Neđeljko Lekić - Publications

Curriculum Vitae Personal page
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1 int. journal pub.
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Leading International Journals and Book Chapters

  1. Dj. Stanković, A. Draganić, N. Lekić, C. Ioana, and I. Orović, “An Analog-Digital Hardware for Parzen-Based Nonparametric Probability Density Estimation,” IEEE Access (to be published), doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3446370
  2. A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, N. Lekić, and M. Beko, “Hardware architectures for some sparse signal recovery approaches,” Chapter in the Book "Cognitive Sensing Technologies and Applications" , Edited by G.R. Sinha, Bidyadhar Subudhi, Chih-Peng Fan, Humaira Nisar, IET, September 2023; Book DOI: 10.1049/PBCE135E, Chapter DOI: 10.1049/PBCE135E_ch2, ISBN: 9781839536892
  3. I. Orović, N. Lekić, M. Beko, and S. Stanković, “An analog hardware solution for compressive sensing reconstruction using gradient-based method,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2019, Article number: 61 (2019)
  4. N. Lekić, M. Lakičević, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “Adaptive gradient-based analog hardware architecture for 2D under-sampled signals reconstruction,” Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 62, October 2018, Pages 72-78
  5. N. Lekić, Z. Mijanović, R. Dragović-Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Binary Weighted DAC with 2-ξ Resistor Ratio,” Radioengineering, vol.27, no.2, June, 2018.
  6. I. Orović, N. Lekić, and S. Stanković, “An Analogue-Digital Hardware for L-estimate Space-Varying Image Filtering,” Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 35, Issue 2, pp. 409–420, February 2016
  7. R. Stojanović, N. Lekić, and Z. Mijanović, “The simplest capacitive pad for microcontroller or FPGA,” Elektor Electronics, May 2013
  8. N. Lekić, and Z. Mijanović, “One I/O line drives shift register with strobe,” EDN, March, 2013
  9. N. Žarić, N. Lekić, and S. Stanković, “An Implementation of the L-estimate Distributions for Analysis of Signals in Heavy-Tailed Noise,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Vol 58. No.7, pp. 427-432, July, 2011.
  10. Z. Mijanović, and N. Lekić, “Drive 16 LEDs with one I/O line,” EDN, Issue: 11/2011, pp. 42-44, 9. June 2011
  11. N. Lekić, and Z. Mijanović, “Three microcontroller ports drive 12 LEDs,” EDN, December 2006
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Other International, Regional, and National Journals

  1. N. Lekić, and Z. Mijanović, “Use An LED Dot-Graph Display to Complement Your DVM Readout,” Electronics Design, May, 2013
  2. N. Lekić, Z. Mijanović, and V. Davidović, “Lead battery charger as subfunction in microcontroller device,” Electronics Design, March 2007
  3. N. Lekić, Z. Mijanović, and R. Stojanović, “A novel low sample rate communication protocol,” WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Issue 10, Vol.3, December 2004
  4. R. Stojanović, N. Šolaja, and N. Lekić, “Reconfigurable System for Calculation of Laser Spot Position inside 2D Image Sensor,” WSEAS Transactions on Electronics, Volume1, Issue 3, July 2004
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National Books

  1. Z. Mijanović, and N. Lekić, Riješeni problem iz Electronike 1 i Elektronike 2. textbook (in Montenegrin), Univertizet Crne Gore, 2003
  2. N. Tadic, S. Stanković, N. Lekić, and R. Laković, Solved Problems in Electronics. textbook (in Montenegrin), ETF Podgorica
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International Conferences

  1. A. Draganić, Dj. Stanković, N. Lekić, C. Ioana, and I. Orović, “A Digital Watermark Architecture for Image Authentication Based on Hermite Transform,” The 32nd International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2024, September 26-28, 2024, Split
  2. N. Lekić, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “A Hardware Architecture for the Speech Logo Watermarking Procedure,” Workshop on Security & Protection of Information (SPI22), 13-14 June 2022, Grenoble - France
  3. N. Lekić, A. Draganić, I. Orović, and S. Stanković, “An Analog Hardware Design for the Hermite-based Image Watermarking,” Workshop on Security & Protection of Information (SPI22), 13-14 June 2022, Grenoble - France
  4. N. Lekić, A. Draganić, I. Orović, S. Stanković, and V. Papić, “Iris print extracting from reduced and scrambled set of pixels,” Second International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking BalkanCom 2018, Podgorica, Montenegro, June 6-8, 2018
  5. D. Kofjač, R. Stojanović, N. Lekić, and A. Škraba, “Overview of Stress Monitoring Methodologies and Technologies for Wearable Devices,” 37th International Conference on Organizational Science Development, Portorož, March 2018
  6. I. Orović, A. Draganić, N. Lekić, and S. Stanković, “A System for Compressive Sensing Signal Reconstruction,” 17th IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies, IEEE EUROCON 2017
  7. S. Tomović, N. Lekić, and I. Radusinović, “A new approach to dynamic routing in SDN networks,” 18th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), Limassol, Cyprus, April 18-20, 2016
  8. N. Lekić, S. Djukanović, M. Bajčeta, and T. Savić, “A bioinformatic system for collecting and processing environmental data,” 23rd Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, November 24-26, 2015.
  9. B. Jovanović, Z. Mijanović, R. Stojanović, and N. Lekić, “The Simple System for Objects Classification and Counting,” 6th European Conference of Computer Science, Roma, Italy, November 7-9, 2015
  10. A. Draganić, I. Orović, N. Lekić, M. Daković, and S. Stanković, “Architecture for Single Iteration Reconstruction Algorithm,” 4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2015
  11. A. Mihailović, M. Simeunović, N. Lekić, and M. Pejanović-Djurišić, “A strategy for deploying diverse sensor-based networks as an evolution towards integrated Internet of Things and Future Internet,” 22st Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, November 25-27, 2014.
  12. N. Lekić, R. Stojanović, A. Gadžović, and Z. Mijanović, “Wind speed measurement and alert system for tunnel fire safety,” 24th International Conference Radioelektronika, Bratislava, Slovakia, 15-16 April 2014
  13. N. Filipović, R. Stojanović, N. Lekić, and A. Caplanova, “Monitoring and Analysis of Vital Physiological Parameters Using PDA Devices,” 24th International Conference Radioelektronika, Bratislava, Slovakia, April 15-16, 2014
  14. N. Lekić, and Z. Mijanović, “NFC identification system for fuel dispensing control on petrol station,” Eurocon 2013, Zagreb, Croatia, 1-4 July 2013
  15. N. Lekić, Z. Mijanović, and R. Stojanović, “The simple microcontroller based capacitive sensor with screen,” 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, 25-28 March 2012
  16. N. Lekić, Z. Mijanović, and R. Stojanović, “The identification system for monitoring of teaching activities,” EUROCON 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, April, 27-29, 2011
  17. R. Dragović-Ivanović, Z. Mijanović, LJ. Stanković, and N. Lekić, “Optimal Resistor Ratio in the DAC with Low Precision Resistors - Statistical Approach,” IEEE Int. Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2002, Dubrovnik, Sept.2002, pp.409-413
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Regional and National Conferences

  1. N. Lekić, “Iris Recognition Identifiction System based on using VistaFA2 BioCAM,” 24th YU INFO Conference, Kopaonik, Serbia, March 2018
  2. N. Lekić, and Z. Mijanović, “GSM parking access control system,” 23th YU INFO Conference, Kopaonik, Serbia, March 2017
  3. M. Tomić, M. Radonjić, N. Lekić, and I. Radusinović, “Virtuelizacija mreže korištenjem alata flowvisor,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2014, Žabljak 2014
  4. N. Lekić, A. Gadžović, and I. Radusinović, “V2X sistemi kooperativne mobilnosti,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2015, Žabljak 2014
  5. A. Dervić, and N. Lekić, “Prepoznavanje dužice oka upotrbom VistaFA2 BioCAM,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2014, Žabljak, 2014
  6. R. Dragović-Ivanović, LJ. Stanković, Z. Mijanović, and N. Lekić, “Kalibracija 2R+/R DAC-A,” XLVII konferencija za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu fiziku - ETRAN, Herceg Novi 2003.
  7. R. Dragović-Ivanović, Z. Mijanović, LJ. Stanković, and N. Lekić, “Primjena preciznog digitalno-analognog konvertora sa 2r+/r mrezom,” Kongres metrologa Jugoslavije, 2003
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