Zdravko Uskoković - Publications

Curriculum Vitae Personal page
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Leading International Journals and Book Chapters

  1. N. Žarić, S. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Hardware realization of the robust time-frequency distributions,” Annales des Telecommunications, May 2013
  2. I. Orović, M. Orlandić, S. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “A Virtual Instrument for Time-Frequency Analysis of Signals with Highly Non-Stationary Instantaneous Frequency,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements, Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 791 - 803, March 2011
  3. B. Krstajić, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Combined Adaptive Filter with LMS Based Algorithms,” AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol.57, No.4, 2003, pp.295-299.
  4. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “An approach to variable step-size LMS algorithm,” IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 38, No. 16, Aug. 2002. pp.927-928
  5. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Modified Wigner bispectrum and its generalizations,” Circuts, Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.16, No.1, Jan.1997, pp.27-40.
  6. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “On the local frequency, group shift and cross terms in some multidimensional time-frequency distributions; A method for multidimensional time-frequency analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol-43, No.7, July 1995, pp.1719-1725.
  7. J. Medanić, and Z. Uskoković, “Design of Coupled Decentralized regulators,” International Journal of Control, Apr.1988.
  8. J. Medanić, and Z. Uskoković, “Design of Optimal Output Regulators for Linear Multivariable Systems with Constant Disturbances,” International Journal of Control, Vol.37, 1983, pp.809-830.
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Other International, Regional, and National Journals

  1. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, M. Božović, and Z. Uskoković, “Enhancing performance of the space/spatial-frequency optimal filter based on the pipelining technique application,” Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, vol.26, no.2, August 2013, pp.87–98.
  2. B. Krstajić, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Combined Adaptive Algorithm Based on the LMS and its Modifications,” Tehnika, Belgrade, No.6 2001, E1-E8
  3. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “Comparative analysis of the performance of new algorithms with LMS adaptive algorithm,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, Nov.1999, pp.36-44.
  4. LJ. Stanković, Z. Uskoković, S. Stanković, and Z. Petrović, “Time-frequency signal analysis,” Tehnika, Belgrade, No.1, Jan.1995, pp.E1-E8.
  5. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Modified Wigner Higher Order Spectra,” ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.5, No.1, 1995, pp.36-47.
  6. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “A method for time-frequency image analysis,” Acta Universitatis, journal of the University in Nis, Dec.1995, pp.225-234.
  7. Z. Uskoković, “Parametrizacija Decentralizovanih Dinamickih Regulatora u Frekventnom Domenu,” Glasnik Elektrotehnickog Fakulteta u Podgorici, tom.3, br.4, Mar.1993, str.49-58.
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National Books

  1. Z. Uskoković, LJ. Stanković, and I. Djurović, Matlab for Windows. textbook, Univerzitet Crne Gore, Podgorica 1998.
  2. I. Djurović, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, MATLAB 4. Skripta, ETF, Podgorica 1996
  3. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, Time-frequency Signal Analysis. Research monograph, Epsilon i Montenegropublic, Podgorica, 1994.
  4. LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, PC MATLAB sa elementima DOS-a. textbook, Epsilon, Titograd, 1991.
  5. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, Parametrization of Decentralized Controllers for State Space and Frequency Domain Design. Technical report # UILU-ENG-87-3026, University of Illinois, General Engineering Department, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, Dec.1987.
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International Conferences

  1. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, S. Jovanovski, and Z. Uskoković, “Local Frequency Estimation-based Space/Spatial-Frequency Optimal Filter Developed in the RTL Design Methodology versus the Corresponding GPU-based Implementations,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2015), Budva, Montenegro, June 14–18, 2015, pp. 174-177.
  2. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, S. Jovanovski, and Z. Uskoković, “Possibility of the Pipelining Technique Application in a Space/Spatial-Frequency Filter Implementation Based on the Local Frequency Estimation,” XXXV IEEE International Scientific Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO 2015), Kyiv, Ukraine, Apr. 21–24, 2015, 492-497.
  3. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, N. Radović, and Z. Uskoković, “Signal Adaptive Hardware Implementation of a Smart System for Time-Frequency Signal Analysis,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2014), Budva, Montenegro, June 15–19, 2014, pp. 72-76.
  4. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, M. Božović, and Z. Uskoković, “Improved design of a space/spatial-frequency filter,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2013), Budva, Montenegro, June 15–20, 2013, pp.132-135.
  5. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, N. Radović, and Z. Uskoković, “Real-time implementation of the optimal two-dimensional filter for highly nonstationary frequency-modulated signal estimation,” XXXIII IEEE International Scientific Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO 2013), Kyiv, Ukraine, Apr.16–19, 2013, vol. 1, pp. 440–444.
  6. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and Z. Uskoković, “On the Sliding Matrix Function Based Wiener Filter for Highly Nonstationary Two-Dimensional FM Signal Estimation,” IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2012), Bar, Montenegro, June 11–14, 2012, pp.120-123.
  7. B. Krstajić, D. Ojdanić, A. Vučinić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “An approach to transform domain variable step-size LMS adaptive filter,” EUSIPCO 2004, Vienna, Septembar 2004.
  8. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “An approach to Optimal step-size estimation for LMS algorithm,” REDISCOVER 2004, Conference proceed., pp. 37 - 40, Cavtat, Jun 2004.
  9. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “Adaptive channel equalizer with new VSS LMS algorithm,” in Proc. of ISSPA, Paris, July 2003
  10. B. Krstajić, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “A Variable Step-Size LMS Algorithm,” WSEAS International Multiconference, Skiathos Island, Greece, Sept. 2002.
  11. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “Adaptive noise cancelling with new VS LMS algorithm,” IFAC Workshop: Automatic Systems for BIDC, Ohrid, Macedonia, 21-23 June, 2001.
  12. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “Identification of unknown systems with varying parameters in a noisy environment with a new VS LMS algorithm,” Proc. of the 9th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2001.
  13. B. Krstajić, LJ. Stanković, Z. Uskoković, and I. Djurović, “Combined adaptive system for identification of unknown systems with varying parameters in a noisy enviroment,” in Proc. IEEE ICECS'99, Cyprus, Vol.2, Sep.99, pp.745-748.
  14. Z. Uskoković, R. Dragović-Ivanović, and LJ. Stanković, “The precise D/A converter with low precision resistors,” in Proceedings of IMEKO TC-4 International Symposium on DDMI'98 and Workshop on ADC modelling and Testing, Italy, Napoli, 1998.
  15. V. N. Ivanović, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Quantization effects in implementation of distributions from the Cohen class,” EUSIPCO'98, Rhodos, Greece, Sep.1998, pp.649-652.
  16. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “GLMS Adaptive Algorithm In Linear Prediction,” CCECE' 97, Conference proceedings, vol. I, pp. 114-117, St. John's, NF CANADA, 1997.
  17. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “S-method with variable convolution window,” IEEE Sypm. on TFTSA, Paris, June 1996, pp.185-188.
  18. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, Z. Uskoković, and D. Petranović, “On The Auto-terms in the Reduced Interference Distributions,” Proc. of the Twenty-nineth Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, 1995.
  19. LJ. Stanković, Z. Uskoković, S. Stanković, D. Petranović, and Z. Petrović, “The L-Wigner distribution as a tool for robust time-frequency signal analysis,” Proc. of the Twenty-eight Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, pp, 345-350, 1994.
  20. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “A method for Wigner higher order spectra,” IEEE Sypm. on TFTSA, Philadelphia, Penn., Oct.1994, pp.56-59.
  21. S. Stanković, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “A method for multidimensional time-frequency analysis,” Proceedins of IEEE Eight Workshop on IMDSP, Cannes, France 1993., pp.154-155.
  22. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “A method for space-frequency image analysis,” Proc. of TELSIKS'93, Nis, pp.8.118-8.122.
  23. Z. Uskoković, J. Medanić, and M. Grisey, “On Decentralized Output Feedback Stabilization and Optimization,” Internat. AMSE Conf. on Modelling and Simulation, Cetinje, Yugoslavia, Sep.1990.
  24. J. Medanić, W. Perkins, R. Ramaker, F. Latuada, and Z. Uskoković, “Disturbance Rejection in Large-scale Systems Using Decentralized Projective Controls,” Proc. 11th World Congress of IFAC, Tallinn, Estonia (USSR), Aug.1990, Vol.2., pp.7-12.
  25. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, “Asymptotic Properties of Decentralized Dynamic Controllers Designed by Projective Controls,” Inter. AMSE Conf., Brighton, England, 1989.
  26. J. Medanić, W. Perkins, Z. Uskoković, and F. Latuada, “Design of Decentralized Projecyive Controlsfor Disturnabce Rejection,” Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, FL, Dec.1989.
  27. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, “Parametrization of Dynamic Projective Controllers for Frequency Domain Design,” Proc. International AMSE Conf. on Modelling and Simulation, Istanbul, Turkey, 1988, Vol.1B, pp.12-22.
  28. V. Vlahović, and Z. Uskoković, “Centralized Dynamic Control as an Instrument of Power System Security Assessment,” Proc. Internat. AMSE Conf. on Modelling and Simulation, Istanbul, Turkey, 1988, Vol.2D, pp.125-134.
  29. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, “Parametrization of Low-order Dynamic Regulators for Decentralized Control of Large-scale Systems,” INVITED PAPER, IEEE Control Systems Society Workshop on Current Issues in Decentralized and Distributed Control, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1987.
  30. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, “New Parametrization of Decentralized Dynamic Regulators Designed by Projective Controls,” 26th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Dec.1987.
  31. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, “Design of Decentralized Output Feedback Controllers Coupled via Available Local Measurements,” Proc. IASTED Conference on CAD and Applications, Paris, France, 1985.
  32. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, “Sequential Design of Decentralized Dynamic Regulators,” 24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Fort Lauderale, Florida, USA, Dec.1985.
  33. J. Medanić, Z. Uskoković, D. Petranović, and N. Gluhaić, “Projective Controls in the Design of Large-scale Systems,” INVITED PAPER, Pre-IFAC Meeting on Current Trends in Control, Cavtat, Yugoslavia, 1984.
  34. Z. Uskoković, and J. Medanić, “Design of Decentralized Controllers Incorporating Integral Action for Large Scale Systems,” Proc. 9th World Congress of IFAC, Budapest, Hungary, 1984, Vol.X, pp.208-213.
  35. J. Medanić, and Z. Uskoković, “Design of Decentralized Static and Low-order Dynamic Regulators for Large-scale Linear Systems,” Proc. 22nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Antonio, Texas, USA, Dec.1983.
  36. J. Medanić, and Z. Uskoković, “Computer Aided Design for Lage-scale Systems via Projective Controls,” International IASTED Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1983.
  37. J. Medanić, and Z. Uskoković, “Design of Optimal Output Feedback Controllers for Linera Multivariable Systems Subject to Step Disturbances,” Mediteranian Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON'1983, Athens, Greece, May 1983.
  38. Z. Uskoković, and J. Pralas, “On Experimental Identification of Some Parameters of Industrial Resistance Furnace for Thermal Treatment,” BIAS International Conference on Industrial Processes, Milano, Italy, 1981.
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Regional and National Conferences

  1. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, S. Jovanovski, and Z. Uskoković, “An improved procedure for the local frequency estimation of highlynonstationary two-dimensional FM signals,” XX konferencija IT 2015,, Žabljak, Crna Gora, Feb. 23–28.
  2. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, M. Božović, and Z. Uskoković, “Principles of pipelining in the space/spatial-frequency based filtering of two-dimensional highly nonstationary signals,” 57th IEEE ETRAN Conference, Zlatibor, Serbia, June 3–6, 2013, pp. EK1.1.1-6.
  3. V. N. Ivanović, S. Jovanovski, and Z. Uskoković, “Pipelining Technique Application in the Time- Frequency Filter Implementation,” 57th IEEE ETRAN Conference, Zlatibor, Serbia, June 3–6, 2013, pp.EK1.2.1-6.
  4. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, M. Božović, and Z. Uskoković, “Implementation of the local frequency estimator of the nonstationary multidimensional FM signals,” IT2013 Conference, Žabljak, Feb. 25–Mar.01, 2013
  5. V. N. Ivanović, N. Radović, and Z. Uskoković, “Two-dimensional optimal nonstationary estimating system based on the sliding-matrix function,” 56th IEEE ETRAN Conference, Zlatibor, Serbia, June 11–14, 2012, pp.EK2.6.1-4.
  6. B. Krstajić, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Adaptivni izjednačavač kanala sa novim VSS LMS algoritmom,” XLVII Konferencija ETRAN, Sv. I, str. 213-216, Herceg Novi, 2003.
  7. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “Kombinovani SA adaptivni filter,” Proceedings of the IT'02 Conference, Zabljak 2002, pp.181-184.
  8. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “Adaptive equalizer with zero-noise constrained LMS algorithm,” International conference ICEST 2002, Nis, 2002.
  9. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and LJ. Stanković, “System Identification with Tandem SA Adaptive Filter,” InfoTeh Proceedings, Jahorina, 2002. pp.105 - 108.
  10. B. Krstajić, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Estimacija optimalne vrijednosti koraka LMS algoritma,” XLV Konferencija ETRAN, Sv. I, str. 205-209, Bukovicka Banja, 2001.
  11. B. Krstajić, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Modifikovani VS LMS algoritam u identifikaciji nepoznatog sistema sa promenljivim parametrima u zašumljenoj sredini,” Proc. of 44. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Soko Banja, 2000.
  12. M. Daković, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Energetska mjera koncentracije vremensko-frekvencijskih reprezentacija,” IT MM, Žabljak, 2000
  13. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “Analiza uticaja gradijentnog suma kod GLMS adaptivnog algoritma,” Proceedings of the IT'99 Conference, Zabljak 1999, pp.344-347.
  14. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “Identifikacija visih harmonika pomocu modifikovanog CLMS adaptivnog analizatora spektra,” Proc. of 42. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Vrnjacka Banja 1998, pp.I.287-I.290.
  15. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “Parametarska identifikacija nepoznatog sistema pomocu dual SIGN LMS algoritma,” Proceedings of the IT'98 Conference, Zabljak 1998, pp.I.139-I.141.
  16. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “GLMS adaptivni algoritam u identifikaciji nepoznatog sistema,” Proceedings of the IT'97 Conference, Zabljak 1997, pp.I.78-I.81.
  17. Z. Uskoković, LJ. Stanković, and R. Dragović-Ivanović, “R/2R+ digitalno analogni konvertor - eksperimentalni rezulati,” Proceedings of the IT'96 Conference, Zabljak 1996, pp.II.45-II.50.
  18. V. N. Ivanović, LJ. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “Uticaj registara konacne duzine na vremensko-frekvencijsku analizu signala,” Proc. of 40. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Budva 1996, pp. 346-349
  19. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “GLMS adaptivni algoritam,” Proc. of 40. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Budva 1996, pp.I.437-I.440.
  20. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “Adaptivni algoritmi za spektralnu analizu slučajnih signala,” Informacione Tehnologije '96, Zabljak, 1996.
  21. B. Krstajić, Z. Uskoković, and M. Radonjić, “Primjena Adaptivnog Algoritma za Identifikaciju Sistema,” Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM'94, Budva 1995
  22. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “Stabilnost LMS Adaptivnog Algoritma,” Kongres matematicara Jugoslavije, Petrovac n.m 1995
  23. B. Krstajić, and Z. Uskoković, “Primjena LMS i VS Adaptivnih algoritama za otklanjanje smetnji,” Proc. of 39. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1995.
  24. Z. Uskoković, S. Stanković, and D. Karadaglić, “Wignerov Bispektar u Analizi Multikomponentnih Signala,” Proc. of 39. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Zlatibor 1995, pp.222-225.
  25. I. Djurović, LJ. Stanković, Z. Uskoković, and S. Stanković, “Kompjuterska simulacija haotičnih fazi logickih izraza,” I konferencija YU INFO, Kopaonik 1995
  26. LJ. Stanković, Z. Uskoković, and S. Stanković, “The instantaneous frequency representation by the Wavelet transforms,” Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM'94, Budva 1994, pp.63-68.
  27. B. Krstajić, M. Radonjić, Z. Uskoković, and D. Raonić, “The OFT Method for Identification of Nonparametric Models,” Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM'94, Budva 1994
  28. LJ. Stanković, Z. Uskoković, and S. Stanković, “Robust time-frequency analysis using L-Wigner distribution,” Proc. of 38. Yugoslav Conference of ETRAN, Niš 1994, pp.I.351-I.356.
  29. LJ. Stanković, S. Stanković, and Z. Uskoković, “On the cross terms in time-frequency and wavelet distributions,” Proc. of 37. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Beograd 1993, pp.I.23-I.28.
  30. Z. Uskoković, J. Medanić, R. Ramaker, and F. Latuada, “Projektovanje decentralizovanih dinamickih regulatora za otklanjanje poremecaja,” Proc. of 37. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Beograd 1993
  31. Z. Uskoković, J. Medanić, and M. Grisey, “Interaktivno projektovanje decentralizovanih dinamickih regulatora,” Proc. of 37. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Beograd 1993
  32. B. Novaković, and Z. Uskoković, “A Steam-Overheater Control synthesis by Projective Controls,” Proc. of 30. Yugoslav Conference of ETAN, Herceg Novi 1986
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Projects and other Publications

  1. Z. Uskoković, “Generalized time-frequency distributions: Applications in multimedia systems and hardware realizations,” , Member of the project team suppurted by Montenegrin Ministry of Education and Science, 2009-2011
  2. Z. Uskoković, “Curriculum Development of Graduate Studies in Applied Computer Engineering and Internationalization of FEE Graduate Studies,” , Tempus project, Member of the Montenegin team, 2006-2009
  3. Z. Uskoković, and et.al, “Projektovanje dinamickih regulatora optimizacijom u odnosu na Frobenius-Henkelovu normu,” report for National Science Foundation (NSF) of Montenegro, Titograd, Jan.1992.
  4. Z. Uskoković, and et.al, “Security Analysis and Optimal Controlof Power systems,” report for National Science Foundation (NSF) of Montenegro, Yugoslavia, 1987(in Serbo-Croation).
  5. Z. Uskoković, and et.al, “Design of SuboptimalLow-order Dynamic Regulators for Linear Control Systems,” report for National Science Foundation (NSF) of Montenegro, Yugoslavia, 1983 (in Sebo-Croation).
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  1. Z. Uskoković, “Sinteza dinamickih regulatora za upravljanje slozenim sistemima sa decentralizovanom upravljackom i informacionom strukturom,” Ph.D. Thesis, University of Montenegro, Electrical Engineering Department, 1983.
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