Miloš Daković - Publications

Curriculum Vitae Personal page
5 int. journal pub.
1 other pub.
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3 other pub.
2 int. journal pub.
4 other pub.
4 int. journal pub.
6 other pub.
13 int. journal pub.
4 other pub.
6 int. journal pub.
12 other pub.
8 int. journal pub.
10 other pub.


  1. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, M. Brajović, B. Scalzo-Dees, S. Li, and A.G. Constantinides, Data Analytics on Graphs. NOW publishers, February 2021, ISBN-13 : 978-1680839821
  2. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and T. Thayaparan, Time-Frequency Signal Analysis. Kindle edition, Amazon, May 7, 2014
  3. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and T. Thayaparan, Time-Frequency Signal Analysis with Applications. Artech House, Boston, March 2013
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Leading International Journals and Book Chapters

  1. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, C. Ioana, M. Daković, D. Mandic, and LJ. Stanković, “Matched Filtering on Directed Graphs,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 54, no. 9, pp. 5857-5861, Sept. 2024, doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2024.3407948
  2. F. Zarei, T. Yazdanpanah, A. Bagheri-Bardi, M. Daković, M. Brajović, and LJ. Stanković, “A Robust Eigenbasis Generation System for the Discrete Fourier Transform,” Digital Signal Processing, vol 155, 2024. Available online 20 August 2024,
  3. Z. Feng, H. Ji, M. Daković, X. Cui, M. Zhu, and LJ. Stanković, “Cluster-CAM: Cluster-Weighted Visual Interpretation of CNNs’ Decision in Image Classification,” Neural Networks, Available online 20 June 2024, Vol. 178, October 2024.
  4. A. Bagheri-Bardi, M. Daković, T. Yazdanpanah, and LJ. Stanković, “Eigenvalues of Symmetric Non-normalized Discrete Trigonometric Transforms,” Signal Processing, Volume 218, May 2024,
  5. A. Bagheri-Bardi, M. Daković, T. Yazdanpanah, F. Zarei, and LJ. Stanković, “The Schur Decomposition of Discrete Sine and Cosine Transformations of Type IV,” Digital Signal Processing, Volume 144, January 2024,
  6. Z. Feng, M. Daković, H. Ji, X. Zhou, M. Zhu, X. Cui, and LJ. Stanković, “Interpretation of Latent Codes in InfoGAN with SAR Images,” Remote Sensing, 15(5), 1254;, 2023.
  7. Z. Feng, H. Ji, M. Daković, M. Zhu, and LJ. Stanković, “Analytical interpretation of the gap of CNN’s cognition between SAR and optical target recognition,” Neural Networks, Volume 165, August 2023, Pages 982-986,
  8. B. Scalzo-Dees, LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, A.G. Constantinides, and D. Mandic, “A class of doubly stochastic shift operators for random graph signals and their boundedness,” Neural Networks, online 13 November 2022,
  9. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, J. Lerga, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Image denoising using RANSAC and compressive sensing,” Multimedia Tools and Applications,, 2022
  10. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, I. Stanković, J. Lerga, and M. Daković, “RANSAC-Based Signal Denoising Using Compressive Sensing,” Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, Vol. 40, pp. 3907–3928, 2021.
  11. LJ. Stanković, J. Lerga, D. Mandic, M. Brajović, C. Richard, and M. Daković, “From Time-Frequency to Vertex-Frequency and Back,” Mathematics, 9, 1407., 2021.
  12. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, D. Mandic, I. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Improved Coherence Index-Based Bound in Compressive Sensing,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol 28, 2021,
  13. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, J. Lerga, C. Ioana, E. Zdravevski, and M. Daković, “Multivariate Decomposition of Acoustic Signals in Dispersive Channels,” Mathematics, 2021, Vol. 9, No. 21, 2796;
  14. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, M. Brajović, B. Scalzo-Dees, and A.G. Constantinides, “Data Analytics on Graphs – Part I: Graphs and Spectra on Graphs,” Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, Vol. 13: No. 1, 2020, pp 1-157. (Artificial Intelligence Q1, ‎ SCImago Journal Rank SJR 5.12)
  15. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, M. Brajović, B. Scalzo-Dees, and A.G. Constantinides, “Data Analytics on Graphs Part II: Signals on Graphs,” Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, Vol. 13: No. 2-3, 2020, pp. 158-331. (Artificial Intelligence Q1, ‎ SCImago Journal Rank SJR 5.12)
  16. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, M. Brajović, B. Scalzo-Dees, S. Li, and A.G. Constantinides, “Data Analytics on Graphs - Part III: Machine Learning on Graphs, from Graph Topology to Applications,” Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, Vol. 13: No. 4, 2020, pp. 332-530. (Artificial Intelligence Q1, ‎ SCImago Journal Rank SJR 5.12)
  17. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, C. Ioana, and LJ. Stanković, “Bit-depth quantization and reconstruction error in images,” Signal, Image and Video Processing, Volume 14, Number 8, pp.1545-1553, 2020,
  18. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “The DCT Domain Sparsity-Assisted Detection and Recovery of Impulsively Disturbed Samples,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, October, 2020, pp.1-14.
  19. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, B. Scalzo-Dees, M. Brajović, E. Sejdić, and A.G. Constantinides, “Vertex-Frequency Graph Signal Processing: A Comprehensive Review,” Digital Signal Processing, Volume 102, August, 2020. 102802,
  20. M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Decomposition of Multichannel Multicomponent Nonstationary Signals by Combining the Eigenvectors of Autocorrelation Matrix Using Genetic Algorithm,” Digital Signal Processing, Volume 102, July 2020,
  21. M. Ignatoski, J. Lerga, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Comparison of Entropy and Dictionary Based Text Compression in English, German, French, Italian, Czech, Hungarian, Finnish, and Croatian,” Mathematics, Mathematics 2020, vol. 8, No. 7, 1059; DOI:
  22. S. Vujović, A. Draganić, M. Lakičević, I. Orović, M. Daković, M. Beko, and S. Stanković, “Sparse Analyzer Tool for Biomedical Signals,” Sensors, 20(9), 2602, doi: 10.3390/s20092602
  23. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, C. Ioana, and LJ. Stanković, “Quantization in Compressive Sensing: A Signal Processing Approach,” IEEE Access, Vol. 8, March 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2979935
  24. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and D. Mandic, “On the Decomposition of Multichannel Nonstationary Multicomponent Signals,” Signal Processing, Vol. 167, Feb. 2020, 107261, DOI:
  25. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, and I. Kisil, “Demystifying the Coherence Index in Compressive Sensing,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 37, issue 1, Jan. 2020.
  26. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “Reconstruction Error in Nonuniformly Sampled Approximately Sparse Signals,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol: 18, January 2020, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2020.2968137
  27. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, I. Kisil, E. Sejdić, and A.G. Constantinides, “Understanding the Basis of Graph Signal Processing via an Intuitive Example-Driven Approach,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol.36, issue 6, DOI 10.1109/MSP.2019.2929832, Nov. 2019, pp.133-145.
  28. LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Compressive Sensing Inspired Multivariate Median,” Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, DOI: 10.1007/s00034-018-0955-9, vol. 38, no. 5, 2019, pp. 2369-2379
  29. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and E. Sejdić, “Local Smoothness of Graph Signals,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2019, Article ID 3208569, 14 pages
  30. LJ. Stanković, E. Sejdić, S. Stanković, M. Daković, and I. Orović, “A Tutorial on Sparse Signal Reconstruction and its Applications in Signal Processing,” Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, (2019) vol. 38, pp.1206–1263, DOI 10.1007/s00034-018-0909-2.
  31. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and E. Sejdić, “Introduction to Graph Signal Processing,” in Vertex-Frequency Analysis of Graph Signals, Springer Nature, January 2019, ISBN 978-030-03573-0.
  32. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and E. Sejdić, “Vertex-Frequency Energy Distributions,” in Vertex-Frequency Analysis of Graph Signals, Springer Nature, January 2019, ISBN 978-030-03573-0.
  33. I. Stanković, M. Daković, and C. Ioana, “Decomposition and Analysis of Signals Sparse in the Dual Polynomial Fourier Transform,” Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 63, pp. 209-215, November 2018.
  34. LJ. Stanković, E. Sejdić, and M. Daković, “Reduced Interference Vertex-Frequency Distributions,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol 25, no.9, Sept., 2018, pp. 1393-1397. DOI 10.1109/LSP.2018.2860250
  35. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Compressive Sensing of Sparse Signals in the Hermite Transform Basis,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 54, No. 2, April 2018, pp. 950 - 967, DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2017.2768938
  36. I. Stanković, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Denoising of Sparse Images in Impulsive Disturbance Environment,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 77, no. 5, pp. 5885–5905, March 2018, DOI:
  37. LJ. Stanković, E. Sejdić, and M. Daković, “Vertex-Frequency Energy Distributions,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol: 25, Issue: 3, March 2018, pp. 358 - 362 , DOI: 10.1109/LSP.2017.2764884
  38. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, C. Ioana, and LJ. Stanković, “Error in the Reconstruction of Nonsparse Images,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 4314527, 10 pages
  39. LJ. Stanković, D. Mandic, M. Daković, and M. Brajović, “Time-frequency decomposition of multivariate multicomponent signals,” Signal Processing, Volume 142, January 2018, pp. 468-479,
  40. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “On the reconstruction of nonsparse time-frequency signals with sparsity constraint from a reduced set of samples,” Signal Processing, vol. 142, January 2018, pp. 480-484, DOI:
  41. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, I. Stanković, and S. Vujović, “On the Errors in Randomly Sampled Nonsparse Signals Reconstructed with a Sparsity Assumption ,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol: 14, Issue: 12, Dec. 2017, pp. 2453 - 2456 , DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2017.2768664
  42. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and S. Vujović, “Reconstruction of Sparse Signals in Impulsive Disturbance Environments,” Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 767-94. 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s00034-016-0334-3
  43. R. Vojinović, and M. Daković, “Optimization of adaptive three-mode GBN scheme control parameters,” Radioengineering, Vol. 26, No. 2, September 2017.
  44. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and I. Stanković, “Compressive Sensing Methods for Reconstruction of Big Sparse Signals,” in “Biomedical Signal Processing in Big Data”, E. Sejdic ed., CRC Press, 2017.
  45. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and E. Sejdić, “Vertex-Frequency Analysis: A Way to Localize Graph Spectral Components,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol.34, No. 4, July 2017, pp. 176-182
  46. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Sparse Signal Reconstruction - Introduction ,” Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, May 2017, DOI: 10.1002/047134608X.W8350
  47. B. Lutovac, M. Daković, S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Watermark Detection in Impulsive Noise Environment Based on the Compressive Sensing Reconstruction,” Radioengineering, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 309-315, DOI: 10.13164/re.2017.0309, ISSN: 1805-9600
  48. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “On the Parameterization of Hermite Transform with Application to the Compression of QRS Complexes,” Signal Processing, Vol. 131, pp. 113-119, February 2017, doi:
  49. LJ. Stanković, I. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Nonsparsity Influence on the ISAR Recovery from Reduced Data,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 52, Issue: 6, Dec. 2016, pp. 3065 - 3070, DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2016.160312
  50. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Gradient-based signal reconstruction algorithm in the Hermite transform domain,” Electronics Letters, Volume 52, Issue 1, pp.41-43, 2016, DOI:
  51. LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “On a Gradient-Based Algorithm for Sparse Signal Reconstruction in the Signal/Measurements Domain,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2016, Article ID 6212674, 11 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/6212674.
  52. B. Lutovac, M. Daković, S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “An Algorithm for Robust Image Watermarking based on the DCT and Zernike Moments,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, doi: 10.1007/s11042-016-4127-2
  53. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, M. Daković, and I. Orović, “Separation and Reconstruction of the Rigid Body and Micro-Doppler Signal in ISAR Part I – Theory,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol.9, no.9, pp.1147-1154, 2015 doi: 10.1049/iet-rsn.2015.0096
  54. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, M. Daković, and I. Orović, “Separation and Reconstruction of the Rigid Body and Micro-Doppler Signal in ISAR Part II – Statistical Analaysis,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol.9, no.9, pp.1155-1161, 2015 doi: 10.1049/iet-rsn.2015.0137
  55. LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “On the Uniqueness of the Sparse Signals Reconstruction Based on the Missing Samples Variation Analysis,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2015, Article ID 629759, 14 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/629759
  56. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, S. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Sparse Signal Processing,” in the Book: Digital Signal Processing, L. Stankovic, CreateSpace, Amazon, 2015, pp 665-810
  57. LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Adaptive Systems,” Chapter in the Book: Digital Signal Processing, L. Stankovic, CreateSpace, Amazon, 2015, pp. 423-520
  58. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and T. Thayaparan, “Time-Frequency Analysis,” Chapter in the Book: Digital Signal Processing, L. Stankovic, CreateSpace, Amazon, 2015, pp. 521-664
  59. S.Vujošević, S. Mujović, and M. Daković, “Analysis of Real Overvoltage Disturbances by Using Nonstationary Signal Processing Techniques,” Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol.15, no.3, pp.23-32, 2015, doi:10.4316/AECE.2015.03004
  60. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Inverse Radon Transform Based Micro-Doppler Analysis from a Reduced Set of Observations,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp.1155-1169, April 2015
  61. LJ. Stanković, I. Djurović, S. Stanković, M. Simeunović, S. Djukanović, and M. Daković, “Instantaneous frequency in time–frequency analysis: Enhanced concepts and performance of estimation algorithms,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 35, December 2014, pp. 1-13.
  62. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Signal Decomposition of Micro-Doppler Signatures,” Radar Micro-Doppler Signatures: Processing and Applications, Ed. V. C. Chen, D. Tahmoush, and W. J. Miceli, IET, pp.273-327, 2014.
  63. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and M. Daković, “From the STFT to the Wigner distribution,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 31, No. 3, May 2014, pp. 163-174 (supplementary material, 2020 IEEE SPS Signal Processing Magazine Best Column Award. ⭐️
  64. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and S. Vujović, “Adaptive Variable Step Algorithm for Missing Samples Recovery in Sparse Signals,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 246 -256, 2014. (arXiv:1309.5749v1).
  65. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and T. Thayaparan, “Non-stationary Signal Analysis: Time-Frequency Approach,” in Academic Press Library in Signal Processing, Elsevier-Oxford Press, Vol.3, 2014, pp. 27-142
  66. A. Bagheri-Bardi, M. Daković, T. Yazdanpanah, F. Zarei, F. Zarei, and LJ. Stanković, “The Schur Decomposition of Discrete Sine and Cosine Transformations of Type IV,” Digital Signal Processing, accepted, 2013.
  67. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and T. Thayaparan, “A Real-Time Time-Frequency Based Instantaneous Frequency Estimator,” Signal Processing, Volume 93, Issue 5, May 2013, pp.1392-1397
  68. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Micro-Doppler Removal in the Radar Imaging Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 49, No. 2, April 2013, pp.1234-1250
  69. S. Djukanović, V. Popović-Bugarin, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “A parametric method for non-stationary interference suppression in direct sequence spread-spectrum systems,” Signal Processing, Vol. 91, No. 6, pp. 1425-1431, June 2011
  70. M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “Time-frequency based detection of fast manoeuvring targets,” IET Signal Processing, Vol. 4, No. 3, June 2010, pp. 287-297
  71. T. Thayaparan, LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Micro-Doppler parameter estimation from a fraction of the period,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 201-212, June 2010. doi: 10.1049/iet-spr.2009.0093, ISSN: 1751-9675
  72. V. Popović-Bugarin, I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, and M. Daković, “Autofocusing of SAR images based on parameters estimated from the PHAF,” Signal Processing, Vol. 90, No. 5, May 2010, Pages 1382-1391
  73. S. Djukanović, M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “Method for nonstationary jammer suppression in noise radar systems,” IET Signal Processing, Vol. 4, No. 3, June 2010, Page(s) 305-313
  74. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, V. Popović-Bugarin, M. Daković, and T. Thayaparan, “Time-frequency analysis for SAR and ISAR imaging,” in GeoSpatial Visual Analytics, Springer 2009, ISBN 978-90-481-2898-3, pp. 113-127
  75. S. Djukanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Bit error probability approximation for short-time Fourier transform based nonstationary interference excision in DS-SS systems,” Signal Processing, Vol. 89, No. 11, Nov. 2009, pp. 2178-2184
  76. T. Thayaparan, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Mutual interference and low probability of interception capabilities of noise radar,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, Vol. 2, No. 4, Aug. 2008, pp. 294-305
  77. M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, S. Djukanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Time-frequency-based non-stationary interference suppression for noise radar systems,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, Vol. 2, No. 4, Aug. 2008, pp. 306-314
  78. T. Thayaparan, LJ. Stanković, C. Wernik, and M. Daković, “Real-time motion compensation, image formation and image enhancement of moving targets in ISAR and SAR using S-method based approach,” IET Signal Processing, Vol. 2, No. 3, Aug. 2008, pp. 247-264
  79. S. Djukanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Local polynomial Fourier transform receiver for nonstationary interference excision in DSSS communications,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 56, No. 4, Apr. 2008, pp. 1627-1636
  80. E. Sejdić, LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and J. Jiang, “Instantaneous Frequency Estimation Using the S-Transform,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 15, No. 2, Feb. 2008, pp. 309-312
  81. LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, V. Popović-Bugarin, I. Djurović, and M. Daković, “Adaptive S-Method for SAR/ISAR Imaging,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2008, No. Jan. 2008, Page(s) 10 pages
  82. LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, and M. Daković, “Signal Decomposition by Using the S-Method with Application to the Analysis of HF Radar Signals in Sea-Clutter,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.54, No.11, Nov. 2006, pp.4332- 4342
  83. V. Rubežić, I. Djurović, and M. Daković, “Time-frequency representations based detector of chaos in oscillatory circuits,” Signal Processing, Vol.86, No.9, Sep. 2006, pp.2255-2270
  84. V. N. Ivanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Performance of Quadratic Time-Frequency Distributions as Instantaneous Frequency Estimators,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 51, No. 1, Jan. 2003, pp.77-89
  85. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and V. N. Ivanović, “Performance of spectrogram as IF estimator,” Electronics Letters, Vol.37, No.12, June 2001, pp.797-799.
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Other International, Regional, and National Journals

  1. M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Implementation of a Higher Order Time-Frequency Representation Based on Windowed Convolutions,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, [accepted for publication], Vol. 24, 2019
  2. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of Noise in Complex-Valued Binary and Bipolar Sigmoid Compressive Sensing,” Telfor Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, 2019.
  3. M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Reconstruction of non-stationary signals with missing samples using S-method and a gradient-based reconstruction algorithm,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2015.
  4. S. Djukanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Metode za uklanjanje nestacionarnih ometača kod šumnih radara,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Elektrotehnicki fakultet Podgorica, Crna Gora, Novembar 2011.
  5. V. N. Ivanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “The exact estimation error analysis in the instantaneous frequency estimation by using quadratic time-frequency distributions,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.9-10, No.1, Oct.2001, pp.30-43.
  6. V. N. Ivanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of the instantaneous frequency estimation with reduced interference distributions,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, Nov.1999, pp.20-35.
  7. O. Laković, N. Jauković, B. Lutovac, and M. Daković, “Prilog prepoznavanju tonaliteta primjenom neuralnih mreža,” Info Science, No.6, 1997.
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National Books

  1. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and T. Thayaparan, Time-Frequency Signal Analysis. e-book, 2013,
  2. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, I. Djurović, and M. Daković, Time-frequency signal analysis. Research monograph, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Podgorica, Nov. 2011
  3. I. Orović, N. Žarić, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, Basics of Informatics and Information Systems 1. textbook (in Montenegrin), Faculty for Tourism and Hotel Management, Second edition, Sept. 2010.
  4. S. Stanković, I. Orović, N. Žarić, and M. Daković, Basics of informatics and information systems 1. textbook (in Montenegrin), Faculty for Tourism and Hotel Management, 2008.
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International Conferences

  1. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, A. Bagheri-Bardi, and LJ. Stanković, “Random Walk Operator-Based Fourier Transform in Complete Directed Acyclic Graphs,” 27th International Conference on Information Technology (IT), Žabljak, Montenegro, 21-24 February, 2024
  2. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, M. Brajović, I. Stanković, and A. Bagheri-Bardi, “Zero-padding on Connected Directed Acyclic Graphs for Spectral Processing,” 31th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, November 21-22, 2023
  3. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Analysis of Graph Matched Filters for Higher-Order Diffusion Signals,” 31th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, November 21-22, 2023
  4. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Reconstruction of Sparse Graph Signals from Reduced Sets of Samples,” 27th International Conference on Information Technology (IT), Zabljak, Montenegro, 15 – 18 February, 2023
  5. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Effect of Companding in the Reconstruction of Nonsparse Signals,” 30th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2022, 15-16 November, Belgrade, Serbia
  6. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Laplacian-Driven Softmax Probability for Noisy Pixel Detection in Image Reconstruction,” 30th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2022, 15-16 November, Belgrade, Serbia
  7. B. Scalzo-Dees, LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, A.G. Constantinides, and D. Mandic, “A Class of Doubly Stochastic Shift Operators for Random Graph Signals and their Boundedness,” ,
  8. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Audio Signal Denoising Based on Laplacian Filter and Sparse Signal Reconstruction,” 26th International Conference on Information Technology (IT), Zabljak, Montenegro, 16 – 19 February, 2022
  9. M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, I. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Inverse Radon Transform in Radar Signal Parameter Estimation - an Overview,” 29th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2021 (Virtual), Serbia, Belgrade, November 23-24, 2021
  10. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Laplacian Filter in Reconstruction of Images using Gradient-Based Algorithm,” 29th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2021 (Virtual), Serbia, Belgrade, November 23-24, 2021
  11. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, D. Mandic, and LJ. Stanković, “On the Number of Channels in MulticomponentNonstationary Noisy Signal Decomposition,” 25th International Conference on Information Technology (IT 2021), Zabljak, Montenegro, 16 – 20 February, 2021
  12. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Comparison of Two Image Denoising ApproachesBased on Compressive Sensing Principles,” 25th International Conference on Information Technology (IT 2021), Zabljak, Montenegro, 16 – 20 February, 2021
  13. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “RANSAC Compressive Sensing Reconstruction in Noisy Wideband Underwater Sonar Imaging,” Global Oceans 2020, Singapore – U.S. Gulf Coast, October 2020
  14. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and C. Ioana, “Quantization Effect in Nonuniform Nonsparse Signal Reconstruction,” 9th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2020, Budva, 2020
  15. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, D. Mandic, M. Brajović, B. Scalzo-Dees, and A.G. Constantinides, “A low-dimensionality method for data-driven graph learning,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, Signal Processing (IEEE ICASSP 2020), Virtual Barcelona, May 4-8 2020
  16. M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “On Polynomial Approximations of Spectral Windows in Vertex-Frequency Representations,” Information Technology - IT 2020, February 18-22, Žabljak, Montenegro
  17. M. Daković, M. Ponjavić, I. Stanković, J. Lerga, and C. Ioana, “Time-Frequency Analysis of Ionospheric Whistler Signals,” 27th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov. 2019.
  18. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, C. Ioana, and LJ. Stanković, “On the Quantization and the Probability of Misdetection in Compressive Sensing,” 27th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov. 2019.
  19. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, M. Brajović, and D. Mandic, “A p-Laplacian Inspired Method for Graph Cut,” 27th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov. 2019.
  20. M. Brajović, S. Stanković, I. Orović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Sparsity-Driven Impulsive Noise Removal: A Discrete Hermite Transform Case Study,” 27th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov. 2019.
  21. I. Stanković, J. S. Sewada, M. Geen, C. Ioana, M. Daković, and J. Mars, “Transmitted Sequence Influence to Sonar Target Detection using Compressive Sensing,” IEEE OCEANS 2019, Seattle, WA, USA, October 2019.
  22. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Time-Varying Cross-Range in Wideband Sonar Imaging,” 11th Int'l Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2019), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2019.
  23. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Decomposition of Two-Component Multivariate Signals with Overlapped Domains of Support,” 11th Int'l Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2019), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2019.
  24. N. Saulig, J. Lerga, Z. Baracskai, and M. Daković, “Adaptive Thresholding in Extracting Useful Information From Noisy Time-Frequency Distributions,” 11th Int'l Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2019), 23-25 September 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia
  25. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “Sequence Comparison in Reconstruction and Targeting in Underwater Sonar Imaging,” IEEE OCEANS 2019, Marseille, France, June 2019.
  26. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and C. Ioana, “Gradient-Descent Algorithm Performance With Reduced Set of Quantized Measurements,” 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2019, Budva, Montenegro, June 2019.
  27. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Complex-Valued Binary Compressive Sensing,” 26th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2018), November 20 - 21, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia
  28. M. Brajović, B. Lutovac, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Reconstruction of Missing Samples in LFM Signals Using the Genetic Algorithm,” 14th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL 2018), November 20 - 21, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia
  29. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of off-grid effects in wideband sonar images using compressive sensing,” IEEE OCEANS 2018, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, October 2018.
  30. M. Brajović, I. Stanković, C. Ioana, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Reconstruction of Rigid Body with Noncompensated Acceleration After Micro-Doppler Removal,” 5th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing applied to Radar, Multimodal Sensing, and Imaging (CoSeRa), Siegen, Germany, September 2018.
  31. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “Analysis of Initial Estimate Noise in the Sparse Randomly Sampled ISAR Signals,” 5th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing applied to Radar, Multimodal Sensing, and Imaging (CoSeRa), Siegen, Germany, September 2018.
  32. I. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and C. Ioana, “Effect of Random Sampling on Noisy Nonsparse Signals in Time-Frequency Analysis,” 26th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO 2018, Rome, Italy, September 2018.
  33. I. Stanković, I. Djurović, and M. Daković, “Adaptive average BM3D filter for reconstruction of images with combined noise,” 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018, Budva, Montenegro, June 2018.
  34. M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and D. Mandic, “Additive Noise Influence on the Bivariate Two-Component Signal Decomposition,” 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018, Budva, Montenegro, June 2018.
  35. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, M. Daković, and I. Candel, “Sparse Signal Reconstruction in Dual Polynomial Fourier Transform,” 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018, Budva, Montenegro, June 2018.
  36. M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Micro-Doppler removal in radar imaging in the case of non-compensated rigid body acceleration,” 2018 23rd International Scientific-Professional Conference on Information Technology (IT), Zabljak, Montenegro, 2018, pp. 1-4, February 19-24, doi: 10.1109/SPIT.2018.8350451
  37. M. Č. Bošković, T. B. Šekara, M. J. Rapaić, B. Lutovac, M. Daković, and V. Govedarica, “Novel Band‐Pass and Notch filter with Dynamic Damping of Fractional Order,” 25th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2017, Beograd, November 21-22, 2017
  38. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “High-Resolution Local Polynomial Fourier Transform in Acoustic Signal Analysis,” 59th International Symposium ELMAR 2017, September 18-20, Zadar, Croatia
  39. I. Stanković, C. Ioana, and M. Daković, “Model-based decomposition of acoustic signals in dispersive environment,” 26th Symposium GRETSI 2017, September 5-8, Juan-les-Pins, France
  40. LJ. Stanković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and D. Mandic, “Two-component Bivariate Signal Decomposition Based on Time-Frequency Analysis,” 22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing IEEE DSP 2017, August 23-25, London, United Kingdom
  41. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and E. Sejdić, “Windowing Methods for Graph Signal Localization,” 22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing IEEE DSP 2017, August 23-25, London, United Kingdom
  42. I. Stanković, M. Daković, and C. Ioana, “Time-Frequency Signal Reconstruction of Nonsparse Audio Signals,” 22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing IEEE DSP 2017, August 23-25, London, United Kingdom
  43. S. Stanković, S. Vujović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Combination of Gradient Based and Single Iteration Reconstruction Algorithms for Sparse Signals,” 17th IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies, IEEE EUROCON 2017
  44. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, B. Lutovac, and I. Stanković, “On the Fixed-point Rounding in the DFT,” 17th IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies, IEEE EUROCON 2017
  45. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “The Reconstruction of 2D Sparse Signals by Exploiting Transform Coefficients Variances,” 17th IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies, IEEE EUROCON 2017, Ohrid, Macedonia, July 06-08, 2017
  46. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, B. Lutovac, E. Sejdić, and T. B. Šekara, “A Resistive Circuits Analysis Using Graph Spectral Decomposition,” 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2017, Bar, June 2017
  47. M. Č. Bošković, T. B. Šekara, B. Lutovac, M. Daković, P. D. Mandić, and M. P. Lazarević, “Analysis of electrical circuits including fractional order elements,” 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO 2017, Bar, Montenegro, June 2017
  48. I. Stanković, M. Daković, and C. Ioana, “Decomposition of Signals in Dispersive Channels using Dual Polynomial Fourier Transform,” 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO, Bar, Montenegro, June 2017
  49. M. Daković, I. Stanković, M. Brajović, and LJ. Stanković, “Sparse Signal Reconstruction Based on Random Search Procedure,” 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics MIPRO, Opatija, Croatia, May 2017
  50. I. Stanković, M. Daković, and I. Orović, “Overlapping Blocks in Reconstruction of Sparse Images,” 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics MIPRO, Opatija, Croatia, May 2017
  51. M. Daković, T. Ružić, T. Rogač, M. Brajović, and B. Lutovac, “Neural Networks Application to Neretva Basin Hydro-meteorological Data,” 13th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications NEUREL 2016, November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia
  52. M. Daković, I. Stanković, J. Ender, and LJ. Stanković, “Sample Selection Strategy in DFT based Compressive Sensing,” 24th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2016, Belgrade, Nov 22-23, 2016
  53. M. Brajović, B. Lutovac, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Sparse Signal Recovery Based on Concentration Measures and Genetic Algorithm,” 13th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications NEUREL 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2016
  54. LJ. Stanković, I. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Analysis of Noise and Nonsparsity in the ISAR Image Recovery from a Reduced Set of Data,” 4th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa) 2016, 19-22 September, Aachen, Germany, 2016.
  55. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and S. Stanković, “A Procedure for Optimal Pulse Selection Strategy in Radar Imaging Systems,” 4th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa), 19-22 September, Aachen, Germany, 2016. pp. 34-37
  56. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Compressive Sensing of Signals Sparse in 2D Hermite Transform Domain,” 58th International Symposium ELMAR-2016, Zadar, Croatia, September 2016
  57. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Representation of Uniformly Sampled Signals in the Hermite Transform Domain,” 58th International Symposium ELMAR-2016, Zadar, Croatia, September 2016.
  58. S. Vujović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Comparison of a Gradient-Based and LASSO (ISTA) Algorithm for Sparse Signal Reconstruction,” 5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing MECO 2016, Bar, June 2016
  59. M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Convexity of the l1-norm based Sparsity Measure with Respect to the Missing Samples as Variables,” 5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2016, Bar, June 2016
  60. I. Stanković, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Iterative Denoising of Sparse Images,” 39th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2016
  61. M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “The Analysis of Missing Samples in Signals Sparse in the Hermite Transform Domain,” 23rd Telecommunications Forum TELFOR, Belgrade, 2015
  62. S. Vujović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Statistical Performance Analyzer for Compressive Sensing Gradient Algorithm,” 57th International Symposium , ELMAR-2015, Zadar, Croatia
  63. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and S. Stanković, “Gradient Algorithm Based ISAR Image Reconstruction From the Incomplete Dataset,” 3rd International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa) 2015, 17-19 June 2015, pp.6-10, doi: 10.1109/CoSeRa.2015.7330253
  64. A. Draganić, I. Orović, N. Lekić, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Architecture for Single Iteration Reconstruction Algorithm,” 4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2015
  65. S. Vujović, M. Daković, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “An Architecture for Hardware Realization of Compressive Sensing Gradient Algorithm,” 4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing , MECO - 2015
  66. S. Vujović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Comparison of the L1-magic and the Gradient Algorithm for Sparse Signals Reconstruction,” 22nd Telecommunications Forum , TELFOR, 2014 ,
  67. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and I. Orović, “Adaptive Gradient Based Algorithm for Complex Sparse Signal Reconstruction,” 22nd Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2014, Belgrade, Serbia
  68. A. Drašković, M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Time- Frequency Plane Splitting for the First Order Local Polynomial Fourier Transform,” 21st Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2013, Beograd, Nov. 26-28, 2013
  69. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and S. Vujović, “Concentration measures with an adaptive algorithm for processing sparse signals,” ISPA 2013, Trieste, Italy, 4-6 September 2013, pp. 418-423
  70. M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Estimation of sinusoidally modulated signal parameters based on the inverse Radon transform,” ISPA 2013, Trieste, Italy, 4-6 September 2013, pp. 302-307
  71. M. Daković, M. Brajović, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “An algorithm for micro-Doppler period estimation,” 20th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2012, Beograd Nov. 20-22, 2012
  72. S. Djukanović, T. Thayaparan, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Interference suppression in noise radar systems,” SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, Orlando, Florida, USA, April 2011.
  73. S. Djukanović, M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “A new method for strong broadband jammer rejection in noise radar systems,” 2010 ANTEM Conference, Ottawa, July 5-9, 2010.
  74. M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “Empirical Mode Decomposition in Radar Signal Processing,” ANTEM/AMEREM 2010, 14TH International Symposium on Antennas and Electromagnetics and The American Electromagnetics Conference, July 2010, Ottawa, Canada
  75. V. Popović-Bugarin, I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, and M. Daković, “Autofocusing of SAR Images Based on the LPFT and the PHAF,” ANTEM/AMEREM 2010, 14TH International Symposium on Antennas and Electromagnetics and The American Electromagnetics Conference, July 2010, Ottawa, ON, CANADA
  76. P. Raković, T. Thayaparan, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “An Algorithm for Detecting a Maneuvering Radar Target Based on TFR and Viterbi Algorithm,” SMACD 2010, 2010, Tunis-Gammarth, Tunis
  77. S. Djukanović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Time-frequency method for nonstationary jammer suppression in dsss systems,” 17th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2009, invited paper, Serbia, Belgrade, November 24-26, 2009
  78. T. Thayaparan, LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, I. Djurović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Image enhancement and motion compensation of moving targets in ISAR using S-method,” International Radar Conference Surveilance for a Safer World 2009, RADAR, 2009, pp. 1-5.
  79. I. Djurović, M. Daković, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Numerical modeling in radar data analyzing,” 6-th International Seminar Mathematical Models & Modeling in Laser – Plasma Processes, Budva, Crna Gora, pp. 43, jun 2009.
  80. E. Sejdić, P. Raković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Heart sound decomposition by S-method,” EUSIPCO 2007, Poznan, Poland
  81. LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, M. Daković, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “S-Method in radar imaging,” EUSIPCO 2006, Florence, Italy, 4-8 September 2006.
  82. V. Popović-Bugarin, M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “Sar Images Improvements by Using The S-Method,” in Proc. of ICASSP 2006, Vol.3, 21-24 May 2006, pp.III-177-III-180
  83. T. Thayaparan, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “A new Time-Frequency Signal Decomposition Approach for the Detection of Accelerating Air Targets in Sea-Clutter using Higth-Frequency Surface-Wave Radar,” IRS 2005, Berlin, Germany, Sept.2005
  84. LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, and M. Daković, “Improvement of the Fast Moving Targets Presentation in ISAR by Using the S-Method,” EUSIPCO 2005, Antalya, Turkey, Sept. 2005
  85. LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, and M. Daković, “Algorithm for Signal Decomposition by Using The S-Method,” EUSIPCO 2005, Antalya, Turkey, Sept. 2005
  86. I. Djurović, V. Rubežić, and M. Daković, “Chaos detection in Colpitts oscillator,” Proceedings of the XL International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2005, pp. 648 -651, Niš, 2005
  87. V. Rubežić, M. Radulović, A. Jovanović, and M. Daković, “The chaotic mobile robot,” WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 4, Vol.3, Oct. 2004, pp.959-962
  88. LJ. Stanković, V. Popović-Bugarin, and M. Daković, “On the Capon's method application in time-frequency signal analysis,” in Proc. of ISSPIT 2003, Darmstadt, Germany, 14-17 December 2003, pp. 721-724.
  89. M. Daković, V. N. Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “On the S-method based instantaneous frequency estimation,” in Proc. of ISSPA, Paris, July 2003
  90. M. Daković, I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Adaptive weighted fractional Fourier transforms,” European Conf. on Signal Processing, EUSIPCO 2002, France, Toulouse, Sept.2002, Vol.II, pp.603-606
  91. V. N. Ivanović, M. Daković, I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Instantaneous frequency estimation by using time-frequency distributions,” IEEE Int.Conf. Acoust., Speech, Sign. Proc., ICASSP 2001, Salt Lake City, May 2001, Vol.6, pp.3521-3524.
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Regional and National Conferences

  1. M. Daković, “Učenje na daljinu – studija slučaja ETF-OL,” PSSOH 2021, Beograd, 9. oktobar 2021, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5549796
  2. M. Daković, B. Lutovac, and T. B. Šekara, “Razdvajanje potrošača zasnovano na neinvazivnom praćenju potrošnje ,” III naučno-stručni simpozijum ENEF 2017, Banja Luka, 3 - 4. november 2017.
  3. M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “A Higher Order Time-Frequency Representation With Reduced Cross-Terms,” 22nd International Scientific-Professional Conference Information Technology 2017, Žabljak, February 2017.
  4. T. Ružić, T. Rogač, M. Brajović, and M. Daković, “Digitalna obrada hidrometeoroloških podataka sa sliva rijeka Neretve i Trebišnjice,” ETRAN 2016, Zlatibor, June 2016
  5. T. Rogač, T. Ružić, and M. Daković, “Primjena vremensko-frekvencijskih transformacija na hidrometeorološke podatke,” INFOTEH, Jahorina, Vol. 15, March 2016, pp. 671-674
  6. M. Brajović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Reconstruction of non-stationary signals with missing samples using S-method and a gradient-based reconstruction algorithm,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2015, February 2015
  7. D. Žarić, M. Daković, and M. Brajović, “Radarski sistem baziran na analizi signala emitovanih iz postojećih izvora,” ETRAN 2013, Zlatibor, jun 2013
  8. M. Brajović, A. Drašković, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Razmatranje numeričke implementacije nekih vremensko-frekvencijskih reprezentacija,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2013, Žabljak, februar 2013
  9. M. Daković, S. Vujović, and LJ. Stanković, “Rekonstrukcija odbiraka signala korišćenjem sparse signal analize,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2013, Žabljak, februar 2013.
  10. M. Brajović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Vremensko-frekvencijska transformacija višeg reda zasnovana na aproksimaciji prvog izvoda faze,” ETRAN 2012, Zlatibor, jul 2012
  11. M. Daković, M. Brajović, and LJ. Stanković, “Rekurzivni metod za računanje kratkotrajne Fourier-ove transformacije,” Informacione tehnologije - IT 2012, Žabljak, februar 2012
  12. M. Simeunović, M. Daković, and I. Djurović, “Primjena MPI za određivanje izraza za bias i varijansu kubične fazne funkcije,” Informacione tehnologije IT 2010, Žabljak, Februar 2010.
  13. M. Daković, N. Radović, and LJ. Stanković, “Upoređivanje klasičnih radarskih sistema i radarskih sistema sa slučajnim signalima,” XII konferencija IT 2007, Žabljak, 2007
  14. I. Djurović, V. Rubežić, and M. Daković, “Otkrivanje haotičnih sigurnih komunikacija upotrebom vremensko-frekvencijskih reprezentacija,” Informacione tehnologije IT '06, pp. 154-157. Žabljak, 2006
  15. V. Rubežić, I. Djurović, and M. Daković, “Otkrivanje haotičnih sigurnih komunikacija upotrebom vremensko-frekvencijskih reprezentacija,” Informacione tehnologije IT '06, Zbornik radova, str. 154-157, Žabljak, 2006.
  16. V. Rubežić, I. Djurović, and M. Daković, “Detekcija haosa u Kolpicovom oscilatoru,” ETRAN 2005, Budva, 2005, pp.155-158
  17. V. Rubežić, I. Djurović, and M. Daković, “Detekcija haosa u Cuinom oscilatoru,” Informacione tehnologije IT '05, Žabljak, 2005.
  18. V. Rubežić, M. Radulović, M. Daković, and R. Ostojić, “Haoticni mobilni robot,” XLVII ETRAN, Herceg Novi 2003, Vol. IV, pp.379-381
  19. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Energetska mjera koncentracije vremensko-frekvencijskih reprezentacija,” IT MM, Žabljak, 2000
  20. M. Daković, R. Vuković, and Ž. Crnjak, “Pracenje stanja visih harmonika u elektroenergetskoj mrezi uz pomoć racunara,” IT MM, Žabljak, 2000
  21. V. N. Ivanović, and M. Daković, “Reduced interference distributions in instantaneous frequency estimation,” Proc. of 43. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1999
  22. O. Laković, N. Jauković, B. Lutovac, and M. Daković, “Prilog prepoznavanju tonaliteta primjenom neuralnih mreža,” XLI ETRAN, Zlatibor, 1997
  23. R. Dragović-Ivanović, M. Daković, and S. M. Perovich, “Concerning the diode rectifier instruments calibration,” PRIM 97, Novi Sad 1997
  24. N. Jauković, B. Lutovac, M. Daković, and O. Laković, “Neural netvork application for music element recognition,” NEUREL 97, Beograd 1997
  25. O. Laković, N. Jauković, B. Lutovac, and M. Daković, “Prepoznavanje tonaliteta primjenom neuralnih mreža,” Informacione tehnologije II, Žabljak, 1997
  26. Lj. Savićević, and M. Daković, “Uticaj pulzirajućih momenata na rad tiristorskog EMP,” XXXVII ETAN, Beograd,1993
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Projects and other Publications

  1. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, T. Thayaparan, V. Popović-Bugarin, P. Raković, and M. Brajović, “Radarski sistemi sa stohastičkim talasnim oblicima,” Research project supported by Ministry of Science of Montenegro , University of Montenegro, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2012-2015
  2. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, S. Djukanović, V. Popović-Bugarin, T. Thayaparan, and P. Raković, “Analiza nestacionarnih signala u vremensko-frekvencijskom domenu sa primjenom na radarske signale,” Research project supported by Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro , University of Montenegro, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2008-2011
  3. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, S. Djukanović, V. Popović-Bugarin, and P. Raković, “Dekompozicija složenih signala primjenom vremensko-frekvencijske analize,” Research project supported by Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro , University of Montenegro, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2005-2007
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Submitted Papers

  1. S. Vujović, A. Draganić, M. Lakičević, I. Orović, M. Daković, M. Beko, and S. Stanković, “Supplementary codes ,” ,
  2. LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Reconstruction of Randomly Sampled Sparse Signals Using an Adaptive Gradient Algorithm,” submitted to Signal Processing,
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  1. M. Daković, “Estimacija parametara signala dekompozicijom u vremensko-frekvencijskom domenu sa primjenom na radarske signale,” Ph.D. Thesis, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Oct. 2005
  2. M. Daković, “Mjerenje koncentracije vremensko-frekvencijskih distribucija,” M.S. Thesis, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Dec. 2001
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