Slobodan Djukanović - Publications

Curriculum Vitae Personal page
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  1. B. Boashash (editor), K. Abed-Meraim, J. Ahmad, A. Aïssa-El-Bey, A. Akan, O. Akay, S. Ali, T. Alieva, M. Amin, S. Assous, F. Auger, S. Aviyente, M.A. Awal, G. Azemi, M. J. Bastiaans, R.G. Baraniuk, S. Barbarossa, B. Barkat, V. Barroso, A. Beghdadi, J. F. Böhme, A.-O. Boudraa, G.F. Boudreaux-Bartels, S. Carstens- Behrens, V. Chandran, E. Chassande -Mottin, P. Colditz, A. Djebbari, S. Djukanović, I. Djurović, S. Dong, A. El-Jaroudi, M.K. Emresoy, B.G. Ferguson, P. Flandrin, G.J. Frazer, D. Frunzaverde, L. Galleani, A. Gholami, H. Hassanpour, F. Hlawatsch, Z. M. Hussain, B.-G. Iem, R. Iordache, B.K. Jawad, G. Jones, D. L. Jones, V. Katkovnik, N. A. Khan, J. Lerga, A.R. Leyman, N. Linh-Trung, A.R. Lindsey, K.W. Lo, W. Mack Grady, S.L. Marple Jr., G. Matz, A. Mert, A. Napolitano, P.M. Oliveira, A. Omidvarnia, D.M. Onchis, P.J. O’Shea, S. Ouelha, J.M. O’Toole, A. Papandreou-Suppappola, E.J. Powers, G.R. Putland, L.J. Rankine, B. Ristic, F. Salzenstein, N. Saulig, A.M. Sayeed, E. Sejdić, A.Z. Sha’ameri, I. Shafi, S. I. Shah, Y.-J. Shin, M. Simeunović, S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, N.J. Stevenson, V. Sučić, S.B. Suppappola, G. Tauböck, S. Touati, M. Tsitsvero, A.J. van Leest, S. Ventosa, W.J. Williams, X.-G. Xia, P. Zarjam, Y. Zhang, and (contributors), Time-frequency signal analysis and processing: a comprehensive reference. Academic Press, Elsevier, B. Boashash (editor), 2016
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Leading International Journals and Book Chapters

  1. Y. Wang, S. Djukanović, N. Sarma, and S. Djurović, “Implementation and performance evaluation of controller signal embedded sensorless speed estimation for wind turbine doubly fed induction generators,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 148, June 2023, 108968.
  2. S. Djukanović, J. Matas, and T. Virtanen, “Acoustic vehicle speed estimation from single sensor measurements,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 21, Issue 20, October 2021, pp. 23317-23324.
  3. V. Popović-Bugarin, and S. Djukanović, “A Low Complexity Model Order and Frequency Estimation of Multiple 2-D Complex Sinusoids,” Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 104, September 2020,
  4. M. Ćalasan, D. Jovanović, V. Rubežić, S. Mujović, and S. Djukanović, “Estimation of Single-Diode and Two-Diode Solar Cell Parameters by Using a Chaotic Optimization Approach,” MDPI Energies, 2019, 12, 4209.
  5. V. Popović-Bugarin, and S. Djukanović, “Efficient instantaneous frequency estimation in high noise based on the Wigner distribution,” Signal Processing, vol. 157, pp. 25-29, April 2019.
  6. S. Djukanović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Efficient and accurate detection and frequency estimation of multiple sinusoids,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 1118-1125, December 2018.
  7. B. Djurović, I. Djurović, A. Joksimović, V. Crnojević, S. Djukanović, and B. Pestorić, “Monitoring the eutrophication using Landsat 8 in the Boka Kotorska Bay,” Acta Adriatica, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 17-34, June 2018
  8. M. Brajović, V. Popović-Bugarin, I. Djurović, and S. Djukanović, “Post-processing of time-frequency representations in instantaneous frequency estimation based on ant colony optimization,” Signal Processing, Vol. 138, September 2017, pp. 195–210, doi:
  9. T. Popović, N. Latinović, A. Pešić, Ž. Zečević, B. Krstajić, and S. Djukanović, “Architecting an IoT-enabled platform for precision agriculture and ecological monitoring: A case study,” Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 140, August 2017, pp. 255–265.
  10. S. Mujović, S. Djukanović, and V. Katić, “Simultaneous Operation of Personal Computers and Mathematical Assessment of Their Harmonic Impact on the Grid,” Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications, Springer International Publishing, Vol. 3, pp. 57-79, 2017.
  11. N. Bulatović, N. Žarić, S. Djukanović, I. Radusinović, and M. Pejanović-Djurišić, “An example of human-centric sensor network: Be responsible platform,” Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 92, Issue 1, pp 237–250, January 2017
  12. S. Djukanović, “An accurate method for frequency estimation of a real sinusoid,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 23, No 7, pp. 915–918, July 2016.
  13. K. Tshiloz, D.S. Vilchis-Rodriguez, S. Djukanović, N. Sarma, and S. Djurović, “Sensorless speed estimation in wound rotor induction machines by spectral search of the stator phase power signal,” IET Electric Power Applications, Volume 10, Issue 6, July 2016, pp. 581–592.
  14. S. Mujović, S. Djukanović, V. Radulović, and V. Katić, “Multi-parameter mathematical model for determination of PC cluster total harmonic distortion input current,” COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 35, Issue: 1, pp. 305-325, 2016.
  15. I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, and S. Djukanović, “Instantaneous frequency and polynomial phase parameter estimation using linear time-frequency representations,” in Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing: A Comprehensive Review, editor, B. Boashash, Elsevier, March 2015, pp. 615-622.
  16. LJ. Stanković, I. Djurović, S. Stanković, M. Simeunović, S. Djukanović, and M. Daković, “Instantaneous frequency in time–frequency analysis: Enhanced concepts and performance of estimation algorithms,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 35, December 2014, pp. 1-13.
  17. S. Mujović, S. Djukanović, V. Radulović, V. Katić, and M. Rašović, “Least squares modeling of voltage harmonic distortion due to PC cluster operation,” Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 133–138, 2013
  18. M. Simeunović, I. Djurović, and S. Djukanović, “A novel refinement technique for 2-D PPS parameter estimation,” Signal Processing, Volume 94, January 2014, Pages 251-254
  19. I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, S. Djukanović, and P Wang, “A hybrid CPF-HAF estimation of polynomial-phase signals: Detailed statistical analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 60, no. 10, Oct. 2012, pp. 5010-5023
  20. I. Djurović, S. Djukanović, and V. V. Lukin, “An algorithm for the fine estimation of polynomial-phase signals,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 48, no.4, Oct. 2012, pp. 3687-3693
  21. S. Djukanović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “A parametric method for multicomponent interference suppression in noise radars,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 2730–2738, July 2012
  22. I. Djurović, S. Djukanović, M. Simeunović, P. Raković, and B. Barkat, “An efficient joint estimation of wideband polynomial-phase signal parameters and direction-of-arrival in sensor array,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2012, no. 1, February 2012, pp. 43.
  23. S. Djukanović, and I. Djurović, “Aliasing detection and resolving in the estimation of polynomial-phase signal parameters,” Signal Processing, Vol. 92, No. 1, January 2012, pp. 235-239
  24. S. Djukanović, and I. Djurović, “Robust M-periodogram with dichotomous search,” Signal Processing, Vol. 91, No. 10, pp. 2410-2414, October 2011.
  25. S. Djukanović, “Influence of interference on range estimation in noise radar systems,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 8, No. 3, May 2011, pp. 469 – 473.
  26. S. Djukanović, V. Popović-Bugarin, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “A parametric method for non-stationary interference suppression in direct sequence spread-spectrum systems,” Signal Processing, Vol. 91, No. 6, pp. 1425-1431, June 2011
  27. S. Djukanović, M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “Method for nonstationary jammer suppression in noise radar systems,” IET Signal Processing, Vol. 4, No. 3, June 2010, Page(s) 305-313
  28. S. Djukanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Bit error probability approximation for short-time Fourier transform based nonstationary interference excision in DS-SS systems,” Signal Processing, Vol. 89, No. 11, Nov. 2009, pp. 2178-2184
  29. M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, S. Djukanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Time-frequency-based non-stationary interference suppression for noise radar systems,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, Vol. 2, No. 4, Aug. 2008, pp. 306-314
  30. S. Djukanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Local polynomial Fourier transform receiver for nonstationary interference excision in DSSS communications,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 56, No. 4, Apr. 2008, pp. 1627-1636
  31. LJ. Stanković, and S. Djukanović, “Order adaptive local polynomial Fourier transform based interference rejection in spread spectrum communication systems,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements, Vol.54, No.6, Dec.2005, pp.2156-2162
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Other International, Regional, and National Journals

  1. B. Džakula, and S. Djukanović, “Reverse Engineering and Android Application Security,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Podgorica, December 2015
  2. I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, and S. Djukanović, “Združena estimacija dolaznog ugla i parametara polinomijalno faznih signala primljenih antenskom rešetkom,” Glasnik OPN CANU, Vol. 20, 2014.
  3. S. Mujović, and S. Djukanović, “Determination of characteristic and modeling of PC cluster current harmonic,” Bosanskohercegovačka elektroprivreda, November 2013
  4. S. Djukanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Metode za uklanjanje nestacionarnih ometača kod šumnih radara,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Elektrotehnicki fakultet Podgorica, Crna Gora, Novembar 2011.
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National Books

  1. S. Djukanović, Java i objektno-orijentisano programiranje. Narodna knjiga, Podgorica, 2021.
  2. S. Djukanović, I. Djurović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, Programski jezik C sa zbirkom urađenih zadataka. Narodna knjiga, Podgorica, 2018.,
  3. S. Djukanović, VBA programiranje. Elektrotehnički fakultet, Podgorica, 2011.,
  4. I. Djurović, S. Djukanović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, Programiranje I – praktikum za laboratorijske vježbe. Elektrotehnički fakultet, Podgorica 2010
  5. I. Djurović, S. Djukanović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, Programski jezik C sa zbirkom urađenih zadataka. textbook, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Podgorica, 2006.
  6. I. Djurović, S. Djukanović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, Programski jezik C: Predavanja sa zbirkom riješenih zadataka. ETF Edicija Udžbenici, Podgorica 2004
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International Conferences

  1. I. Čavor, and S. Djukanović, “Vehicle Speed Estimation From Audio Signals Using 1D Convolutional Neural Networks,” Information Technology - IT 2023, 15-18 February 2023, Žabljak, Montenegro.
  2. A. Cvijetić, S. Djukanović, and A. Peruničić, “Deep learning-based vehicle speed estimation using the YOLO detector and 1D-CNN,” Information Technology - IT 2023, 15-18 February 2023, Žabljak, Montenegro.
  3. A. Peruničić, S. Djukanović, and A. Cvijetić, “Vision-based Vehicle Speed Estimation Using the YOLO Detector and RNN,” Information Technology - IT 2023, 15-18 February 2023, Žabljak, Montenegro.
  4. B. Anđelić, M. Radonjić, and S. Djukanović, “Sound-based logging detection using deep learning,” 30th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2022, Belgrade, Serbia, November 15-16, 2022.
  5. S. Djukanović, N. Bulatović, and I. Čavor, “A dataset for audio-video based vehicle speed estimation,” 30th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2022, Belgrade, Serbia, November 15-16, 2022.
  6. N. Bulatović, and S. Djukanović, “An approach to improving sound-based vehicle speed estimation,” Zooming innovation in consumer technologies conference - ZINC 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia, 25-26 May 2022.
  7. N. Bulatović, and S. Djukanović, “Mel-spectrogram features for acoustic vehicle detection and speed estimation,” Information Technology - IT 2022, 16-19 February 2022 (Virtual) Žabljak, Montenegro.
  8. M. Zarubica, S. Djukanović, L. Milosavljević, J. Terzić, V. Gazivoda, and L. Filipović, “An example of SMS service development at the University of Montenegro Information System,” Information Technology - IT 2022, 16-19 February 2022 (Virtual) Žabljak, Montenegro.
  9. S. Djukanović, Y. Patel, J. Matas, and T. Virtanen, “Neural network-based acoustic vehicle counting,” 29th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2021, 23-27 August 2021, (Virtual) Dublin, Ireland
  10. L. Vujošević, and S. Djukanović, “Deep learning-based classification of environmental sounds,” Information Technology - IT 2021, February 2021 (Virtual) Žabljak, Montenegro
  11. S. Djukanović, J. Matas, and T. Virtanen, “Robust Audio-Based Vehicle Counting in Low-to-Moderate Traffic Flow,” 31st IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) 2020, October 19-November 13, 2020 (Virtual) Las Vegas, NV, United States
  12. D. Radovanović, and S. Djukanović, “Image-based plant disease detection: A comparison of deep learning and classical machine learning algorithms,” Information Technology - IT 2020, February 2020, Žabljak, Montenegro
  13. A. Mitrović, S. Djukanović, and M. Radonjić, “Implementation of Signal Classification Using Frequency Spectrum Features on the Raspberry Pi Platform,” 25th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2017, Belgrade, Serbia, November 21-22, 2017.
  14. S. Djukanović, “Sinusoid frequency estimator with parabolic interpolation of periodogram peak,” 40th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, July 5-7, 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
  15. S. Djukanović, “An accurate method for frequency estimation of a real sinusoid,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2017 (ICASSP 2017), March 5-9, 2017, New Orleans, USA.
  16. P. Sekulić, M. Bajčeta, and S. Djukanović, “Retinal blood vessels segmentation using support vector machine and modified line detector,” Information Technology - IT 2017, March 2017, Žabljak, Montenegro.
  17. M. Bajčeta, P. Sekulić, and S. Djukanović, “Retinal blood vessels segmentation using neural networks and features based on line operators,” Information Technology - IT 2017, March 2017, Žabljak, Montenegro.
  18. B. Škrbić, and S. Djukanović, “A brief overview of IoT architecture and Web platforms,” Information Technology - IT 2017, March 2017, Žabljak, Montenegro.
  19. M. Bajčeta, P. Sekulić, S. Djukanović, T. Popović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “Retinal blood vessels segmentation using ant colony optimization,” 2016 13th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL) , Belgrade, November 22-24, 2016.
  20. S. Djukanović, T. Popović, and A. Mitrović, “Precise sinusoid frequency estimation based on parabolic interpolation,” 24th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, November 22-23, 2016
  21. M. Bajčeta, P. Sekulić, B. Krstajić, S. Djukanović, and T. Popović, “A private IoT cloud platform for precision agriculture and ecological monitoring,” 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering - IcETRAN 2016, Zlatibor, Serbia, 13-16. June 2016.
  22. N. Lekić, S. Djukanović, M. Bajčeta, and T. Savić, “A bioinformatic system for collecting and processing environmental data,” 23rd Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, November 24-26, 2015.
  23. S. Djukanović, M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “Highly non-stationary interference suppression in direct sequence spread-spectrum systems,” 38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, July 9-11, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.
  24. M. Brajović, S. Vujović, and S. Djukanović, “An Overview of Smart Irrigation Software,” Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2015, Budva, Montenegro, June 2015.
  25. K. Tshiloz, S. Djukanović, and S. Djurović, “Real-Time Sensorless Speed Estimation in Wound Rotor Induction Machines using a Dichotomous Search Algorithm,” The IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC) 2015, Coeur d’Alène, Idaho, USA, May 10-13, 2015.
  26. S. Djukanović, and M. Simeunović, “Adaptive order selection in quasi-maximum likelihood-based IF estimation,” 22nd Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, November 25-27, 2014.
  27. S. Djukanović, M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “Parametric estimation of multi-line parameters based on SLIDE algorithm,” EUSIPCO 2014, September 1-5, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.
  28. M. Simeunović, S. Djukanović, and I. Djurović, “Quasi-maximum likelihood estimator of multiple polynomial-phase signals,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2014 (ICASSP 2014), May 4-9, 2014, Florence, Italy, pp. 4233-4236
  29. I. Djurović, and S. Djukanović, “Will technological society be inhuman?,” Transition to a New Society, Podgorica, Montenegro, March 2014, pp. 503-518.
  30. A. Pelinković, S. Djukanović, I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “A frequency domain method for the carrier frequency offset estimation in OFDM systems,” ISPA 2013, September 4-6, 2013, Trieste, Italy
  31. S. Djukanović, M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “A low-complexity robust estimation of multiple wideband polynomial-phase signals in sensor array,” ISPA 2013, September 4-6, 2013, Trieste, Italy.
  32. S. Mujović, and S. Djukanović, “Development of Mathematical Models for Current and Voltage Harmonic Distortion due to PC Group Operation,” 17th International Symposium on Power Electronics – Ee 2013, Novi Sad (Serbia), Oct.-Nov. 2013.
  33. D.S. Vilchis-Rodriguez, S. Djurović, S. Djukanović, and A.C. Smith, “Analysis of Wound Rotor Induction Generator Transient Vibration Signal under Stator Fault Conditions,” European Wind Energy Exhibition and Conference EWEA 2013, February 2013
  34. M. Simeunović, S. Djukanović, and I. Djurović, “A Fine Search Method for the Cubic-Phase Function-Based Estimator,” EUSIPCO 2012, Bucharest, Romania
  35. S. Djukanović, M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “Efficient Parameter Estimation of Polynomial-Phase Signals Impinging on a Sensor Array,” Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2012, Bar, June 2012.
  36. Dj. Stojanović, I. Djurović, and S. Djukanović, “The Effects of Doppler Scaling in Underwater Acoustic OFDM Communication,” Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2012, Bar, Montenegro, June 2012
  37. A. Pelinković, S. Djukanović, I. Djurović, and Dj. Stojanović, “A New Multicarrier System for Satellite Based Communications in the Railway Environment,” Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) 2012, Bar, Montenegro, June 2012
  38. I. Djurović, S. Djukanović, M. Amin, Y. Zhang, and B. Himed, “High-resolution time-frequency representations based on the local polynomial Fourier transform for over-the-horizon radars,” SPIE Radar Sensor Technology Conference, Baltimore, MD, April 2012
  39. S. Djukanović, M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “Refinement in the estimation of multicomponent polynomial-phase signals,” 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2012), March 25-30, 2012, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 3957-3960
  40. S. Djukanović, M. Simeunović, and I. Djurović, “Estimation Refinement Techniques for the Cubic Phase Function,” 19th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2011, Beograd, Nov. 2011
  41. S. Djukanović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “An efficient peak frequency estimator for product high-order ambiguity function,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011.
  42. S. Djurović, and S. Djukanović, “A Sensorless Speed Detection Method for Wound Rotor Induction Machine,” International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC 2011), Niagara Falls, May 2011.
  43. S. Djukanović, T. Thayaparan, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Interference suppression in noise radar systems,” SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, Orlando, Florida, USA, April 2011.
  44. S. Djukanović, M. Daković, T. Thayaparan, and LJ. Stanković, “A new method for strong broadband jammer rejection in noise radar systems,” 2010 ANTEM Conference, Ottawa, July 5-9, 2010.
  45. S. Djukanović, and I. Djurović, “Detection optimization for the DCT-domain image watermarking system,” EUSIPCO 2010, Aug. 2010, Aalborg, Denmark, Page(s) 830-834
  46. S. Djukanović, and V. Popović-Bugarin, “A Robust Estimation of Polynomial-Phase Coefficients,” 18th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2010, Serbia, Belgrade, November 23-25, 2010.
  47. S. Djukanović, LJ. Stanković, and M. Daković, “Time-frequency method for nonstationary jammer suppression in dsss systems,” 17th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2009, invited paper, Serbia, Belgrade, November 24-26, 2009
  48. S. Djukanović, M. D’Arco, and L. Angrisani, “Frequency estimation of multicomponent signals characterized by interfering linear trajectories,” 15th IMEKO TC4 Symp. on Novelties in Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation, Lasi, Romania, Sept. 2007
  49. LJ. Stanković, and S. Djukanović, “Multiple interferences rejection in spread spectrum communication systems by using local polynomial Fourier transform,” 2003 IEEE Int. Symp. on Sig. Proc. and Inf. Tech. ISSPIT 2003, Darmstadt, Germany, Dec. 2003
  50. LJ. Stanković, and S. Djukanović, “Order Adaptive Local Polynomial FT Based Interference Rejection In Spread Spectrum Communication Systems,” 2003 IEEE Int. Symp. on Int. Sig. Proc. WISP 2003, Budapest, Sep. 2003.
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Regional and National Conferences

  1. P. Sekulić, S. Djukanović, and I. Djurović, “Detection of downy mildew in grapevine leaves using support vector machine,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2016, March 2016,
  2. M. Brajović, S. Vujović, V. Popović-Bugarin, S. Djukanović, M. Knežević, and A. Topalović, “Soil analysis database and the expert system for recommendations of fertilization in agriculture,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2016, March 2016,
  3. P. Sekulić, M. Bajčeta, V. Popović-Bugarin, S. Djukanović, and A. Mihailović, “One approach to the optimization of public transport,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2016, March 2016,
  4. S. Vujović, M. Brajović, and S. Djukanović, “Web and mobile applications in agriculture,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2015, Februar 2015
  5. B. Džakula, and S. Djukanović, “Reverzni inženjering i metode zaštite Android aplikacija,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2015, Februar 2015
  6. S. Vujović, N. Bulatović, and S. Djukanović, “Budi Odgovoran – Tehnologija u službi društvene odgovornosti,” 22 Telekomunikacioni Forum TELFOR 2014, Novembar 25-27, 2014, Beograd, Republika Srbija.
  7. S. Mujović, and S. Djukanović, “O upotrebi metode najmanjih kvadrata za modelovanje ključnih parametara kvaliteta električne energije,” Treća matematička konferencija Republike Srpske (MKRS), Trebinje, Republika Srpska, Jun 2013
  8. M. Simeunović, I. Djurović, and S. Djukanović, “Neuniformno odabrana kubična fazna funkcija,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2013, Februar 2013
  9. A. Pelinković, I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, and S. Djukanović, “Estimator parametara polinomijalno-faznih signala zasnovan na Wigner-ovoj distribuciji,” Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2013, Februar 2013
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Projects and other Publications

  1. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, S. Djukanović, V. Popović-Bugarin, T. Thayaparan, and P. Raković, “Analiza nestacionarnih signala u vremensko-frekvencijskom domenu sa primjenom na radarske signale,” Research project supported by Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro , University of Montenegro, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2008-2011
  2. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, S. Djukanović, V. Popović-Bugarin, and P. Raković, “Dekompozicija složenih signala primjenom vremensko-frekvencijske analize,” Research project supported by Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro , University of Montenegro, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2005-2007
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  1. S. Djukanović, “Optimalni prijemnik za uklanjanje nestacionarnih ometača u DSSS sistemima zasnovan na lokalnoj polinomijalnoj fourier-ovoj transformaciji,” Ph.D. Thesis, EE Department, University of Montenegro, Podgorica 2008
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