the Quantization and the Probability of Misdetection in Compressive Sensing,” 27th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov. 2019.
  16. I. Stanković, J. S. Sewada, M. Geen, C. Ioana, M. Daković, and J. Mars, “Transmitted Sequence Influence to Sonar Target Detection using Compressive Sensing,” IEEE OCEANS 2019, Seattle, WA, USA, October 2019.
  17. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Time-Varying Cross-Range in Wideband Sonar Imaging,” 11th Int'l Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2019), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2019.
  18. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Decomposition of Two-Component Multivariate Signals with Overlapped Domains of Support,” 11th Int'l Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2019), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2019.
  19. I. Stanković, A. Digulescu, C. Ioana, and K. Dayet, “Electric arc detection using compressive sensing,” 27th Symposium GRETSI 2019, Lille, France, August 2019.
  20. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “Sequence Comparison in Reconstruction and Targeting in Underwater Sonar Imaging,” IEEE OCEANS 2019, Marseille, France, June 2019.
  21. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and C. Ioana, “Gradient-Descent Algorithm Performance With Reduced Set of Quantized Measurements,” 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2019, Budva, Montenegro, June 2019.
  22. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Complex-Valued Binary Compressive Sensing,” 26th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2018), November 20 - 21, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia
  23. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of off-grid effects in wideband sonar images using compressive sensing,” IEEE OCEANS 2018, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, October 2018.
  24. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, C. Ioana, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Reconstruction of Rigid Body with Noncompensated Acceleration After Micro-Doppler Removal,” 5th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing applied to Radar, Multimodal Sensing, and Imaging (CoSeRa), Siegen, Germany, September 2018.
  25. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “Analysis of Initial Estimate Noise in the Sparse Randomly Sampled ISAR Signals,” 5th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing applied to Radar, Multimodal Sensing, and Imaging (CoSeRa), Siegen, Germany, September 2018.
  26. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and C. Ioana, “Effect of Random Sampling on Noisy Nonsparse Signals in Time-Frequency Analysis,” 26th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO 2018, Rome, Italy, September 2018.
  27. I. Stanković, I. Djurović, and M. Daković, “Adaptive average BM3D filter for reconstruction of images with combined noise,” 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018, Budva, Montenegro, June 2018.
  28. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, M. Daković, and I. Candel, “Sparse Signal Reconstruction in Dual Polynomial Fourier Transform,” 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018, Budva, Montenegro, June 2018.
  29. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “High-Resolution Local Polynomial Fourier Transform in Acoustic Signal Analysis,” 59th International Symposium ELMAR 2017, September 18-20, Zadar, Croatia
  30. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “Model-based decomposition of acoustic signals in dispersive environment,” 26th Symposium GRETSI 2017, September 5-8, Juan-les-Pins, France
  31. I. Stanković, M. Daković, and C. Ioana, “Time-Frequency Signal Reconstruction of Nonsparse Audio Signals,” 22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing IEEE DSP 2017, August 23-25, London, United Kingdom
  32. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, B. Lutovac, and I. Stanković, “On the Fixed-point Rounding in the DFT,” 17th IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies, IEEE EUROCON 2017
  33. I. Stanković, M. Daković, and C. Ioana, “Decomposition of Signals in Dispersive Channels using Dual Polynomial Fourier Transform,” 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO, Bar, Montenegro, June 2017
  34. M. Daković, I. Stanković, M. Brajović, and LJ. Stanković, “Sparse Signal Reconstruction Based on Random Search Procedure,” 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics MIPRO, Opatija, Croatia, May 2017
  35. I. Stanković, M. Daković, and I. Orović, “Overlapping Blocks in Reconstruction of Sparse Images,” 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics MIPRO, Opatija, Croatia, May 2017
  36. M. Daković, I. Stanković, J. Ender, and LJ. Stanković, “Sample Selection Strategy in DFT based Compressive Sensing,” 24th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2016, Belgrade, Nov 22-23, 2016
  37. LJ. Stanković, I. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Analysis of Noise and Nonsparsity in the ISAR Image Recovery from a Reduced Set of Data,” 4th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa) 2016, 19-22 September, Aachen, Germany, 2016.
  38. I. Stanković, and W. Dai, “Reconstruction of Global Ozone Density Data using a Gradient-Descent Algorithm,” 58th International Symposium ELMAR-2016, Zadar, Croatia, September 2016.
  39. S. Vujović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Comparison of a Gradient-Based and LASSO (ISTA) Algorithm for Sparse Signal Reconstruction,” 5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO 2016, Bar, June 2016
  40. I. Stanković, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Iterative Denoising of Sparse Images,” 39th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2016
  41. I. Stanković, and A. Draganić, “Compressive Sensing Reconstruction of Video Data based on DCT and Gradient-Descent Method,” 23rd Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2015
  42. I. Stanković, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Image Reconstruction from a Reduced Set of Pixels using a Simplified Gradient Algorithm,” 22nd Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2014, Belgrade, Serbia
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  1. I. Stanković, “Analysis of non-stationary signals: Contribution of compressive sensing for interference management in dispersive media,” Ph.D. Thesis, 2020.
  2. I. Stanković, “Track Global Ozone Density with Missing Data,” Master Thesis, Imperial College London, Sept. 2015.
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