Veselin Ivanović - Publications

Curriculum Vitae Personal page
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  1. R. Stojanović, and V. N. Ivanović, Advances and Challenges in Embedded Computing. University of Montenegro, Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Montenegrin Association for New Technologies, ISBN: 978-9940-9436-0-8, IEEE Catalog Number 978-9940-9436-0-8, Podgorica, June 2012.
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Leading International Journals and Book Chapters

  1. I. Djurović, and V. N. Ivanović, “The second­ order local polynomial Fourier transform as instantaneous frequency and chirp rate estimator,” Signal Processing, vol. 203, Feb. 2023, 108794,
  2. N. Radović, V. N. Ivanović, I. Djurović, M. Simeunović, and E. Sejdić, “A Step Toward Real-Time Time–Frequency Analyses with Varying Time–Frequency Resolutions: Hardware Implementation of an Adaptive S-transform,” Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, October 2022, Print ISSN 0278-081X, Electronic ISSN: 1531-5878,
  3. N. Radović, V. N. Ivanović, I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “Multi-core hardware realization of the QML PPS estimator,” IET Computers & Digital Techniques, vol. 14, no. 5, Sept. 2020, pp. 187–192, DOI: 10.1049/iet-cdt.2019.0114
  4. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Advanced superior execution time optimal time-frequency filter suitable for non-linear FM signals estimation,” Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 74, April 2020, pp. 1-11. published online 21. 02. 2020.,
  5. N. Radović, I. Djurović, V. N. Ivanović, and M. Simeunović, “Hardware implementation of the quasi maximum likelihood estimator core for polynomial phase signals,” IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, vol. 13, no. 2, 2019, pp. 131-138.
  6. V. N. Ivanović, and N. Radović, “Superior Execution Time Design of a Space/Spatial-Frequency Optimal Filter for Highly Nonstationary Two-Dimensional FM Signal Estimation,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 65, issue 10, Oct. 2018, pp. 3376–3389. Print ISSN: 1549-8328, Online ISSN: 1558-0806, DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2018.2815723.
  7. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, and N. Radović, “Superior execution time design of optimal (Wiener) time-frequency filter,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 52, no.17, June 2016
  8. V. N. Ivanović, and N. Radović, “Signal Adaptive Hardware Implementation of a System for Highly Nonstationary Two-Dimensional FM Signal Estimation,” AEUE – International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 69 (2015), pp.1854-1867.
  9. S. Jovanovski, and V. N. Ivanović, “Signal adaptive pipelined hardware design of time-varying optimal filter for highly nonstationary FM signal estimation,” Springer Verlag Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Volume 62, Issue 3 (2011), pp.287–300
  10. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and S. Jovanovski, “Real–time design of space/spatial–frequency optimal filter,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol.46, no.25, Dec.2010, pp.1696–1697.
  11. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Signal adaptive system for space/spatial–frequency analysis,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol.2009, pp.1-15.
  12. V. N. Ivanović, R. Stojanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Hardware implementation of a multidimensional signal analysis system,” in Advances in Numerical Methods (Nikos Mastorakis, John Sakellaris, eds.),, Lecture Notes Electrical Engineering, Springer Verlag, 2009, pp.335-346.
  13. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Signal adaptive method for improved space/spatial–frequency representation,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol.45, no.19, Sept.2009, pp.1003–1005.
  14. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Signal adaptive system for time–frequency analysis,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol.44, no.21, Oct.2008, pp.1279–1280.
  15. V. N. Ivanović, and R. Stojanović, “An efficient hardware design of the flexible 2-D system for space/spatial-frequency signal analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 3116-3125, June 2007
  16. V. N. Ivanović, R. Stojanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Multiple clock cycle architecture for the VLSI design of a system for time-frequency analysis,” EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Special Issue on Design Methods for DSP Systems, Vol. 2006, pp.1-18
  17. V. N. Ivanović, “Time-frequency signal analysis,” LJ. Stanković et. all, research monograph, 2004, contributor in monograph
  18. V. N. Ivanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Performance of Quadratic Time-Frequency Distributions as Instantaneous Frequency Estimators,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 51, No. 1, Jan. 2003, pp.77-89
  19. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, V. N. Ivanović, and R. Stojanović, “An architecture for the VLSI design of systems for time-frequency analysis and time-varying filtering,” Annales des Telecommunications, Vol.57, No.9/10, Sept./Oct.2002, pp.974-995.
  20. LJ. Stanković, M. Daković, and V. N. Ivanović, “Performance of spectrogram as IF estimator,” Electronics Letters, Vol.37, No.12, June 2001, pp.797-799.
  21. V. N. Ivanović, “Time-frequency signal analysis,” LJ. Stanković et all, Electrotehnical faculty Podgorica, 1999, contributor in monograph
  22. V. N. Ivanović, LJ. Stanković, and D. Petranović, “Finite word-length effects in implementation of distributions for time-frequency analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.46, No.7, July 1998, pp.2035-2041.
  23. LJ. Stanković, V. N. Ivanović, and Z. Petrović, “Unified approach to the noise analysis in the Spectrogram and Wigner distribution,” Annales des Telecommunications, Vol.51, Nov./Dec., No.11/12, 1996, pp.585-594.
  24. LJ. Stanković, and V. N. Ivanović, “Further results on the minimum variance time-frequency distribution kernels,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.45, No.6, June 1997, pp.1650-1656.
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Other International, Regional, and National Journals

  1. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, M. Božović, and Z. Uskoković, “Enhancing performance of the space/spatial-frequency optimal filter based on the pipelining technique application,” Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, vol.26, no.2, August 2013, pp.87–98.
  2. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “An efficient nonstationary Wiener filter hardware implementation,” International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Iss.3, vol.1, 2007, pp.244-250.
  3. V. N. Ivanović, and R. Stojanović, “The VLSI design of the minimal dimension, cost and power consumption system for time-frequency signal analysis,” WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, issue 9, Vol.4, Sept.2005, pp.1122-1127
  4. V. N. Ivanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “The exact estimation error analysis in the instantaneous frequency estimation by using quadratic time-frequency distributions,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.9-10, No.1, Oct.2001, pp.30-43.
  5. V. N. Ivanović, M. Daković, and LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of the instantaneous frequency estimation with reduced interference distributions,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, Nov.1999, pp.20-35.
  6. V. N. Ivanović, LJ. Stanković, and D. Petranović, “The quantization effects study in implementation of time-frequency distributions,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.7, No.1, Apr.1998. pp.39-52
  7. Dj. Jovanović, V. N. Ivanović, and R. Stojanović, “DC-DC step-down/up converter or buck-boost converter,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.5, No.1, pp.53-64, Apr.1995.
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International Conferences

  1. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Advanced IF Estimation-based TF Filter Suitable for Estimation of Non-Linear Highly Nonstationary FM Signals: Principles of Functioning and Designing,” The 11th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2022), Budva, Montenegro, June 07–10, 2022, pp.326-329. ISBN 978-1-6654-6828-2, ISSN 2637-9511, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP2239T-ART, DOI: 10.1109/MECO55406.2022.9797107, Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 21 June 2022.
  2. V. N. Ivanović, and N. Radović, “Space/Spatial-Frequency Filtering Based on the Local Frequency Estimation: From the Noisy Signal, through the Space/Spatial-Frequency Domain to the Estimated one,” 2021 29th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 2021, doi: 10.1109/TELFOR52709. 2021.9653319.
  3. N. Radović, V. N. Ivanović, I. Djurović, and M. Simeunović, “System for S-transform realization,” 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2021, 07-10 June, Budva, Montenegro, doi: 10.1109/MECO52532.2021.9460253.
  4. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and S. Jovanovski, “Principles of Functioning of Signal Adaptive Systems for Space/Spatial-Frequency Analysis,” 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2021), 07-10 June, Budva, Montenegro, DOI: 10.1109/MECO52532.2021.9460204.
  5. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and S. Jovanovski, “Signal Adaptive Systems Used in Analysis and Estimation of Nonstationary 1D Signals: Principles of Functioning and Designing,” 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2021), 07-10 June, Budva, Montenegro, doi: 10.1109/MECO52532.2021.9460274.
  6. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Design and Selection of Registers Used in the Advanced Superior Execution Time Implementation of an Optimal Time-Frequency Filter Suitable for Non-Linear FM Signals Estimation,” The 9th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2020), Budva, Montenegro, June 08–11, 2020, pp.431-434.
  7. I. Djurović, and V. N. Ivanović, “Analysis of Closed-form Wigner Distribution in Linear Canonical Domains for Continous-time Noisy Signals,” The 9th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2020), Budva, Montenegro, June 08–11, 2020, pp.427-430.
  8. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Real-Time Procedure for Development of an Optimal Time-Frequency Filter Suitable for Non-Linear Highly Nonstationary FM Signals Estimation,” The 8th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2019), Budva, Montenegro, June 10–14, 2019, pp. 506-509
  9. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Challenges in Designing of an Optimal Time-Frequency Filter for the Non-Linear FM Signal Estimation and the Possible Solution,” 2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO 2019), Kyiv, Ukraine, April 16–18, 2019, pp. 704-707.
  10. V. N. Ivanović, and N. Radović, “Appropriate Registers’ Lengths in the Fully Pipelined Design of an Optimal Space/Spatial Frequency Filter for Highly Nonstationary Two-Dimensional FM Signals Estimation,” 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018, 10-14 June, Budva, Montenegro, pp. 447-450.
  11. N. Radović, I. Djurović, V. N. Ivanović, and M. Simeunović, “System for QML algorithm realization,” 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018, 10-14 June, Budva, Montenegro, pp. 343-346.
  12. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and S. Jovanovski, “Completely pipelined implementation of optimal time-frequency filter for highly nonstationary FM signals estimation,” IEEE EUROCON 2017, Ohrid, Macedonia, July 06–08, 2017, pp. 217-221.
  13. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and S. Jovanovski, “Superior execution time hardware implementation of Wiener time-frequency filter,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2017), Bar, Montenegro, June 11–15, 2017, pp. 100-103.
  14. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, and N. Radović, “Pipelined Design of an Instantaneous Frequency Estimation-Based Time-Frequency Optimal Filter,” 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2015), ISBN: 978-0-9928626-4-0, Nice, France, Aug.31–Sept.04, 2015, pp. 118-1222.
  15. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, S. Jovanovski, and Z. Uskoković, “Local Frequency Estimation-based Space/Spatial-Frequency Optimal Filter Developed in the RTL Design Methodology versus the Corresponding GPU-based Implementations,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2015), Budva, Montenegro, June 14–18, 2015, pp. 174-177.
  16. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, S. Jovanovski, and Z. Uskoković, “Possibility of the Pipelining Technique Application in a Space/Spatial-Frequency Filter Implementation Based on the Local Frequency Estimation,” XXXV IEEE International Scientific Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO 2015), Kyiv, Ukraine, Apr. 21–24, 2015, 492-497.
  17. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, N. Radović, and Z. Uskoković, “Signal Adaptive Hardware Implementation of a Smart System for Time-Frequency Signal Analysis,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2014), Budva, Montenegro, June 15–19, 2014, pp. 72-76.
  18. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, and N. Radović, “Pipelined design of a system for highly nonstationary FM signals estimation,” XXXIV IEEE International Scientific Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO 2014), Kyiv, Ukraine, Apr.15–18, 2014, pp.408–412.
  19. N. Radović, and V. N. Ivanović, “Hardware Implementation of a System for Highly Nonstationary Two–Dimensional FM Signals Estimation Based on the Sliding Matrix Function,” IEEE EUROCON 2013, Zagreb, Croatia, July 1–4, 2013, pp.1738–1744.
  20. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, M. Božović, and Z. Uskoković, “Improved design of a space/spatial-frequency filter,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2013), Budva, Montenegro, June 15–20, 2013, pp.132-135.
  21. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, and N. Radović, “A pipelined time-frequency filter implementation,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2013), Budva, Montenegro, June 15–20, 2013, pp.136-139.
  22. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, N. Radović, and Z. Uskoković, “Real-time implementation of the optimal two-dimensional filter for highly nonstationary frequency-modulated signal estimation,” XXXIII IEEE International Scientific Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO 2013), Kyiv, Ukraine, Apr.16–19, 2013, vol. 1, pp. 440–444.
  23. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and Z. Uskoković, “On the Sliding Matrix Function Based Wiener Filter for Highly Nonstationary Two-Dimensional FM Signal Estimation,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2012), Bar, Montenegro, June 11–14, 2012, pp.120-123.
  24. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Signal adaptive hardware design of a system for highly nonstationary FM signal estimation,” 2011 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2011), Barcelona, Spain, Aug.29–Sept.02, 2011.
  25. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and S. Jovanovski, “Real-time design of a space/spatial-frequency optimal filter for highly nonstationary two-dimensional signal estimation,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP 2011), Prague, Czech Republic, May 23–27, 2011, pp.1653–1656.
  26. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “An efficient smart system for improved space/spatial-frequency representation of nonstationary 2-D signals,” 2010 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2010), Aalborg, Denmark, August 23–27, 2010, pp.527–531.
  27. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Signal adaptive method for improved space/spatial-frequency representation of nonstationary two-dimensional signals,” The 9th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing (SIP’10), Volume: SIGNAL2010, Catania, Sicily, Italy, May 29-31, 2010.
  28. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “An Efficient Smart System for Time-Frequency Analasys Based on the Cross-Terms-Free Wigner Distribution Signal Representation,” 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON 2010), Valletta, Malta, April 25–28, 2010, pp.868-871.
  29. S. Jovanovski, and V. N. Ivanović, “An efficient hardware design of an optimal nonstationary filtering system,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP 2009), Taipei, Taiwan, April 19–24, 2009, pp.569-572.
  30. S. Jovanovski, V. N. Ivanović, and N. Radović, “An efficient real–time method for time–varying filter region of support estimation,” 13th IEEE SPS DSP Workshop & 5th SPE Workshop, Marco Island, Florida, USA, January 4–7, 2009, pp. 513–517.
  31. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “An efficient hardware design of a system for highly nonstationary signals filtering,” Proceedings of the WSEAS Conference, Volume: SIGNAL2008, Hangyhou, China, Dec. 2008.
  32. V. N. Ivanović, R. Stojanović, and S. Jovanovski, “An FPGA design of the system for space/spatial-frequency signal analysis,” Proceedings of the WSEAS Conference, Volume: SIGNAL2007, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 29-31, 2007.
  33. V. N. Ivanović, R. Stojanović, S. Jovanovski, and LJ. Stanković, “An architecture for real-time design of the system for multidimensional signal analysis,” EUSIPCO 2006, Florence, Italy, Sept. 2006.
  34. V. N. Ivanović, “The multiple clock cycle impleme-ntation of the flexible special purpose hardware for time-frequency analysis,” n Proceedings of the Workshop devoted to 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics “Conteporary mathematics, phisics and biology”, Sept. 2005, pp.45-58
  35. V. N. Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Multiple clock cycle real-time implementation of a system for time-frequency analysis,” EUSIPCO 2004, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 2004, pp.1633-1636
  36. M. Daković, V. N. Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “On the S-method based instantaneous frequency estimation,” in Proc. of ISSPA, Paris, July 2003
  37. S. Stanković, V. N. Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Hartley transform based architecture for time-frequency analysis and time-varying filtering,” European Conf. on Signal Processing, EUSIPCO 2002, France, Toulouse, Sept.2002, Vol.II, pp.217-220
  38. V. N. Ivanović, M. Daković, I. Djurović, and LJ. Stanković, “Instantaneous frequency estimation by using time-frequency distributions,” IEEE Int.Conf. Acoust., Speech, Sign. Proc., ICASSP 2001, Salt Lake City, May 2001, Vol.6, pp.3521-3524.
  39. V. N. Ivanović, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Quantization effects in implementation of distributions from the Cohen class,” EUSIPCO'98, Rhodos, Greece, Sep.1998, pp.649-652.
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Regional and National Conferences

  1. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, S. Jovanovski, and Z. Uskoković, “An improved procedure for the local frequency estimation of highlynonstationary two-dimensional FM signals,” XX konferencija IT 2015,, Žabljak, Crna Gora, Feb. 23–28.
  2. S. Jovanovski, and V. N. Ivanović, “Pipelined system for highly nonstationary FM signals estimation,” IT2014 Conference, Žabljak, Feb.2014.
  3. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, M. Božović, and Z. Uskoković, “Principles of pipelining in the space/spatial-frequency based filtering of two-dimensional highly nonstationary signals,” 57th IEEE ETRAN Conference, Zlatibor, Serbia, June 3–6, 2013, pp. EK1.1.1-6.
  4. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, and Z. Uskoković, “Pipelining Technique Application in the Time- Frequency Filter Implementation,” 57th IEEE ETRAN Conference, Zlatibor, Serbia, June 3–6, 2013, pp.EK1.2.1-6.
  5. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, M. Božović, and Z. Uskoković, “Implementation of the local frequency estimator of the nonstationary multidimensional FM signals,” IT2013 Conference, Žabljak, Feb. 25–Mar.01, 2013
  6. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and Z. Uskoković, “Two-dimensional optimal nonstationary estimating system based on the sliding-matrix function,” 56th IEEE ETRAN Conference, Zlatibor, Serbia, June 11–14, 2012, pp.EK2.6.1-4.
  7. S. Jovanovski, and V. N. Ivanović, “Optimalni filtar za vremensko prostorno filtriranje visoko nestacionarnih dvodimenzionalnih signala,” Proceedings of the IT2012 Conference, Žabljak, Feb.2012
  8. V. N. Ivanović, and N. Radović, “Real-time dizajn optimalnog dvodimenzionalnog filtra namijenjenog estimaciji visoko nestacionarnih FM signala,” 55th IEEE ETRAN Conference, Banja Vrućica, Bosna i Hercegovina, June 06-09, 2011, pp.EK2.1-1-4.
  9. S. Jovanovski, and V. N. Ivanović, “Signal adaptivni sistem za estimaciju visoko nestacionarnih FM signala izloženih uticaju aditivog šuma,” Proceedings of the IT2011 Conference, Žabljak, Jan.2011
  10. V. N. Ivanović, and S. Jovanovski, “An efficient signal adaptive system for improved representation of highly nonstationary 2-D signals,” 54th IEEE ETRAN Conference, Donji Milanovac, Serbia, June 07-10, 2010, pp.EK1.4.1-4.
  11. S. Jovanovski, and V. N. Ivanović, “An efficient signal adaptiva hardware design of the cross-terms-free Wigner distribution,” 53rd IEEE ETRAN Conference, vol.1, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, June 15-18, 2009, pp.EK1.5.1-4.
  12. S. Jovanovski, and V. N. Ivanović, “A flexible hardware design of a time-varying filtering system,” 52nd IEEE ETRAN Conference, vol.1, Palić, Serbia, June 8-12, 2008, pp.EL5.5.1-4.
  13. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, and N. Radović, “Metod za on-line implementaciju vremenski-promjenljivog filtriranja baziranog na vremensko-frekvencijskoj analizi signala,” 51st ETRAN Conference, vol.1, Herceg-Novi, Montenegro, June 2007, pp.135-138.
  14. V. N. Ivanović, R. Stojanović, and S. Jovanovski, “Arhitektura za analizu multidimenzionih signala u realnom vremenu,” Proceedings of the IT2007 Conference, Žabljak, Jan.2007, pp.17-20.
  15. S. Jovanovski, V. N. Ivanović, and R. Stojanović, “Sistem za racunanje S-metoda na bazi STFT odbiraka,” in Proceedings of the IT2006 Conference, Žabljak, Jan.2006
  16. V. N. Ivanović, “An efficient multiple clock cycle real-time implementation of the signal dependent method for time-frequency analysis,” ETRAN 2005, vol.1, Jun 2005, pp.135-138
  17. R. Stojanović, Ž. Tafa, N. Djurasović, N. Šćekić, and V. N. Ivanović, “An approach for calculation of the integer FFT for general purpose microprocessors,” in Proceedings of the IT'2005 Conference, Žabljak, Jan.2005, pp.124-127
  18. V. N. Ivanović, and M. Daković, “Reduced interference distributions in instantaneous frequency estimation,” Proc. of 43. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1999
  19. V. N. Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Minimum variance time-frequency distribution kernels,” Proc. of 41. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1997, pp.257-260.
  20. V. N. Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Analysis of the noisy influence to the time-frequency distributions with application to the effects of the finite word-length,” Proceedings of the IT'97 Conference, Zabljak 1997, pp.141-144.
  21. V. N. Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Effects of finite register lenghts in the t-f distributions,” Proceedings of the IT'96 Conference, Zabljak 1996, pp.275-278.
  22. V. N. Ivanović, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Uticaj registara konacne duzine na vremensko-frekvencijsku analizu signala,” Proc. of 40. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Budva 1996, pp. 346-349
  23. I. Djurović, and V. N. Ivanović, “Influence of the finite register length to the results obtained by time-frequency analysis,” Proc. of 40. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Budva 1996, pp.297-300.
  24. V. N. Ivanović, and Z. Petrović, “Noise influence to the S-method for time-frequency signal analysis,” Proc. of 39. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1995, pp.226-230.
  25. V. N. Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “Error analysis in implementation of the S-method (SM) based sistem for time-frequency signal analysis,” Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM'97, Palic 1997
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Projects and other Publications

  1. V. N. Ivanović, “Designing of the pipelined signal adaptive architectures for processing and estimation of the highly nonstationary one-dimensional and two-dimensional signals,” project leader: Prof dr. Veselin N. Ivanović,, Ministry for Education and science of Montenegro, 2012.
  2. V. N. Ivanović, “Special purpose hardware design for analysis of the highly nonstationary onedimensional and twodimensional signals and time-varying filtering,” project leader: Prof dr. Veselin N. Ivanović,, Ministry for Education and science of Montenegro, 2007.
  3. V. N. Ivanović, “Time-frequency signal analysis,” project leader: Prof dr. LJubiša Stanković,, Volkswagen Stiftung, Federal Republic of Germany, 2001-2003.
  4. V. N. Ivanović, “Time-varying filtering,” project leader: Prof dr. LJubiša Stanković,, Montenegrin ministry for education and science, 2000.
  5. V. N. Ivanović, “Hardware and software realization of a system for analysis of the nonstationary signals,” project leader: Prof dr. Srdjan Stanković, Montenegrian ministry for education and science, 1997.
  6. V. N. Ivanović, “Time-frequency signal analysis,” project leader: Prof dr. LJubiša Stanković,, Montenegrian ministry for education and science, 1996.
  7. V. N. Ivanović, “New methods for time-frequency analysis,” project leader: Prof dr. LJubiša Stanković,, Federal ministry for science and technology, 1995.
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  1. V. N. Ivanović, “Time-frequency analysis applied to the optimal nonstationary filtering with the hardware realizations,” Ph.D. Thesis, University of Montenegro Podgorica, Dec.1988.
  2. V. N. Ivanović, “Noisy influence analysis to the time-frequency signal representation with the application to the effects of finite register length,” M.S. Thesis, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Nov 2001.
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